{-| A reader for CSV data, using an extra rules file to help interpret the data. -} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} module Hledger.Read.CsvReader ( -- * Reader reader, -- * Misc. CsvRecord, CSV, Record, Field, -- rules, rulesFileFor, parseRulesFile, parseAndValidateCsvRules, expandIncludes, transactionFromCsvRecord, printCSV, -- * Tests tests_CsvReader, ) where import Prelude () import "base-compat-batteries" Prelude.Compat import Control.Exception hiding (try) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, get, modify', evalStateT) import Data.Char (toLower, isDigit, isSpace, ord) import "base-compat-batteries" Data.List.Compat import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Data.Time.Calendar (Day) #if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0) import Data.Time.Format (parseTimeM, defaultTimeLocale) #else import Data.Time.Format (parseTime) import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale) #endif import Safe import System.Directory (doesFileExist) import System.FilePath import qualified Data.Csv as Cassava import qualified Data.Csv.Parser.Megaparsec as CassavaMP import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import Data.Foldable import Text.Megaparsec hiding (parse) import Text.Megaparsec.Char import Text.Megaparsec.Custom import Text.Printf (printf) import Hledger.Data import Hledger.Utils import Hledger.Read.Common (Reader(..),InputOpts(..),amountp, statusp, genericSourcePos) type CSV = [Record] type Record = [Field] type Field = String data CSVError = CSVError (ParseErrorBundle BL.ByteString CassavaMP.ConversionError) deriving Show reader :: Reader reader = Reader {rFormat = "csv" ,rExtensions = ["csv"] ,rParser = parse ,rExperimental = False } -- | Parse and post-process a "Journal" from CSV data, or give an error. -- XXX currently ignores the string and reads from the file path parse :: InputOpts -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT String IO Journal parse iopts f t = do let rulesfile = mrules_file_ iopts let separator = separator_ iopts r <- liftIO $ readJournalFromCsv separator rulesfile f t case r of Left e -> throwError e Right j -> return $ journalNumberAndTieTransactions j -- XXX does not use parseAndFinaliseJournal like the other readers -- | Read a Journal from the given CSV data (and filename, used for error -- messages), or return an error. Proceed as follows: -- @ -- 1. parse CSV conversion rules from the specified rules file, or from -- the default rules file for the specified CSV file, if it exists, -- or throw a parse error; if it doesn't exist, use built-in default rules -- 2. parse the CSV data, or throw a parse error -- 3. convert the CSV records to transactions using the rules -- 4. if the rules file didn't exist, create it with the default rules and filename -- 5. return the transactions as a Journal -- @ readJournalFromCsv :: Char -> Maybe FilePath -> FilePath -> Text -> IO (Either String Journal) readJournalFromCsv _ Nothing "-" _ = return $ Left "please use --rules-file when reading CSV from stdin" readJournalFromCsv separator mrulesfile csvfile csvdata = handle (\e -> return $ Left $ show (e :: IOException)) $ do let throwerr = throw.userError -- parse rules let rulesfile = fromMaybe (rulesFileFor csvfile) mrulesfile rulesfileexists <- doesFileExist rulesfile rulestext <- if rulesfileexists then do dbg1IO "using conversion rules file" rulesfile liftIO $ (readFilePortably rulesfile >>= expandIncludes (takeDirectory rulesfile)) else return $ defaultRulesText rulesfile rules <- liftIO (runExceptT $ parseAndValidateCsvRules rulesfile rulestext) >>= either throwerr return dbg2IO "rules" rules -- apply skip directive let skip = maybe 0 oneorerror $ getDirective "skip" rules where oneorerror "" = 1 oneorerror s = readDef (throwerr $ "could not parse skip value: " ++ show s) s -- parse csv -- parsec seems to fail if you pass it "-" here XXX try again with megaparsec let parsecfilename = if csvfile == "-" then "(stdin)" else csvfile records <- (either throwerr id . dbg2 "validateCsv" . validateCsv skip . dbg2 "parseCsv") `fmap` parseCsv separator parsecfilename csvdata dbg1IO "first 3 csv records" $ take 3 records -- identify header lines -- let (headerlines, datalines) = identifyHeaderLines records -- mfieldnames = lastMay headerlines let -- convert CSV records to transactions txns = snd $ mapAccumL (\pos r -> let SourcePos name line col = pos line' = (mkPos . (+1) . unPos) line pos' = SourcePos name line' col in (pos, transactionFromCsvRecord pos' rules r) ) (initialPos parsecfilename) records -- Ensure transactions are ordered chronologically. -- First, reverse them to get same-date transactions ordered chronologically, -- if the CSV records seem to be most-recent-first, ie if there's an explicit -- "newest-first" directive, or if there's more than one date and the first date -- is more recent than the last. txns' = (if newestfirst || mseemsnewestfirst == Just True then reverse else id) txns where newestfirst = dbg3 "newestfirst" $ isJust $ getDirective "newest-first" rules mseemsnewestfirst = dbg3 "mseemsnewestfirst" $ case nub $ map tdate txns of ds | length ds > 1 -> Just $ head ds > last ds _ -> Nothing -- Second, sort by date. txns'' = sortBy (comparing tdate) txns' when (not rulesfileexists) $ do dbg1IO "creating conversion rules file" rulesfile writeFile rulesfile $ T.unpack rulestext return $ Right nulljournal{jtxns=txns''} parseCsv :: Char -> FilePath -> Text -> IO (Either CSVError CSV) parseCsv separator filePath csvdata = case filePath of "-" -> liftM (parseCassava separator "(stdin)") T.getContents _ -> return $ parseCassava separator filePath csvdata parseCassava :: Char -> FilePath -> Text -> Either CSVError CSV parseCassava separator path content = case parseResult of Left msg -> Left $ CSVError msg Right a -> Right a where parseResult = fmap parseResultToCsv $ CassavaMP.decodeWith (decodeOptions separator) Cassava.NoHeader path lazyContent lazyContent = BL.fromStrict $ T.encodeUtf8 content decodeOptions :: Char -> Cassava.DecodeOptions decodeOptions separator = Cassava.defaultDecodeOptions { Cassava.decDelimiter = fromIntegral (ord separator) } parseResultToCsv :: (Foldable t, Functor t) => t (t B.ByteString) -> CSV parseResultToCsv = toListList . unpackFields where toListList = toList . fmap toList unpackFields = (fmap . fmap) (T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8) printCSV :: CSV -> String printCSV records = unlined (printRecord `map` records) where printRecord = concat . intersperse "," . map printField printField f = "\"" ++ concatMap escape f ++ "\"" escape '"' = "\"\"" escape x = [x] unlined = concat . intersperse "\n" -- | Return the cleaned up and validated CSV data (can be empty), or an error. validateCsv :: Int -> Either CSVError CSV -> Either String [CsvRecord] validateCsv _ (Left e) = Left $ show e validateCsv numhdrlines (Right rs) = validate $ drop numhdrlines $ filternulls rs where filternulls = filter (/=[""]) validate [] = Right [] validate rs@(first:_) | isJust lessthan2 = let r = fromJust lessthan2 in Left $ printf "CSV record %s has less than two fields" (show r) | isJust different = let r = fromJust different in Left $ printf "the first CSV record %s has %d fields but %s has %d" (show first) length1 (show r) (length r) | otherwise = Right rs where length1 = length first lessthan2 = headMay $ filter ((<2).length) rs different = headMay $ filter ((/=length1).length) rs -- -- | The highest (0-based) field index referenced in the field -- -- definitions, or -1 if no fields are defined. -- maxFieldIndex :: CsvRules -> Int -- maxFieldIndex r = maximumDef (-1) $ catMaybes [ -- dateField r -- ,statusField r -- ,codeField r -- ,amountField r -- ,amountInField r -- ,amountOutField r -- ,currencyField r -- ,accountField r -- ,account2Field r -- ,date2Field r -- ] -- rulesFileFor :: CliOpts -> FilePath -> FilePath -- rulesFileFor CliOpts{rules_file_=Just f} _ = f -- rulesFileFor CliOpts{rules_file_=Nothing} csvfile = replaceExtension csvfile ".rules" rulesFileFor :: FilePath -> FilePath rulesFileFor = (++ ".rules") csvFileFor :: FilePath -> FilePath csvFileFor = reverse . drop 6 . reverse defaultRulesText :: FilePath -> Text defaultRulesText csvfile = T.pack $ unlines ["# hledger csv conversion rules for " ++ csvFileFor (takeFileName csvfile) ,"# cf http://hledger.org/manual#csv-files" ,"" ,"account1 assets:bank:checking" ,"" ,"fields date, description, amount" ,"" ,"#skip 1" ,"#newest-first" ,"" ,"#date-format %-d/%-m/%Y" ,"#date-format %-m/%-d/%Y" ,"#date-format %Y-%h-%d" ,"" ,"#currency $" ,"" ,"if ITUNES" ," account2 expenses:entertainment" ,"" ,"if (TO|FROM) SAVINGS" ," account2 assets:bank:savings\n" ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Conversion rules parsing {- Grammar for the CSV conversion rules, more or less: RULES: RULE* RULE: ( FIELD-LIST | FIELD-ASSIGNMENT | CONDITIONAL-BLOCK | SKIP | NEWEST-FIRST | DATE-FORMAT | COMMENT | BLANK ) NEWLINE FIELD-LIST: fields SPACE FIELD-NAME ( SPACE? , SPACE? FIELD-NAME )* FIELD-NAME: QUOTED-FIELD-NAME | BARE-FIELD-NAME QUOTED-FIELD-NAME: " (any CHAR except double-quote)+ " BARE-FIELD-NAME: any CHAR except space, tab, #, ; FIELD-ASSIGNMENT: JOURNAL-FIELD ASSIGNMENT-SEPARATOR FIELD-VALUE JOURNAL-FIELD: date | date2 | status | code | description | comment | account1 | account2 | amount | JOURNAL-PSEUDO-FIELD JOURNAL-PSEUDO-FIELD: amount-in | amount-out | currency ASSIGNMENT-SEPARATOR: SPACE | ( : SPACE? ) FIELD-VALUE: VALUE (possibly containing CSV-FIELD-REFERENCEs) CSV-FIELD-REFERENCE: % CSV-FIELD CSV-FIELD: ( FIELD-NAME | FIELD-NUMBER ) (corresponding to a CSV field) FIELD-NUMBER: DIGIT+ CONDITIONAL-BLOCK: if ( FIELD-MATCHER NEWLINE )+ INDENTED-BLOCK FIELD-MATCHER: ( CSV-FIELD-NAME SPACE? )? ( MATCHOP SPACE? )? PATTERNS MATCHOP: ~ PATTERNS: ( NEWLINE REGEXP )* REGEXP INDENTED-BLOCK: ( SPACE ( FIELD-ASSIGNMENT | COMMENT ) NEWLINE )+ REGEXP: ( NONSPACE CHAR* ) SPACE? VALUE: SPACE? ( CHAR* ) SPACE? COMMENT: SPACE? COMMENT-CHAR VALUE COMMENT-CHAR: # | ; NONSPACE: any CHAR not a SPACE-CHAR BLANK: SPACE? SPACE: SPACE-CHAR+ SPACE-CHAR: space | tab CHAR: any character except newline DIGIT: 0-9 -} {- | A set of data definitions and account-matching patterns sufficient to convert a particular CSV data file into meaningful journal transactions. -} data CsvRules = CsvRules { rdirectives :: [(DirectiveName,String)], rcsvfieldindexes :: [(CsvFieldName, CsvFieldIndex)], rassignments :: [(JournalFieldName, FieldTemplate)], rconditionalblocks :: [ConditionalBlock] } deriving (Show, Eq) type CsvRulesParser a = StateT CsvRules SimpleTextParser a type DirectiveName = String type CsvFieldName = String type CsvFieldIndex = Int type JournalFieldName = String type FieldTemplate = String type ConditionalBlock = ([RecordMatcher], [(JournalFieldName, FieldTemplate)]) -- block matches if all RecordMatchers match type RecordMatcher = [RegexpPattern] -- match if any regexps match any of the csv fields -- type FieldMatcher = (CsvFieldName, [RegexpPattern]) -- match if any regexps match this csv field type DateFormat = String type RegexpPattern = String rules = CsvRules { rdirectives=[], rcsvfieldindexes=[], rassignments=[], rconditionalblocks=[] } addDirective :: (DirectiveName, String) -> CsvRules -> CsvRules addDirective d r = r{rdirectives=d:rdirectives r} addAssignment :: (JournalFieldName, FieldTemplate) -> CsvRules -> CsvRules addAssignment a r = r{rassignments=a:rassignments r} setIndexesAndAssignmentsFromList :: [CsvFieldName] -> CsvRules -> CsvRules setIndexesAndAssignmentsFromList fs r = addAssignmentsFromList fs . setCsvFieldIndexesFromList fs $ r setCsvFieldIndexesFromList :: [CsvFieldName] -> CsvRules -> CsvRules setCsvFieldIndexesFromList fs r = r{rcsvfieldindexes=zip fs [1..]