#!/usr/bin/env stack {- stack --resolver=lts-18.28 script --compile --verbosity=error --package "bytestring cassava gogol gogol-core gogol-sheets lens pretty-show text" -} -- or #!/usr/bin/env cabal {- cabal: build-depends: aeson<1.6, bytestring, cassava, gogol, gogol-core, gogol-sheets, lens, pretty-show, text -} -- In 2023-02, this is hard to build; gogol is unmaintained and requires old aeson < 1.6, -- which requires old bytestring which requires old GHC (8.10 or 9.0). -- On modern macs these GHCs are difficult to run. This build most deps for me: -- brew install llvm@12 -- ghcup set ghc 9.0.2 -- PATH=/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm@12/bin:$PATH CPATH=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX13.1.sdk/usr/include/ffi cabal build gsheet-csv.hs -- but failed on cryptonite with "error: instruction requires: sha3", an llvm 12 on arm bug {- gsheet-csv - download the CSV of a Google Sheet you have access to INSTALL: Get stack if needed, eg from https://haskell-lang.org/get-started Run "./gsheet-csv.hs" once to compile. On Windows, run "stack gsheet-csv.hs". SETUP: Set up an account at https://console.developers.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts, selecting or creating a project Save the service account's email address Create a key and download as json to ~/.config/gcloud/KEYFILE.json Symlink this to ~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json Share spreadsheets with the service account's email address USAGE: gsheet-csv SPREADSHEETID SHEETNAME - print specified sheet as CSV -} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} module Main where import "lens" Control.Lens import qualified "bytestring" Data.ByteString.Lazy as B import "cassava" Data.Csv import qualified "text" Data.Text as T import "gogol" Network.Google import "gogol-sheets" Network.Google.Sheets import "base" System.Environment import "base" System.IO -- import "base" Debug.Trace -- import "pretty-show" Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint, ppShow) main = do [spreadsheetId, sheetName] <- map T.pack <$> getArgs let range = sheetName -- ++"!A1:J10" lgr <- newLogger Info stdout env <- newEnv <&> (envLogger .~ lgr) . (envScopes .~ spreadsheetsReadOnlyScope) values <- view vrValues <$> (runResourceT . runGoogle env $ send (spreadsheetsValuesGet spreadsheetId range)) B.putStr $ Data.Csv.encode $ map (map bs) values where bs = drop 8 . init . show -- no more time for hilariously craptastic haskell libs ------------------------------ -- notes -- import Data.Aeson -- import Data.Text (Text) -- import Network.Google.Data.JSON -- import Network.Google.Resource.Sheets.Spreadsheets.Get {- TODO: gsheet-csv [-h] - show help gsheet-csv SPREADSHEETID - get first sheet gsheet-csv SPREADSHEETID SHEETNAME RANGE - get just the specified cells -} {- Notes for developers of stack (1.9.1) scripts: 1. In the stack header above, flags' position and style are critical. Minor variations cause very different behaviour. 2. For different run actions, adjust the stack command: script --optimize - run compiled, after compiling if needed script --compile - run compiled, after compiling if needed (without optimisation) script - run interpreted (slower) exec runghc - run interpreted using ambient GHC package db exec ghc - compile exec ghci - load in GHCI exec ghcid - watch for compile errors 3. To silence "Using resolver:" output (but also deps install output), change --verbosity to warn 4. Declare which package each import is from, keep synced with --package; might as well be clear 5. Doc: https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/GUIDE/#script-interpreter -}