# Documentation
**Getting started** #### [Home](index.html) What is hledger, and what can it do for you ? #### [Download](download.html) How to get it. #### [Step by Step Tutorial](step-by-step.html) Small, guided exercises introducing data entry, reporting, and accounting. #### [Release Notes](release-notes.html) #### [FAQ](faq.html)
**Reference** #### [hledger](hledger.html) The command-line interface. #### [hledger-ui](hledger-ui.html) The curses-style interface. #### [hledger-web](hledger-web.html) The web interface. #### [hledger-api](hledger-api.html) A JSON API server. #### [Journal](journal.html) #### [CSV](csv.html) #### [Timeclock](timeclock.html) #### [Timedot](timedot.html) File formats. \ #### [Combined manual](manual.html) All on one page.
**More** #### [How to read CSV files](how-to-read-csv-files.html) #### [How to use account aliases](how-to-use-account-aliases.html) #### [How to use another account separator character](how-to-use-another-account-separator-character.html) #### [More docs](more-docs.html) Some useful links not yet moved to.. #### [plaintextaccounting.org](http://plaintextaccounting.org) More tips and tools from the plain text accounting community