} addAssignmentsFromList :: [CsvFieldName] -> CsvRules -> CsvRules addAssignmentsFromList fs r = foldl' maybeAddAssignment r journalfieldnames where maybeAddAssignment rules f = (maybe id addAssignmentFromIndex $ elemIndex f fs) rules where addAssignmentFromIndex i = addAssignment (f, "%"++show (i+1)) addConditionalBlock :: ConditionalBlock -> CsvRules -> CsvRules addConditionalBlock b r = r{rconditionalblocks=b:rconditionalblocks r} getDirective :: DirectiveName -> CsvRules -> Maybe FieldTemplate getDirective directivename = lookup directivename . rdirectives instance ShowErrorComponent String where showErrorComponent = id -- | An error-throwing action that parses this file's content -- as CSV conversion rules, interpolating any included files first, -- and runs some extra validation checks. parseRulesFile :: FilePath -> ExceptT String IO CsvRules parseRulesFile f = liftIO (readFilePortably f >>= expandIncludes (takeDirectory f)) >>= parseAndValidateCsvRules f -- | Inline all files referenced by include directives in this hledger CSV rules text, recursively. -- Included file paths may be relative to the directory of the provided file path. -- This is a cheap hack to avoid rewriting the CSV rules parser. expandIncludes dir content = mapM (expandLine dir) (T.lines content) >>= return . T.unlines where expandLine dir line = case line of (T.stripPrefix "include " -> Just f) -> expandIncludes dir' =<< T.readFile f' where f' = dir dropWhile isSpace (T.unpack f) dir' = takeDirectory f' _ -> return line -- | An error-throwing action that parses this text as CSV conversion rules -- and runs some extra validation checks. The file path is for error messages. parseAndValidateCsvRules :: FilePath -> T.Text -> ExceptT String IO CsvRules parseAndValidateCsvRules rulesfile s = do let rules = parseCsvRules rulesfile s case rules of Left e -> ExceptT $ return $ Left $ customErrorBundlePretty e Right r -> do r_ <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ validateRules r ExceptT $ case r_ of Left s -> return $ Left $ parseErrorPretty $ makeParseError s Right r -> return $ Right r where makeParseError :: String -> ParseError T.Text String makeParseError s = FancyError 0 (S.singleton $ ErrorFail s) -- | Parse this text as CSV conversion rules. The file path is for error messages. parseCsvRules :: FilePath -> T.Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle T.Text CustomErr) CsvRules -- parseCsvRules rulesfile s = runParser csvrulesfile nullrules{baseAccount=takeBaseName rulesfile} rulesfile s parseCsvRules rulesfile s = runParser (evalStateT rulesp rules) rulesfile s -- | Return the validated rules, or an error. validateRules :: CsvRules -> ExceptT String IO CsvRules validateRules rules = do unless (isAssigned "date") $ ExceptT $ return $ Left "Please specify (at top level) the date field. Eg: date %1\n" unless ((amount && not (amountin || amountout)) || (not amount && (amountin && amountout)) || balance) $ ExceptT $ return $ Left $ unlines [ "Please specify (as a top level CSV rule) either the amount field," ,"both the amount-in and amount-out fields, or the balance field. Eg:" ,"amount %2\n" ] ExceptT $ return $ Right rules where amount = isAssigned "amount" amountin = isAssigned "amount-in" amountout = isAssigned "amount-out" balance = isAssigned "balance" || isAssigned "balance1" || isAssigned "balance2" isAssigned f = isJust $ getEffectiveAssignment rules [] f -- parsers rulesp :: CsvRulesParser CsvRules rulesp = do many $ choiceInState [blankorcommentlinep "blank or comment line" ,(directivep >>= modify' . addDirective) "directive" ,(fieldnamelistp >>= modify' . setIndexesAndAssignmentsFromList) "field name list" ,(fieldassignmentp >>= modify' . addAssignment) "field assignment" ,(conditionalblockp >>= modify' . addConditionalBlock) "conditional block" ] eof r <- get return r{rdirectives=reverse $ rdirectives r ,rassignments=reverse $ rassignments r ,rconditionalblocks=reverse $ rconditionalblocks r } blankorcommentlinep :: CsvRulesParser () blankorcommentlinep = lift (dbgparse 3 "trying blankorcommentlinep") >> choiceInState [blanklinep, commentlinep] blanklinep :: CsvRulesParser () blanklinep = lift (skipMany spacenonewline) >> newline >> return () "blank line" commentlinep :: CsvRulesParser () commentlinep = lift (skipMany spacenonewline) >> commentcharp >> lift restofline >> return () "comment line" commentcharp :: CsvRulesParser Char commentcharp = oneOf (";#*" :: [Char]) directivep :: CsvRulesParser (DirectiveName, String) directivep = (do lift $ dbgparse 3 "trying directive" d <- fmap T.unpack $ choiceInState $ map (lift . string . T.pack) directives v <- (((char ':' >> lift (many spacenonewline)) <|> lift (some spacenonewline)) >> directivevalp) <|> (optional (char ':') >> lift (skipMany spacenonewline) >> lift eolof >> return "") return (d, v) ) "directive" directives = ["date-format" -- ,"default-account1" -- ,"default-currency" -- ,"skip-lines" -- old ,"skip" ,"newest-first" -- ,"base-account" -- ,"base-currency" ] directivevalp :: CsvRulesParser String directivevalp = anySingle `manyTill` lift eolof fieldnamelistp :: CsvRulesParser [CsvFieldName] fieldnamelistp = (do lift $ dbgparse 3 "trying fieldnamelist" string "fields" optional $ char ':' lift (skipSome spacenonewline) let separator = lift (skipMany spacenonewline) >> char ',' >> lift (skipMany spacenonewline) f <- fromMaybe "" <$> optional fieldnamep fs <- some $ (separator >> fromMaybe "" <$> optional fieldnamep) lift restofline return $ map (map toLower) $ f:fs ) "field name list" fieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser String fieldnamep = quotedfieldnamep <|> barefieldnamep quotedfieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser String quotedfieldnamep = do char '"' f <- some $ noneOf ("\"\n:;#~" :: [Char]) char '"' return f barefieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser String barefieldnamep = some $ noneOf (" \t\n,;#~" :: [Char]) fieldassignmentp :: CsvRulesParser (JournalFieldName, FieldTemplate) fieldassignmentp = do lift $ dbgparse 3 "trying fieldassignmentp" f <- journalfieldnamep assignmentseparatorp v <- fieldvalp return (f,v) "field assignment" journalfieldnamep :: CsvRulesParser String journalfieldnamep = do lift (dbgparse 2 "trying journalfieldnamep") T.unpack <$> choiceInState (map (lift . string . T.pack) journalfieldnames) -- Transaction fields and pseudo fields for CSV conversion. -- Names must precede any other name they contain, for the parser -- (amount-in before amount; date2 before date). TODO: fix journalfieldnames = [ "account1" ,"account2" ,"amount-in" ,"amount-out" ,"amount" ,"balance1" ,"balance2" ,"balance" ,"code" ,"comment" ,"currency" ,"date2" ,"date" ,"description" ,"status" ] assignmentseparatorp :: CsvRulesParser () assignmentseparatorp = do lift $ dbgparse 3 "trying assignmentseparatorp" choice [ -- try (lift (skipMany spacenonewline) >> oneOf ":="), try (lift (skipMany spacenonewline) >> char ':'), spaceChar ] _ <- lift (skipMany spacenonewline) return () fieldvalp :: CsvRulesParser String fieldvalp = do lift $ dbgparse 2 "trying fieldvalp" anySingle `manyTill` lift eolof conditionalblockp :: CsvRulesParser ConditionalBlock conditionalblockp = do lift $ dbgparse 3 "trying conditionalblockp" string "if" >> lift (skipMany spacenonewline) >> optional newline ms <- some recordmatcherp as <- many (lift (skipSome spacenonewline) >> fieldassignmentp) when (null as) $ fail "start of conditional block found, but no assignment rules afterward\n(assignment rules in a conditional block should be indented)\n" return (ms, as) "conditional block" recordmatcherp :: CsvRulesParser [String] recordmatcherp = do lift $ dbgparse 2 "trying recordmatcherp" -- pos <- currentPos _ <- optional (matchoperatorp >> lift (skipMany spacenonewline) >> optional newline) ps <- patternsp when (null ps) $ fail "start of record matcher found, but no patterns afterward\n(patterns should not be indented)\n" return ps "record matcher" matchoperatorp :: CsvRulesParser String matchoperatorp = fmap T.unpack $ choiceInState $ map string ["~" -- ,"!