{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns, NoMonoLocalBinds, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, TupleSections, OverloadedStrings #-} module Hledger.Read.LedgerReader ( --- * exports -- * Reader reader -- * Tests ,tests_Hledger_Read_LedgerReader ) where --- * imports import Prelude () import Prelude.Compat hiding (readFile) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..), throwError) import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text, pack) import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8) -- import Safe import Test.HUnit import Text.Megaparsec (eof) -- import Text.Printf import System.Time import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as F import Hledger.Data import Hledger.Read.Common import Hledger.Utils import Ledger.Parser.Text import Text.Trifecta.Result (Result(..)) -- $setup -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings --- * reader reader :: Reader reader = Reader {rFormat = "ledger" ,rExtensions = [] ,rParser = parse ,rExperimental = True } -- | Generate an action that parses and post-processes a "Journal" from a -- C++ Ledger journal, or raises an error. parse :: Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT String IO Journal parse _mrulespath assrt path txt = do let path' = F.decodeString path -- XXX can fail, according to docs bs = encodeUtf8 txt r = parseJournalFile path' bs case r of Failure ei -> throwError $ show ei Success res -> do -- dbg7IO "raw entities" res ejus <- liftIO $ sequence <$> mapM rawEntityInSituToJournalUpdate res case ejus of Left err -> throwError err Right jus -> do let pj = foldr (flip (.)) id jus nulljournal t <- liftIO getClockTime either throwError return $ journalFinalise t path txt assrt pj -- (I'm not too fond of journal update functions, but ok..) -- | Convert a ledger4 RawEntityInSitu - representing a parsed transaction, -- directive, comment etc. - into either a journal update function or an error. -- Currently converts only transactions, and ignores some transaction fields. -- Runs in IO because it uses some hledger parsers that have some need for that. rawEntityInSituToJournalUpdate :: RawEntityInSitu -> IO (Either String (ParsedJournal -> ParsedJournal)) rawEntityInSituToJournalUpdate RawEntityInSitu{rawEntity=RawTransactionEntity (rt@RawTransaction{ rawTxnDate = date -- :: !String , rawTxnDateAux = mdate2 -- :: Maybe String , rawTxnState = _mstatus -- :: Maybe Char , rawTxnCode = _mcode -- :: Maybe String , rawTxnDesc = desc -- :: !String , rawTxnNote = _mnote -- :: Maybe String , rawTxnPosts = rps -- :: ![RawPosting] })} = do let md = parsedateM date md2 = mdate2 >>= parsedateM dateerr = return . Left . ("could not parse date "++) case (md, mdate2, md2) of (Nothing, _, _) -> dateerr date (_, Just date2, Nothing) -> dateerr date2 (Just d, _, _) -> do eps <- sequence . catMaybes <$> mapM rawPostingToPosting rps case eps of Left err -> return $ Left err Right ps -> do let t = nulltransaction{ -- XXX TODO more complete transaction parsing -- tindex -- :: Integer, -- ^ this transaction's 1-based position in the input stream, or 0 when not available -- tsourcepos -- :: GenericSourcePos, tdate = d -- :: Day , tdate2 = md2 -- :: Maybe Day -- tstatus -- :: ClearedStatus, -- tcode -- :: Text, , tdescription = pack desc -- :: Text, -- tcomment -- :: Text, -- ^ this transaction's comment lines, as a single non-indented multi-line string -- ttags -- :: [Tag], -- ^ tag names and values, extracted from the comment , tpostings = ps -- :: [Posting], -- ^ this transaction's postings -- tpreceding_comment_lines -- :: Text -- ^ any comment lines immediately preceding this transaction } dbg7IO "raw transaction" rt dbg7IO "cooked transaction" t return $ Right $ addTransaction t -- TODO convert other entities rawEntityInSituToJournalUpdate _ = return $ Right id -- | Convert a ledger4 RawPosting to a hledger Posting or an error message. -- Currently ignores some posting fields, and the RawPostingNote variant -- (which represents a comment line, not a posting; returns Nothing for these). rawPostingToPosting :: RawPosting -> IO (Maybe (Either String Posting)) rawPostingToPosting RawPosting{ -- TODO rawPostState = _mstatus -- :: Maybe Char , rawPostAccount = acct -- :: !String , rawPostAmount = mamtstr -- :: Maybe String , rawPostNote = _mnote -- :: Maybe String } = do eamt <- runErroringJournalParser (spaceandamountormissingp <* eof) $ pack $ maybe "" (' ':) mamtstr case eamt of Left err -> return $ Just $ Left err Right (amt :: MixedAmount) -> do return $ Just $ Right nullposting{ -- pdate -- :: Maybe Day, -- ^ this posting's date, if different from the transaction's -- , pdate2 -- :: Maybe Day, -- ^ this posting's secondary date, if different from the transaction's -- , pstatus -- :: ClearedStatus, paccount = pack acct -- :: AccountName, , pamount = amt -- :: MixedAmount, -- , pcomment -- :: Text, -- ^ this posting's comment lines, as a single non-indented multi-line string -- , ptype -- :: PostingType, -- , ptags -- :: [Tag], -- ^ tag names and values, extracted from the comment -- , pbalanceassertion -- :: Maybe MixedAmount, -- ^ optional: the expected balance in the account after this posting -- , ptransaction -- :: Maybe Transaction -- ^ this posting's parent transaction (co-recursive types). } rawPostingToPosting (RawPostingNote _) = return Nothing -- A raw parse example: -- -- 2010/01/01 * T1 -- Accounts:Hub 30.00 USD -- Accounts:A1 -- & comments... -- -- [ -- RawTransactionEntity (RawTransaction {rawTxnDate = "2010/01/01", -- rawTxnDateAux = Nothing, rawTxnState = Just '*', rawTxnCode = Nothing, -- rawTxnDesc = "T1", rawTxnNote = Nothing, rawTxnPosts = [ -- RawPosting {rawPostState = Nothing, rawPostAccount = "Accounts:Hub", -- rawPostAmount = Just "30.00 USD", rawPostNote = Nothing}, -- RawPosting {rawPostState = Nothing, rawPostAccount = "Accounts:A1", -- rawPostAmount = Nothing, rawPostNote = Nothing} -- ]}) -- ,Whitespace "\n" -- ,FileComment "2010/01/01 * T2\n Accounts:Hub 40.00 USD\n Accounts:A2\n\n2010/01/01 * T3\n Accounts:Hub 10.00 USD\n Accounts:A1\n" -- ,Whitespace "\n" -- ,FileComment " Now, I wish to list all transactions that pay into Accounts:Hub ONLY from \n Accounts:A1. How can I write a query like that? My cursory filtering \n attempts didn't work.\n" -- ,Whitespace "\n" -- ,FileComment " 2. The register displays all transactions that put a commodity into or take \n a commodity out of an account. Can I display where the money comes \n from/goes to as well? In other words, can I get the complete transaction \n detail in the register?\n" -- ] --- * hunit tests tests_Hledger_Read_LedgerReader = TestList $ concat [ ]