#!/usr/bin/env stack {- stack runghc --verbosity info --package hledger-lib --package hledger --package here --package megaparsec --package text --package Diff -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, LambdaCase, DeriveTraversable, ViewPatterns, QuasiQuotes #-} import Control.Monad.Writer import Data.List (sortOn, foldl') import Data.String.Here import qualified Data.Text as T -- hledger lib, cli and cmdargs utils import Hledger.Cli hiding (outputflags) -- more utils for parsing -- #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) -- import Control.Applicative.Compat ((<*)) -- #endif import Text.Printf import Text.Megaparsec import qualified Data.Algorithm.Diff as D import Hledger.Data.AutoTransaction (runModifierTransaction) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cmdmode = hledgerCommandMode [here| rewrite Print all transactions, adding custom postings to the matched ones. FLAGS This is a start at a generic rewriter of transaction entries. It reads the default journal and prints the transactions, like print, but adds one or more specified postings to any transactions matching QUERY. The posting amounts can be fixed, or a multiplier of the existing transaction's first posting amount. Examples: ``` hledger-rewrite.hs ^income --add-posting '(liabilities:tax) *.33 ; income tax' --add-posting '(reserve:gifts) $100' hledger-rewrite.hs expenses:gifts --add-posting '(reserve:gifts) *-1"' hledger-rewrite.hs -f rewrites.hledger ``` rewrites.hledger may consist of entries like: ``` = ^income amt:<0 date:2017 (liabilities:tax) *0.33 ; tax on income (reserve:grocery) *0.25 ; reserve 25% for grocery (reserve:) *0.25 ; reserve 25% for grocery ``` Note the single quotes to protect the dollar sign from bash, and the two spaces between account and amount. More: ```shell $ hledger rewrite -- [QUERY] --add-posting "ACCT AMTEXPR" ... $ hledger rewrite -- ^income --add-posting '(liabilities:tax) *.33' $ hledger rewrite -- expenses:gifts --add-posting '(budget:gifts) *-1"' ``` Argument for `--add-posting` option is a usual posting of transaction with an exception for amount specification. More precisely you can use `'*'` (star symbol) in place of currency to indicate that that this is a factor for an amount of original matched posting. #### Re-write rules in a file During the run this tool will execute so called ["Automated Transactions"](http://ledger-cli.org/3.0/doc/ledger3.html#Automated-Transactions) found in any journal it process. I.e instead of specifying this operations in command line you can put them in a journal file. ```shell $ rewrite-rules.journal ``` Make contents look like this: ```journal = ^income (liabilities:tax) *.33 = expenses:gifts budget:gifts *-1 assets:budget *1 ``` Note that `'='` (equality symbol) that is used instead of date in transactions you usually write. It indicates the query by which you want to match the posting to add new ones. ```shell $ hledger rewrite -- -f input.journal -f rewrite-rules.journal > rewritten-tidy-output.journal ``` This is something similar to the commands pipeline: ```shell $ hledger rewrite -- -f input.journal '^income' --add-posting '(liabilities:tax) *.33' \ | hledger rewrite -- -f - expenses:gifts --add-posting 'budget:gifts *-1' \ --add-posting 'assets:budget *1' \ > rewritten-tidy-output.journal ``` It is important to understand that relative order of such entries in journal is important. You can re-use result of previously added postings. #### Diff output format To use this tool for batch modification of your journal files you may find useful output in form of unified diff. ```shell $ hledger rewrite -- --diff -f examples/sample.journal '^income' --add-posting '(liabilities:tax) *.33' ``` Output might look like: ```diff --- /tmp/examples/sample.journal +++ /tmp/examples/sample.journal @@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ 2008/01/01 income - assets:bank:checking $1 + assets:bank:checking $1 income:salary + (liabilities:tax) 0 @@ -22,3 +23,4 @@ 2008/06/01 gift - assets:bank:checking $1 + assets:bank:checking $1 income:gifts + (liabilities:tax) 0 ``` If you'll pass this through `patch` tool you'll get transactions containing the posting that matches your query be updated. Note that multiple files might be update according to list of input files specified via `--file` options and `include` directives inside of these files. Be careful. Whole transaction being re-formatted in a style of output from `hledger print`. See also: https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/99 |] [flagReq ["add-posting"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "add-posting" s opts) "'ACCT AMTEXPR'" "add a posting to ACCT, which may be parenthesised. AMTEXPR is either a literal amount, or *N which means the transaction's first matched amount multiplied by N (a decimal number). Two spaces separate ACCT and AMTEXPR." ,flagNone ["diff"] (setboolopt "diff") "generate diff suitable as an input for patch tool" ] [generalflagsgroup1] [] ([], Just $ argsFlag "[QUERY] --add-posting \"ACCT AMTEXPR\" ...") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- TODO regex matching and interpolating matched name in replacement -- TODO interpolating match groups in replacement -- TODO allow using this on unbalanced entries, eg to rewrite while editing main :: IO () main = do opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportopts_=ropts} <- getHledgerCliOpts cmdmode d <- getCurrentDay let q = queryFromOpts d ropts modifier <- modifierTransactionFromOpts rawopts withJournalDo opts $ \opts' j@Journal{jtxns=ts} -> do -- create re-writer let modifiers = modifier : jmodifiertxns j -- Note that some query matches require transaction. Thus modifiers -- pipeline should include txnTieKnot on every step. modifier' = foldr (flip (.) . fmap txnTieKnot . runModifierTransaction q) id modifiers -- rewrite matched transactions let j' = j{jtxns=map modifier' ts} -- run the print command, showing all transactions outputFromOpts rawopts opts'{reportopts_=ropts{query_=""}} j j' postingp' :: T.Text -> IO Posting postingp' t = runErroringJournalParser (postingp Nothing <* eof) t' >>= \case Left err -> fail err Right p -> return p where t' = " " <> t <> "\n" -- inject space and newline for proper parsing modifierTransactionFromOpts :: RawOpts -> IO ModifierTransaction modifierTransactionFromOpts opts = do postings <- mapM (postingp' . stripquotes . T.pack) $ listofstringopt "add-posting" opts return ModifierTransaction { mtvalueexpr = T.empty, mtpostings = postings } outputFromOpts :: RawOpts -> (CliOpts -> Journal -> Journal -> IO ()) outputFromOpts opts | boolopt "diff" opts = const diffOutput | otherwise = flip (const print') diffOutput :: Journal -> Journal -> IO () diffOutput j j' = do let changed = [(originalTransaction t, originalTransaction t') | (t, t') <- zip (jtxns j) (jtxns j'), t /= t'] putStr $ renderPatch $ map (uncurry $ diffTxn j) changed type Chunk = (GenericSourcePos, [DiffLine String]) -- | Render list of changed lines as a unified diff -- -- >>> putStr $ renderPatch [(GenericSourcePos "a" 1 1, [D.First "x", D.Second "y"])] -- --- a -- +++ a -- @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ -- -x -- +y -- >>> putStr $ renderPatch [(GenericSourcePos "a" 1 1, [D.Both "x" "x", D.Second "y"]), (GenericSourcePos "a" 5 1, [D.Second "z"])] -- --- a -- +++ a -- @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@ -- x -- +y -- @@ -5,0 +6,1 @@ -- +z -- >>> putStr $ renderPatch [(GenericSourcePos "a" 1 1, [D.Both "x" "x", D.Second "y"]), (GenericSourcePos "b" 5 1, [D.Second "z"])] -- --- a -- +++ a -- @@ -1,1 +1,2 @@ -- x -- +y -- --- b -- +++ b -- @@ -5,0 +5,1 @@ -- +z renderPatch :: [Chunk] -> String renderPatch = go Nothing . sortOn fst where go _ [] = "" go Nothing cs@((sourceFilePath -> fp, _):_) = fileHeader fp ++ go (Just (fp, 0)) cs go (Just (fp, _)) cs@((sourceFilePath -> fp', _):_) | fp /= fp' = go Nothing cs go (Just (fp, offs)) ((sourceFirstLine -> lineno, diffs):cs) = chunkHeader ++ chunk ++ go (Just (fp, offs + adds - dels)) cs where chunkHeader = printf "@@ -%d,%d +%d,%d @@\n" lineno dels (lineno+offs) adds where (dels, adds) = foldl' countDiff (0, 0) diffs chunk = concatMap renderLine diffs fileHeader fp = printf "--- %s\n+++ %s\n" fp fp countDiff (dels, adds) = \case Del _ -> (dels + 1, adds) Add _ -> (dels , adds + 1) Ctx _ -> (dels + 1, adds + 1) renderLine = \case Del s -> '-' : s ++ "\n" Add s -> '+' : s ++ "\n" Ctx s -> ' ' : s ++ "\n" diffTxn :: Journal -> Transaction -> Transaction -> Chunk diffTxn j t t' = case tsourcepos t of GenericSourcePos fp lineno _ -> (GenericSourcePos fp (lineno+1) 1, diffs) where -- TODO: use range and produce two chunks: one removes part of -- original file, other adds transaction to new file with -- suffix .ledger (generated). I.e. move transaction from one file to another. diffs :: [DiffLine String] diffs = concat . map (traverse showPostingLines . mapDiff) $ D.getDiff (tpostings t) (tpostings t') pos@(JournalSourcePos fp (line, line')) -> (pos, diffs) where -- We do diff for original lines vs generated ones. Often leads -- to big diff because of re-format effect. diffs :: [DiffLine String] diffs = map mapDiff $ D.getDiff source changed' source | Just contents <- lookup fp $ jfiles j = map T.unpack . drop (line-1) . take line' $ T.lines contents | otherwise = [] changed = lines $ showTransactionUnelided t' changed' | null changed = changed | null $ last changed = init changed | otherwise = changed data DiffLine a = Del a | Add a | Ctx a deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) mapDiff :: D.Diff a -> DiffLine a mapDiff = \case D.First x -> Del x D.Second x -> Add x D.Both x _ -> Ctx x