~" -- ,"=" -- ,"!=" ] patternsp :: CsvRulesParser [String] patternsp = do lift $ dbgparse 3 "trying patternsp" ps <- many regexp return ps regexp :: CsvRulesParser String regexp = do lift $ dbgparse 3 "trying regexp" notFollowedBy matchoperatorp c <- lift nonspace cs <- anySingle `manyTill` lift eolof return $ strip $ c:cs -- fieldmatcher = do -- dbgparse 2 "trying fieldmatcher" -- f <- fromMaybe "all" `fmap` (optional $ do -- f' <- fieldname -- lift (skipMany spacenonewline) -- return f') -- char '~' -- lift (skipMany spacenonewline) -- ps <- patterns -- let r = "(" ++ intercalate "|" ps ++ ")" -- return (f,r) -- "field matcher" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Converting CSV records to journal transactions type CsvRecord = [String] -- Convert a CSV record to a transaction using the rules, or raise an -- error if the data can not be parsed. transactionFromCsvRecord :: SourcePos -> CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> Transaction transactionFromCsvRecord sourcepos rules record = t where mdirective = (`getDirective` rules) mfieldtemplate = getEffectiveAssignment rules record render = renderTemplate rules record mskip = mdirective "skip" mdefaultcurrency = mdirective "default-currency" mparsedate = parseDateWithFormatOrDefaultFormats (mdirective "date-format") -- render each field using its template and the csv record, and -- in some cases parse the rendered string (eg dates and amounts) mdateformat = mdirective "date-format" date = render $ fromMaybe "" $ mfieldtemplate "date" date' = fromMaybe (error' $ dateerror "date" date mdateformat) $ mparsedate date mdate2 = maybe Nothing (Just . render) $ mfieldtemplate "date2" mdate2' = maybe Nothing (maybe (error' $ dateerror "date2" (fromMaybe "" mdate2) mdateformat) Just . mparsedate) mdate2 dateerror datefield value mdateformat = unlines ["error: could not parse \""++value++"\" as a date using date format "++maybe "\"YYYY/M/D\", \"YYYY-M-D\" or \"YYYY.M.D\"" show mdateformat ,"the CSV record is: "++intercalate ", " (map show record) ,"the "++datefield++" rule is: "++(fromMaybe "required, but missing" $ mfieldtemplate datefield) ,"the date-format is: "++fromMaybe "unspecified" mdateformat ,"you may need to " ++"change your "++datefield++" rule, " ++maybe "add a" (const "change your") mdateformat++" date-format rule, " ++"or "++maybe "add a" (const "change your") mskip++" skip rule" ,"for m/d/y or d/m/y dates, use date-format %-m/%-d/%Y or date-format %-d/%-m/%Y" ] status = case mfieldtemplate "status" of Nothing -> Unmarked Just str -> either statuserror id . runParser (statusp <* eof) "" . T.pack $ render str where statuserror err = error' $ unlines ["error: could not parse \""++str++"\" as a cleared status (should be *, ! or empty)" ,"the parse error is: "++customErrorBundlePretty err ] code = maybe "" render $ mfieldtemplate "code" description = maybe "" render $ mfieldtemplate "description" comment = maybe "" render $ mfieldtemplate "comment" precomment = maybe "" render $ mfieldtemplate "precomment" currency = maybe (fromMaybe "" mdefaultcurrency) render $ mfieldtemplate "currency" amountstr = (currency++) <$> simplifySign <$> getAmountStr rules record maybeamount = either amounterror (Mixed . (:[])) <$> runParser (evalStateT (amountp <* eof) mempty) "" <$> T.pack <$> amountstr amounterror err = error' $ unlines ["error: could not parse \""++fromJust amountstr++"\" as an amount" ,showRecord record ,"the amount rule is: "++(fromMaybe "" $ mfieldtemplate "amount") ,"the currency rule is: "++(fromMaybe "unspecified" $ mfieldtemplate "currency") ,"the default-currency is: "++fromMaybe "unspecified" mdefaultcurrency ,"the parse error is: "++customErrorBundlePretty