; A detailed forecast budget, defined with periodic transaction rules. ; all amount are imaginary and will be either 1000 or 100 or 10 ; monthly wages and monthy expenses (which get deducted as a single transaction per month) ~ every 1st day of month from 2017-01-01 income:work £-1000 liabilities:mortgage £100 expenses:bills £100 assets:current ; regular expenses that either occur once per week (groceries, car ; fuel), or could be expressed as a weekly total easier than a daily ; spending - like commute on weekdays (but not on weekends!) ~ weekly from 2017-01-02 expenses:travel:commute £10 expenses:food:groceries £10 expenses:car:fuel £10 expenses:misc £10 assets:current ; tax that is deducted quarterly in four installments ~ every 90 days from 2017-01-15 expenses:council tax £100 assets:current ; investment that pays out almost quartery, roughly on last day on quarter ~ every 90 days from 2017/03/30 income:investments £-1000 assets:current ; School-related expenses are collected every 2 month, but not when the school is out ~ every 60 days from 2017/01/01 to 2017/05/30 expenses:school £100 assets:current ~ every 60 days from 2017/08/01 to 2017/12/31 expenses:school £100 assets:current ; Big once-per-year expenses ~ every 15th Aug expenses:fun £100 ; birthday 1 assets:current ~ every 15th Sep expenses:fun £100 ; birthday 2 assets:current ~ every 25th Dec expenses:fun £100 ; Christmas and New Year assets:current ~ every 15th Feb expenses:fun £100 ; birthday 3 assets:current ~ every 1st Apr expenses:fun £100 ; birthday 4 assets:current ~ every 1st Jun expenses:car:insurance £100 assets:current ;; Events that happen once ~ 2017-01-29 income:work £-1234 ; bonus assets:current ~ 2017-01-20 expenses:tax office £100 ; capital gains tax assets:current ~ 2017-03-15 expenses:home:renovations £100 ; renovations 1 assets:current ~ 2017-05-15 expenses:home:renovations £100 ; renovations 2 assets:current 2017-01-01 expenses:misc £1 assets:current