#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail # This script is run in the VM once when you first run `vagrant-spk up`. It is # useful for installing system-global dependencies. It is run exactly once # over the lifetime of the VM. # # This is the ideal place to do things like: # # export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # apt-get install -y nginx nodejs nodejs-legacy python2.7 mysql-server # # If the packages you're installing here need some configuration adjustments, # this is also a good place to do that: # # sed --in-place='' \ # --expression 's/^user www-data/#user www-data/' \ # --expression 's#^pid /run/nginx.pid#pid /var/run/nginx.pid#' \ # --expression 's/^\s*error_log.*/error_log stderr;/' \ # --expression 's/^\s*access_log.*/access_log off;/' \ # /etc/nginx/nginx.conf # By default, this script does nothing. You'll have to modify it as # appropriate for your application. apt-get install -y libtinfo-dev curl -ssl -L https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh