{- hlint configuration for hledger https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint#readme https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint/issues/256 Examples: ignore "Eta reduce" = "" - suppress all eta reduction suggestions. ignore "Eta reduce" = Data.List Prelude - suppress eta reduction hints in the Prelude and Data.List modules. ignore = Data.List.map - don't give any hints in the function Data.List.map. error = Data.List.map - any hint in the function is an error. error "Use concatMap" = "" - the hint to use concatMap is an error. warn "Use concatMap" = "" - the hint to use concatMap is a warning. -} {-# PackageImports #-} import "hlint" HLint.Builtin.All -- import "hlint" HLint.Default ignore "Use camelCase" = "" ignore "Redundant do" = ""