err ,"you may need to " ++"change your amount or currency rules, " ++"or "++maybe "add a" (const "change your") mskip++" skip rule" ] amount1 = case maybeamount of Just a -> a Nothing | balance1 /= Nothing || balance2 /= Nothing -> nullmixedamt Nothing -> error' $ "amount and balance have no value\n"++showRecord record -- convert balancing amount to cost like hledger print, so eg if -- amount1 is "10 GBP @@ 15 USD", amount2 will be "-15 USD". amount2 = costOfMixedAmount (-amount1) s `or` def = if null s then def else s defaccount1 = fromMaybe "unknown" $ mdirective "default-account1" defaccount2 = case isNegativeMixedAmount amount2 of Just True -> "income:unknown" _ -> "expenses:unknown" account1 = T.pack $ maybe "" render (mfieldtemplate "account1") `or` defaccount1 account2 = T.pack $ maybe "" render (mfieldtemplate "account2") `or` defaccount2 balance1template = case (mfieldtemplate "balance", mfieldtemplate "balance1") of (Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing (balance, Nothing) -> balance (Nothing, balance1) -> balance1 (Just _, Just _) -> error' "Please use either balance or balance1, but not both" balance1 = maybe Nothing (parsebalance "1".render) $ balance1template balance2 = maybe Nothing (parsebalance "2".render) $ mfieldtemplate "balance2" parsebalance n str | all isSpace str = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ (either (balanceerror n str) id $ runParser (evalStateT (amountp <* eof) mempty) "" $ T.pack $ (currency++) $ simplifySign str, nullsourcepos) balanceerror n str err = error' $ unlines ["error: could not parse \""++str++"\" as balance"++n++" amount" ,showRecord record ,"the balance"++n++" rule is: "++(fromMaybe "" $ mfieldtemplate ("balance"++n)) ,"the currency rule is: "++(fromMaybe "unspecified" $ mfieldtemplate "currency") ,"the default-currency is: "++fromMaybe "unspecified" mdefaultcurrency ,"the parse error is: "++customErrorBundlePretty err ] -- build the transaction t = nulltransaction{ tsourcepos = genericSourcePos sourcepos, tdate = date', tdate2 = mdate2', tstatus = status, tcode = T.pack code, tdescription = T.pack description, tcomment = T.pack comment, tprecedingcomment = T.pack precomment, tpostings = [posting {paccount=account1, pamount=amount1, ptransaction=Just t, pbalanceassertion=toAssertion <$> balance1} ,posting {paccount=account2, pamount=amount2, ptransaction=Just t, pbalanceassertion=toAssertion <$> balance2} ] } toAssertion (a, b) = assertion{ baamount = a, baposition = b } getAmountStr :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> Maybe String getAmountStr rules record = let mamount = getEffectiveAssignment rules record "amount" mamountin = getEffectiveAssignment rules record "amount-in" mamountout = getEffectiveAssignment rules record "amount-out" render = fmap (strip . renderTemplate rules record) in case (render mamount, render mamountin, render mamountout) of (Just "", Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing (Just a, Nothing, Nothing) -> Just a (Nothing, Just "", Just "") -> error' $ "neither amount-in or amount-out has a value\n" ++ " record: " ++ showRecord record (Nothing, Just i, Just "") -> Just i (Nothing, Just "", Just o) -> Just $ negateStr o (Nothing, Just i, Just o) -> error' $ "both amount-in and amount-out have a value\n" ++ " amount-in: " ++ i ++ "\n" ++ " amount-out: " ++ o ++ "\n" ++ " record: " ++ showRecord record _ -> error' $ "found values for amount and for amount-in/amount-out\n" ++ "please use either amount or amount-in/amount-out\n" ++ " record: " ++ showRecord record type CsvAmountString = String -- | Canonicalise the sign in a CSV amount string. -- Such strings can have a minus sign, negating parentheses, -- or any two of these (which cancels out). -- -- >>> simplifySign "1" -- "1" -- >>> simplifySign "-1" -- "-1" -- >>> simplifySign "(1)" -- "-1" -- >>> simplifySign "--1" -- "1" -- >>> simplifySign "-(1)" -- "1" -- >>> simplifySign "(-1)" -- "1" -- >>> simplifySign "((1))" -- "1" simplifySign :: CsvAmountString -> CsvAmountString simplifySign ('(':s) | lastMay s == Just ')' = simplifySign $ negateStr $ init s simplifySign ('-':'(':s) | lastMay s == Just ')' = simplifySign $ init s simplifySign ('-':'-':s) = s simplifySign s = s negateStr :: String -> String negateStr ('-':s) = s negateStr s = '-':s -- | Show a (approximate) recreation of the original CSV record. showRecord :: CsvRecord -> String showRecord r = "the CSV record is: "++intercalate ", " (map show r) -- | Given the conversion rules, a CSV record and a journal entry field name, find -- the template value ultimately assigned to this field, either at top -- level or in a matching conditional block. Conditional blocks' -- patterns are matched against an approximation of the original CSV -- record: all the field values with commas intercalated. getEffectiveAssignment :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> JournalFieldName -> Maybe FieldTemplate getEffectiveAssignment rules record f = lastMay $ assignmentsFor f where assignmentsFor f = map snd $ filter ((==f).fst) $ toplevelassignments ++ conditionalassignments where toplevelassignments = rassignments rules conditionalassignments = concatMap snd $ filter blockMatches $ blocksAssigning f where blocksAssigning f = filter (any ((==f).fst) . snd) $ rconditionalblocks rules blockMatches :: ConditionalBlock -> Bool blockMatches (matchers,_) = all matcherMatches matchers where matcherMatches :: RecordMatcher -> Bool -- matcherMatches pats = any patternMatches pats matcherMatches pats = patternMatches $ "(" ++ intercalate "|" pats ++ ")" where patternMatches :: RegexpPattern -> Bool patternMatches pat = regexMatchesCI pat csvline where csvline = intercalate "," record renderTemplate :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> FieldTemplate -> String renderTemplate rules record t = regexReplaceBy "%[A-z0-9]+" replace t where replace ('%':pat) = maybe pat (\i -> atDef "" record (i-1)) mindex where mindex | all isDigit pat = readMay pat | otherwise = lookup (map toLower pat) $ rcsvfieldindexes rules replace pat = pat -- Parse the date string using the specified date-format, or if unspecified try these default formats: -- YYYY/MM/DD, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY.MM.DD, MM/DD/YYYY (month and day can be 1 or 2 digits, year must be 4). parseDateWithFormatOrDefaultFormats :: Maybe DateFormat -> String -> Maybe Day parseDateWithFormatOrDefaultFormats mformat s = firstJust $ map parsewith formats where parsetime = #if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0) parseTimeM True #else parseTime #endif parsewith = flip (parsetime defaultTimeLocale) s formats = maybe ["%Y/%-m/%-d" ,"%Y-%-m-%-d" ,"%Y.%-m.%-d" -- ,"%-m/%-d/%Y" -- ,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y/%m/%e" (take 5 s ++ "0" ++ drop 5 s) -- ,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%e" (take 5 s ++ "0" ++ drop 5 s) -- ,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%m/%e/%Y" ('0':s) -- ,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%m-%e-%Y" ('0':s) ] (:[]) mformat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- tests tests_CsvReader = tests "CsvReader" [ tests "parseCsvRules" [ test "empty file" $ parseCsvRules "unknown" "" `is` Right rules ] ,tests "rulesp" [ test "trailing comments" $ parseWithState' rules rulesp "skip\n# \n#\n" `is` Right rules{rdirectives = [("skip","")]} ,test "trailing blank lines" $ parseWithState' rules rulesp "skip\n\n \n" `is` (Right rules{rdirectives = [("skip","")]}) ,test "no final newline" $ parseWithState' rules rulesp "skip" `is` (Right rules{rdirectives=[("skip","")]}) ,test "assignment with empty value" $ parseWithState' rules rulesp "account1 \nif foo\n account2 foo\n" `is` (Right rules{rassignments = [("account1","")], rconditionalblocks = [([["foo"]],[("account2","foo")])]}) ] ]