{-| A 'Journal' is a set of 'Transaction's and related data, usually parsed from a hledger/ledger journal file or timelog. -} module Hledger.Data.Journal where import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map (findWithDefault, (!)) import System.Time (ClockTime(TOD)) import Hledger.Data.Utils import Hledger.Data.Types import Hledger.Data.AccountName import Hledger.Data.Amount import Hledger.Data.Transaction (ledgerTransactionWithDate) import Hledger.Data.Posting import Hledger.Data.TimeLog instance Show Journal where show j = printf "Journal with %d transactions, %d accounts: %s" (length (jtxns j) + length (jmodifiertxns j) + length (jperiodictxns j)) (length accounts) (show accounts) -- ++ (show $ journalTransactions l) where accounts = flatten $ journalAccountNameTree j nulljournal :: Journal nulljournal = Journal { jmodifiertxns = [] , jperiodictxns = [] , jtxns = [] , open_timelog_entries = [] , historical_prices = [] , final_comment_lines = [] , filepath = "" , filereadtime = TOD 0 0 , jtext = "" } addTransaction :: Transaction -> Journal -> Journal addTransaction t l0 = l0 { jtxns = t : jtxns l0 } addModifierTransaction :: ModifierTransaction -> Journal -> Journal addModifierTransaction mt l0 = l0 { jmodifiertxns = mt : jmodifiertxns l0 } addPeriodicTransaction :: PeriodicTransaction -> Journal -> Journal addPeriodicTransaction pt l0 = l0 { jperiodictxns = pt : jperiodictxns l0 } addHistoricalPrice :: HistoricalPrice -> Journal -> Journal addHistoricalPrice h l0 = l0 { historical_prices = h : historical_prices l0 } addTimeLogEntry :: TimeLogEntry -> Journal -> Journal addTimeLogEntry tle l0 = l0 { open_timelog_entries = tle : open_timelog_entries l0 } journalPostings :: Journal -> [Posting] journalPostings = concatMap tpostings . jtxns journalAccountNamesUsed :: Journal -> [AccountName] journalAccountNamesUsed = accountNamesFromPostings . journalPostings journalAccountNames :: Journal -> [AccountName] journalAccountNames = sort . expandAccountNames . journalAccountNamesUsed journalAccountNameTree :: Journal -> Tree AccountName journalAccountNameTree = accountNameTreeFrom . journalAccountNames -- Various kinds of filtering on journals. We do it differently depending -- on the command. -- | Keep only transactions we are interested in, as described by -- the filter specification. May also massage the data a little. filterJournalTransactions :: FilterSpec -> Journal -> Journal filterJournalTransactions FilterSpec{datespan=datespan ,cleared=cleared -- ,real=real -- ,empty=empty -- ,costbasis=_ ,acctpats=apats ,descpats=dpats ,whichdate=whichdate ,depth=depth } = filterJournalTransactionsByClearedStatus cleared . filterJournalPostingsByDepth depth . filterJournalTransactionsByAccount apats . filterJournalTransactionsByDescription dpats . filterJournalTransactionsByDate datespan . journalSelectingDate whichdate -- | Keep only postings we are interested in, as described by -- the filter specification. May also massage the data a little. -- This can leave unbalanced transactions. filterJournalPostings :: FilterSpec -> Journal -> Journal filterJournalPostings FilterSpec{datespan=datespan ,cleared=cleared ,real=real ,empty=empty -- ,costbasis=costbasis ,acctpats=apats ,descpats=dpats ,whichdate=whichdate ,depth=depth } = filterJournalPostingsByRealness real . filterJournalPostingsByClearedStatus cleared . filterJournalPostingsByEmpty empty . filterJournalPostingsByDepth depth . filterJournalPostingsByAccount apats . filterJournalTransactionsByDescription dpats . filterJournalTransactionsByDate datespan . journalSelectingDate whichdate -- | Keep only ledger transactions whose description matches the description patterns. filterJournalTransactionsByDescription :: [String] -> Journal -> Journal filterJournalTransactionsByDescription pats j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=filter matchdesc ts} where matchdesc = matchpats pats . tdescription -- | Keep only ledger transactions which fall between begin and end dates. -- We include transactions on the begin date and exclude transactions on the end -- date, like ledger. An empty date string means no restriction. filterJournalTransactionsByDate :: DateSpan -> Journal -> Journal filterJournalTransactionsByDate (DateSpan begin end) j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=filter match ts} where match t = maybe True (tdate t>=) begin && maybe True (tdate t<) end -- | Keep only ledger transactions which have the requested -- cleared/uncleared status, if there is one. filterJournalTransactionsByClearedStatus :: Maybe Bool -> Journal -> Journal filterJournalTransactionsByClearedStatus Nothing j = j filterJournalTransactionsByClearedStatus (Just val) j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=filter match ts} where match = (==val).tstatus -- | Keep only postings which have the requested cleared/uncleared status, -- if there is one. filterJournalPostingsByClearedStatus :: Maybe Bool -> Journal -> Journal filterJournalPostingsByClearedStatus Nothing j = j filterJournalPostingsByClearedStatus (Just c) j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map filterpostings ts} where filterpostings t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=filter ((==c) . postingCleared) ps} -- | Strip out any virtual postings, if the flag is true, otherwise do -- no filtering. filterJournalPostingsByRealness :: Bool -> Journal -> Journal filterJournalPostingsByRealness False l = l filterJournalPostingsByRealness True j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map filterpostings ts} where filterpostings t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=filter isReal ps} -- | Strip out any postings with zero amount, unless the flag is true. filterJournalPostingsByEmpty :: Bool -> Journal -> Journal filterJournalPostingsByEmpty True l = l filterJournalPostingsByEmpty False j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map filterpostings ts} where filterpostings t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=filter (not . isEmptyPosting) ps} -- | Keep only transactions which affect accounts deeper than the specified depth. filterJournalTransactionsByDepth :: Maybe Int -> Journal -> Journal filterJournalTransactionsByDepth Nothing j = j filterJournalTransactionsByDepth (Just d) j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=(filter (any ((<= d+1) . accountNameLevel . paccount) . tpostings) ts)} -- | Strip out any postings to accounts deeper than the specified depth -- (and any ledger transactions which have no postings as a result). filterJournalPostingsByDepth :: Maybe Int -> Journal -> Journal filterJournalPostingsByDepth Nothing j = j filterJournalPostingsByDepth (Just d) j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=filter (not . null . tpostings) $ map filtertxns ts} where filtertxns t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=filter ((<= d) . accountNameLevel . paccount) ps} -- | Keep only transactions which affect accounts matched by the account patterns. filterJournalTransactionsByAccount :: [String] -> Journal -> Journal filterJournalTransactionsByAccount apats j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=filter match ts} where match = any (matchpats apats . paccount) . tpostings -- | Keep only postings which affect accounts matched by the account patterns. -- This can leave transactions unbalanced. filterJournalPostingsByAccount :: [String] -> Journal -> Journal filterJournalPostingsByAccount apats j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map filterpostings ts} where filterpostings t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=filter (matchpats apats . paccount) ps} -- | Convert this journal's transactions' primary date to either the -- actual or effective date. journalSelectingDate :: WhichDate -> Journal -> Journal journalSelectingDate ActualDate j = j journalSelectingDate EffectiveDate j = j{jtxns=map (ledgerTransactionWithDate EffectiveDate) $ jtxns j} -- | Do post-parse processing on a journal, to make it ready for use. journalFinalise :: ClockTime -> LocalTime -> FilePath -> String -> Journal -> Journal journalFinalise tclock tlocal path txt j = journalCanonicaliseAmounts $ journalApplyHistoricalPrices $ journalCloseTimeLogEntries tlocal j{filepath=path, filereadtime=tclock, jtext=txt} -- | Convert all the journal's amounts to their canonical display -- settings. Ie, all amounts in a given commodity will use (a) the -- display settings of the first, and (b) the greatest precision, of the -- amounts in that commodity. Prices are canonicalised as well, so consider -- calling journalApplyHistoricalPrices before this. journalCanonicaliseAmounts :: Journal -> Journal journalCanonicaliseAmounts j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map fixtransaction ts} where fixtransaction t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=map fixposting ps} fixposting p@Posting{pamount=a} = p{pamount=fixmixedamount a} fixmixedamount (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map fixamount as fixamount a@Amount{commodity=c,price=p} = a{commodity=fixcommodity c, price=maybe Nothing (Just . fixmixedamount) p} fixcommodity c@Commodity{symbol=s} = findWithDefault c s canonicalcommoditymap canonicalcommoditymap = journalCanonicalCommodities j -- | Apply this journal's historical price records to unpriced amounts where possible. journalApplyHistoricalPrices :: Journal -> Journal journalApplyHistoricalPrices j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map fixtransaction ts} where fixtransaction t@Transaction{tdate=d, tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=map fixposting ps} where fixposting p@Posting{pamount=a} = p{pamount=fixmixedamount a} fixmixedamount (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map fixamount as fixamount = fixprice fixprice a@Amount{price=Just _} = a fixprice a@Amount{commodity=c} = a{price=journalHistoricalPriceFor j d c} -- | Get the price for a commodity on the specified day from the price database, if known. -- Does only one lookup step, ie will not look up the price of a price. journalHistoricalPriceFor :: Journal -> Day -> Commodity -> Maybe MixedAmount journalHistoricalPriceFor j d Commodity{symbol=s} = do let ps = reverse $ filter ((<= d).hdate) $ filter ((s==).hsymbol) $ sortBy (comparing hdate) $ historical_prices j case ps of (HistoricalPrice{hamount=a}:_) -> Just a _ -> Nothing -- | Close any open timelog sessions