# hledger csv conversion rules for sample.csv # skip the headings line: skip 1 # use the first three CSV fields for hledger's transaction date, description and amount: fields date, description, amount # specify the date field's format - not needed here since date is Y/M/D # date-format %-d/%-m/%Y # date-format %-m/%-d/%Y # date-format %Y-%h-%d # since the CSV amounts have no currency symbol, add one: currency $ # set the base account that this CSV file corresponds to account1 assets:bank:checking # set account2 to this: # account2 Revenues:Misc # change it to Expenses:Misc if the csv "amount" field contains a minus sign: # if %amount - # account2 Expenses:Misc # override it with more specific rules below... # the other account will default to expenses:unknown or income:unknown; # we can optionally refine it by matching patterns in the CSV record: if (TO|FROM) SAVINGS account2 assets:bank:savings if WHOLE FOODS account2 expenses:food