module Tests where import qualified Data.Map as Map import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Test.HUnit import Ledger import Utils import Options import BalanceCommand import PrintCommand import RegisterCommand -- import Test.QuickCheck -- quickcheck = mapM quickCheck ([ -- ] :: [Bool]) runtests = runTestTT alltests alltests = concattests [ tests ,accounttests ,accountnametests ,amounttests ,balancecommandtests ,currencytests ,entrytests ,ledgertests ,parsertests ,printcommandtests ,rawledgertests ,rawtransactiontests ,registercommandtests ,timelogtests ] where concattests = foldr (\(TestList as) (TestList bs) -> TestList (as ++ bs)) (TestList []) tests = TestList [ "display dollar amount" ~: show (dollars 1) ~?= "$1.00" ,"display time amount" ~: show (hours 1) ~?= "1.0h" ,"amount precision" ~: do let a1 = Amount (getcurrency "$") 1.23 1 let a2 = Amount (getcurrency "$") (-1.23) 2 let a3 = Amount (getcurrency "$") (-1.23) 3 assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") 0 1) (a1 + a2) assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") 0 1) (a1 + a3) assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 2) (a2 + a3) assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 3) (a3 + a3) -- sum adds 0, with Amount fromIntegral's default precision of 2 assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") 0 1) (sum [a1,a2]) assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 2) (sum [a2,a3]) assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 2) (sum [a3,a3]) ,"ledgertransaction" ~: do assertparseequal rawtransaction1 (parsewith ledgertransaction rawtransaction1_str) ,"ledgerentry" ~: do assertparseequal entry1 (parsewith ledgerentry entry1_str) ,"autofillEntry" ~: do assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-47.18) 2) (tamount $ last $ etransactions $ autofillEntry entry1) ,"punctuatethousands" ~: punctuatethousands "" @?= "" ,"punctuatethousands" ~: punctuatethousands "1234567.8901" @?= "1,234,567.8901" ,"punctuatethousands" ~: punctuatethousands "-100" @?= "-100" ,"expandAccountNames" ~: do assertequal ["assets","assets:cash","assets:checking","expenses","expenses:vacation"] (expandAccountNames ["assets:cash","assets:checking","expenses:vacation"]) ,"ledgerAccountNames" ~: do assertequal ["assets","assets:cash","assets:checking","assets:saving","equity","equity:opening balances", "expenses","expenses:food","expenses:food:dining","expenses:phone","expenses:vacation", "liabilities","liabilities:credit cards","liabilities:credit cards:discover"] (accountnames ledger7) ,"cacheLedger" ~: do assertequal 15 (length $ Map.keys $ accounts $ cacheLedger wildcard rawledger7 ) ,"showLedgerAccounts" ~: do assertequal 4 (length $ lines $ showLedgerAccountBalances ledger7 1) ,"ledgeramount" ~: do assertparseequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") 47.18 2) (parsewith ledgeramount " $47.18") assertparseequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") 1 0) (parsewith ledgeramount " $1.") ,"pruneBoringBranches" ~: do atree <- liftM (ledgerAccountTree 99) $ ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger" assertequal 13 (length $ flatten $ atree) assertequal 12 (length $ flatten $ pruneBoringBranches $ atree) ] balancecommandtests = TestList [ "simple balance report" ~: do l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger" assertequal " $-1 assets\n\ \ $2 expenses\n\ \ $-2 income\n\ \ $1 liabilities\n\ \" --" (balancereport [] [] l) , "balance report with showsubs" ~: do l <- ledgerfromfile "sample.ledger" assertequal " $-1 assets\n\ \ $-2 cash\n\ \ $1 saving\n\ \ $2 expenses\n\ \ $1 food\n\ \ $1 supplies\n\ \ $-2 income\n\ \ $-1 gifts\n\ \ $-1 salary\n\ \ $1 liabilities:debts\n\ \" --" (balancereport [ShowSubs] [] l) , "balance report with account pattern" ~: do rl <- rawledgerfromfile "sample.ledger" let l = cacheLedger (mkRegex "o") $ filterRawLedgerEntries "" "" wildcard rl assertequal " $1 expenses:food\n\ \ $-2 income\n\ \--------------------\n\ \ $-1\n\ \" --" (balancereport [] ["o"] l) , "balance report with account pattern and showsubs" ~: do rl <- rawledgerfromfile "sample.ledger" let l = cacheLedger (mkRegex "o") $ filterRawLedgerEntries "" "" wildcard rl assertequal " $1 expenses:food\n\ \ $-2 income\n\ \ $-1 gifts\n\ \ $-1 salary\n\ \--------------------\n\ \ $-1\n\ \" --" (balancereport [ShowSubs] ["o"] l) ] -- | Assert a parsed thing equals some expected thing, or print a parse error. assertparseequal :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> (Either ParseError a) -> Assertion assertparseequal expected parsed = either printParseError (assertequal expected) parsed -- test data rawtransaction1_str = " expenses:food:dining $10.00\n" rawtransaction1 = RawTransaction "expenses:food:dining" (dollars 10) "" entry1_str = "\ \2007/01/28 coopportunity\n\ \ expenses:food:groceries $47.18\n\ \ assets:checking\n\ \\n" --" entry1 = (Entry "2007/01/28" False "" "coopportunity" "" [RawTransaction "expenses:food:groceries" (Amount (getcurrency "$") 47.18 2) "", RawTransaction "assets:checking" (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-47.18) 2) ""] "") entry2_str = "\ \2007/01/27 * joes diner\n\ \ expenses:food:dining $10.00\n\ \ expenses:gifts $10.00\n\ \ assets:checking $-20.00\n\ \\n" --" entry3_str = "\ \2007/01/01 * opening balance\n\ \ assets:cash $4.82\n\ \ equity:opening balances\n\ \\n\ \2007/01/01 * opening balance\n\ \ assets:cash $4.82\n\ \ equity:opening balances\n\ \\n\ \2007/01/28 coopportunity\n\ \ expenses:food:groceries $47.18\n\ \ assets:checking\n\ \\n" --" periodic_entry1_str = "\ \~ monthly from 2007/2/2\n\ \ assets:saving $200.00\n\ \ assets:checking\n\ \\n" --" periodic_entry2_str = "\ \~ monthly from 2007/2/2\n\ \ assets:saving $200.00 ;auto savings\n\ \ assets:checking\n\ \\n" --" periodic_entry3_str = "\ \~ monthly from 2007/01/01\n\ \ assets:cash $4.82\n\ \ equity:opening balances\n\ \\n\ \~ monthly from 2007/01/01\n\ \ assets:cash $4.82\n\ \ equity:opening balances\n\ \\n" --" ledger1_str = "\ \\n\ \2007/01/27 * joes diner\n\ \ expenses:food:dining $10.00\n\ \ expenses:gifts $10.00\n\ \ assets:checking $-20.00\n\ \\n\ \\n\ \2007/01/28 coopportunity\n\ \ expenses:food:groceries $47.18\n\ \ assets:checking $-47.18\n\ \\n\ \" --" ledger2_str = "\ \;comment\n\ \2007/01/27 * joes diner\n\ \ expenses:food:dining $10.00\n\ \ assets:checking $-47.18\n\ \\n" --" ledger3_str = "\ \2007/01/27 * joes diner\n\ \ expenses:food:dining $10.00\n\ \;intra-entry comment\n\ \ assets:checking $-47.18\n\ \\n" --" ledger4_str = "\ \!include \"somefile\"\n\ \2007/01/27 * joes diner\n\ \ expenses:food:dining $10.00\n\ \ assets:checking $-47.18\n\ \\n" --" ledger5_str = "" ledger6_str = "\ \~ monthly from 2007/1/21\n\ \ expenses:entertainment $16.23 ;netflix\n\ \ assets:checking\n\ \\n\ \; 2007/01/01 * opening balance\n\ \; assets:saving $200.04\n\ \; equity:opening balances \n\ \\n" --" ledger7_str = "\ \2007/01/01 * opening balance\n\ \ assets:cash $4.82\n\ \ equity:opening balances \n\ \\n\ \2007/01/01 * opening balance\n\ \ income:interest $-4.82\n\ \ equity:opening balances \n\ \\n\ \2007/01/02 * ayres suites\n\ \ expenses:vacation $179.92\n\ \ assets:checking \n\ \\n\ \2007/01/02 * auto transfer to savings\n\ \ assets:saving $200.00\n\ \ assets:checking \n\ \\n\ \2007/01/03 * poquito mas\n\ \ expenses:food:dining $4.82\n\ \ assets:cash \n\ \\n\ \2007/01/03 * verizon\n\ \ expenses:phone $95.11\n\ \ assets:checking \n\ \\n\ \2007/01/03 * discover\n\ \ liabilities:credit cards:discover $80.00\n\ \ assets:checking \n\ \\n\ \2007/01/04 * blue cross\n\ \ expenses:health:insurance $90.00\n\ \ assets:checking \n\ \\n\ \2007/01/05 * village market liquor\n\ \ expenses:food:dining $6.48\n\ \ assets:checking \n\ \\n" --" rawledger7 = RawLedger [] [] [ Entry { edate="2007/01/01", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="opening balance", ecomment="", etransactions=[ RawTransaction { taccount="assets:cash", tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=4.82, precision=2}, tcomment="" }, RawTransaction { taccount="equity:opening balances", tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-4.82), precision=2}, tcomment="" } ], epreceding_comment_lines="" } , Entry { edate="2007/02/01", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="ayres suites", ecomment="", etransactions=[ RawTransaction { taccount="expenses:vacation", tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=179.92, precision=2}, tcomment="" }, RawTransaction { taccount="assets:checking", tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-179.92), precision=2}, tcomment="" } ], epreceding_comment_lines="" } , Entry { edate="2007/01/02", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="auto transfer to savings", ecomment="", etransactions=[ RawTransaction { taccount="assets:saving", tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=200, precision=2}, tcomment="" }, RawTransaction { taccount="assets:checking", tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-200), precision=2}, tcomment="" } ], epreceding_comment_lines="" } , Entry { edate="2007/01/03", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="poquito mas", ecomment="", etransactions=[ RawTransaction { taccount="expenses:food:dining", tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=4.82, precision=2}, tcomment="" }, RawTransaction { taccount="assets:cash", tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-4.82), precision=2}, tcomment="" } ], epreceding_comment_lines="" } , Entry { edate="2007/01/03", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="verizon", ecomment="", etransactions=[ RawTransaction { taccount="expenses:phone", tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=95.11, precision=2}, tcomment="" }, RawTransaction { taccount="assets:checking", tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-95.11), precision=2}, tcomment="" } ], epreceding_comment_lines="" } , Entry { edate="2007/01/03", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="discover", ecomment="", etransactions=[ RawTransaction { taccount="liabilities:credit cards:discover", tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=80, precision=2}, tcomment="" }, RawTransaction { taccount="assets:checking", tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-80), precision=2}, tcomment="" } ], epreceding_comment_lines="" } ] "" ledger7 = cacheLedger wildcard rawledger7 timelogentry1_str = "i 2007/03/11 16:19:00 hledger\n" timelogentry1 = TimeLogEntry 'i' "2007/03/11 16:19:00" "hledger" timelogentry2_str = "o 2007/03/11 16:30:00\n" timelogentry2 = TimeLogEntry 'o' "2007/03/11 16:30:00" "" timelog1_str = concat [ timelogentry1_str, timelogentry2_str ] timelog1 = TimeLog [ timelogentry1, timelogentry2 ]