in this journal using the provided current time. journalCloseTimeLogEntries :: LocalTime -> Journal -> Journal journalCloseTimeLogEntries now j@Journal{jtxns=ts, open_timelog_entries=es} = j{jtxns = ts ++ (timeLogEntriesToTransactions now es), open_timelog_entries = []} -- | Convert all this journal's amounts to cost by applying their prices, if any. journalConvertAmountsToCost :: Journal -> Journal journalConvertAmountsToCost j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = j{jtxns=map fixtransaction ts} where fixtransaction t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=map fixposting ps} fixposting p@Posting{pamount=a} = p{pamount=fixmixedamount a} fixmixedamount (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map fixamount as fixamount = costOfAmount -- | Get this journal's unique, display-preference-canonicalised commodities, by symbol. journalCanonicalCommodities :: Journal -> Map.Map String Commodity journalCanonicalCommodities j = Map.fromList [(s,firstc{precision=maxp}) | s <- commoditysymbols, let cs = commoditymap ! s, let firstc = head cs, let maxp = maximum $ map precision cs ] where commoditymap = Map.fromList [(s,commoditieswithsymbol s) | s <- commoditysymbols] commoditieswithsymbol s = filter ((s==) . symbol) commodities commoditysymbols = nub $ map symbol commodities commodities = journalAmountAndPriceCommodities j -- | Get all this journal's amounts' commodities, in the order parsed. journalAmountCommodities :: Journal -> [Commodity] journalAmountCommodities = map commodity . concatMap amounts . journalAmounts -- | Get all this journal's amount and price commodities, in the order parsed. journalAmountAndPriceCommodities :: Journal -> [Commodity] journalAmountAndPriceCommodities = concatMap amountCommodities . concatMap amounts . journalAmounts -- | Get this amount's commodity and any commodities referenced in its price. amountCommodities :: Amount -> [Commodity] amountCommodities Amount{commodity=c,price=Nothing} = [c] amountCommodities Amount{commodity=c,price=Just ma} = c:(concatMap amountCommodities $ amounts ma) -- | Get all this journal's amounts, in the order parsed. journalAmounts :: Journal -> [MixedAmount] journalAmounts = map pamount . journalPostings -- | The (fully specified) date span containing this journal's transactions, -- or DateSpan Nothing Nothing if there are none. journalDateSpan :: Journal -> DateSpan journalDateSpan j | null ts = DateSpan Nothing Nothing | otherwise = DateSpan (Just $ tdate $ head ts) (Just $ addDays 1 $ tdate $ last ts) where ts = sortBy (comparing tdate) $ jtxns j -- | Check if a set of ledger account/description patterns matches the -- given account name or entry description. Patterns are case-insensitive -- regular expression strings; those beginning with - are anti-patterns. matchpats :: [String] -> String -> Bool matchpats pats str = (null positives || any match positives) && (null negatives || not (any match negatives)) where (negatives,positives) = partition isnegativepat pats match "" = True match pat = containsRegex (abspat pat) str negateprefix = "not:" isnegativepat = (negateprefix `isPrefixOf`) abspat pat = if isnegativepat pat then drop (length negateprefix) pat else pat -- | Calculate the account tree and all account balances from a journal's -- postings, returning the results for efficient lookup. journalAccountInfo :: Journal -> (Tree AccountName, Map.Map AccountName Account) journalAccountInfo j = (ant, amap) where (ant, psof, _, inclbalof) = (groupPostings . journalPostings) j amap = Map.fromList [(a, acctinfo a) | a <- flatten ant] acctinfo a = Account a (psof a) (inclbalof a) -- | Given a list of postings, return an account name tree and three query -- functions that fetch postings, subaccount-excluding-balance and -- subaccount-including-balance by account name. groupPostings :: [Posting] -> (Tree AccountName, (AccountName -> [Posting]), (AccountName -> MixedAmount), (AccountName -> MixedAmount)) groupPostings ps = (ant, psof, exclbalof, inclbalof) where anames = sort $ nub $ map paccount ps ant = accountNameTreeFrom $ expandAccountNames anames allanames = flatten ant pmap = Map.union (postingsByAccount ps) (Map.fromList [(a,[]) | a <- allanames]) psof = (pmap !) balmap = Map.fromList $ flatten $ calculateBalances ant psof exclbalof = fst . (balmap !) inclbalof = snd . (balmap !) -- | Add subaccount-excluding and subaccount-including balances to a tree -- of account names somewhat efficiently, given a function that looks up -- transactions by account name. calculateBalances :: Tree AccountName -> (AccountName -> [Posting]) -> Tree (AccountName, (MixedAmount, MixedAmount)) calculateBalances ant psof = addbalances ant where addbalances (Node a subs) = Node (a,(bal,bal+subsbal)) subs' where bal = sumPostings $ psof a subsbal = sum $ map (snd . snd . root) subs' subs' = map addbalances subs -- | Convert a list of postings to a map from account name to that -- account's postings. postingsByAccount :: [Posting] -> Map.Map AccountName [Posting] postingsByAccount ps = m' where sortedps = sortBy (comparing paccount) ps groupedps = groupBy (\p1 p2 -> paccount p1 == paccount p2) sortedps m' = Map.fromList [(paccount $ head g, g) | g <- groupedps]