# Roadmap / Wishlist Ideas about where the hledger project should be going next, as of 2019q4. Discussion welcome. ## Targets Dated targets we are aiming for: - **hledger 1.17, 2020-03-01** - field matching in CSV rules - reduce install hassles with terminfo C lib (?) - more import/export options - simple console charts - refreshed home page, faq, tutorials, manuals ### Archive - hledger 1.16, 2019-12-01 - ghc 8.8 support, more powerful CSV conversion, updated home page, faq, manuals, reduce install hassles with terminfo C lib ---- ## Priorities Current priorities for the project, grouped under four overarching themes:
### Documentation Improving the docs.

- home & faq - manuals (more discoverability on web) - contrib guide (include readmes, update) - cookbook docs (survey, plan, update)
### "Effectiveness" Improving approachability, just-works quality, practicality, real-world usefulness. - ghc 8.8, stackage nightly - install issues (C libs..) - more powerful CSV conversion - fill out holes in feature matrix
### Charts Adding charts and more visual appeal.

- console charts, basic bar charts - clarify architecture/UI for charts - graphical charts using Chart and/or Vega - review/design/add more attractive default output (see taskwarrior)
### Investment Improving suitability for investment tracking. [#1015](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/1015) - easy price fetching - lots - capital gains - ?
---- ## Wishlist A few high-level maintainer wishes, by topic. Discussing/moving any of these forward is a big help. ### Docs - build the contributor/dev guide from CONTRIBUTING.md plus the READMEs; clean up - move general PTA docs to plaintextaccounting.org - clarify web manuals' structure/TOC - refresh/integrate home page & faq - new tutorial(s) ---- ## Milestones Some project achievements to unlock, for fun: - **1.0 release** - **packaged in major distros, binaries available** - **pretty good reference docs** - 100 committers - 1k github stars - among top 50 starred haskell projects on github - discussed on Hacker News - match ledger IRC channel size - **mentioned in "what good Haskell software exists" discussions** - among top 40 starred haskell projects on github - multiple people providing support - **pretty good tutorial docs** - **pretty good cookbook docs** - 100 IRC chatters - 2k github stars - in top 30 github starred haskell projects - **match ledger speed** - match ledger committers - 200 committers - [best in class for investment tracking](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/1015) - 2.0 release - in top 20 github starred haskell projects - match ledger stars - match beancount mail list - match ledger mail list - in top 10 github starred haskell projects