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## a lightweight, dependable, cross-platform accounting program hledger is a computer program for easily tracking money, time, or other commodities, on unix, mac and windows. With simple yet powerful functionality accessed from command line or web browser, it is a reliable, lightweight alternative to Quicken or GnuCash. I use it for: - tracking spending and income - seeing time reports by day/week/month/project - getting accurate numbers for client billing and tax filing - tracking invoices - building financial and time clarity and serenity
### Free software hledger is available under the GNU GPLv3+, which helps ensure that it will remain free and available for as long as you need it. It has been developed as a community project by [Simon Michael](http://joyful.com) and [contributors](contributors.html) since 2007. [![license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-GPLv3+-brightgreen.svg)](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)
### inspired by Ledger hledger was inspired by and maintains substantial compatibility with [Ledger](faq.html#hledger-and-ledger), and is part of the enthusiastic and supportive "*ledger" community.
### a command-line tool, that respects your data hledger is first a command-line tool. It follows Ledger's philosophy: your data lives in a simple, safe, plain text file which you can edit any way you wish; hledger reads that file and produces reports of various kinds, without changing your data. (It can help you add new transactions, but does not change existing ones.)
### and a curses UI hledger also provides a curses-style [console interface](manual#ui) that lets you review account balances and transactions with fewer keystrokes and less effort.
### and a web UI hledger comes with a built-in web server providing an alternate [browser-based interface](manual.html#web) ([demo](http://demo.hledger.org)), for assisted data entry and point and click reporting. The web and command-line/curses interfaces can be used simultaneously.
### a Haskell application and library hledger is written in Haskell, a modern and highly-regarded programming language which contributes to hledger's robustness, performance and long-term maintainability. Most functionality is exposed as reusable Haskell [libraries](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hledger-lib), making it easy to write your own hledger-compatible [scripts](more-docs.html#scripting-examples), [add-ons](manual.html#add-ons) and applications.   [![build status (travis)](https://travis-ci.org/simonmichael/hledger.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/simonmichael/hledger)
### documented Complete, accurate documentation is always a top priority.
### comfortable for techies, usable by all hledger aims to be useful to both computer experts and regular folks. Currently it is a bit more suited to power users, who appreciate the power of text files, revision control, scriptability and double entry accounting. The web interface helps make it accessible to GUI-only folk as well.
### focussed on serving the user hledger strives to be usable, practical and to provide real-world value. I've been depending on it and improving it since 2007. I needed a tool like this badly, and I want to keep it growing and helping others gain financial clarity and control. If you feel the same way, join us!
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