#!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack runghc --verbosity error --package hledger -- stack runghc --verbosity error --package hledger --package hledger-lib --package text --package safe -- stack script --compile --resolver lts-20.13 --verbosity error --package hledger --package text -- stack script --compile --resolver lts-20.13 --verbosity error --package hledger --package hledger-lib --package text --package safe -- The topmost stack command above is used to run this script. -- stack script uses released hledger, stack runghc uses local hledger source. -- This script currently requires local hledger source, for Hledger.Cli.Script. ------------------------------------78---------------------------------------- {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, PackageImports #-} import Hledger.Cli.Script import qualified "text" Data.Text as T import qualified "text" Data.Text.IO as T cmdmode = hledgerCommandMode (unlines -- Command name, then --help text, then _FLAGS; empty help lines get stripped: ["script-example" ,"This is an example of a (hledger-lib-using) hledger script." ,"Usage: hledger-script-example [OPTS] [ARGS]" ,"or: hledger script-example -- [OPTS] [ARGS]" ,"Save it under another name and customise it." ,"The hledger- name makes it appear in hledger's commands list." ,"Examples:" ,"$ hledger-script-example --help" ,"(this help)" ------------------------------------78---------------------------------------- ,"" ,"_FLAGS" ]) [] [generalflagsgroup1] [] ([], Just $ argsFlag "[ARGS]") -- or Nothing main = do opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} <- getHledgerCliOpts cmdmode withJournalDo opts $ \j -> do putStrLn "it worked! print something more useful here" -- Examples: -- See also bin/*.hs -- Count transactions, possibly filtered by a query: -- d <- getCurrentDay -- let -- q = _rsQuery rspec -- ts = filter (q `matchesTransaction`) $ jtxns $ journalApplyValuationFromOpts rspec j -- printf "File %s: %d transactions\n" (journalFilePath j) (length ts) -- register-max: -- withJournalDo opts $ \j -> do -- let -- postingReportItems = postingsReport rspec j -- maxbal = fifth5 $ maximumBy (comparing fifth5) r -- is = filter ((== maxbal).fifth5) r -- mapM_ printItem is -- -- printItem (_, _, _, p, bal) = do -- let -- d = postingDate p -- mt = ptransaction p -- desc = fmt 30 $ maybe "-" tdescription mt -- acct = fmt 30 $ paccount p -- amt = fmta 12 $ T.pack $ showMixedAmountOneLine $ pamount p -- baltxt = fmta 12 $ T.pack $ showMixedAmountOneLine bal -- T.putStrLn $ T.unwords [showDate d, desc, "", acct, "", amt, " ", baltxt] -- where -- fmt w = formatText True (Just w) (Just w) . textElideRight w -- fmta w = formatText False (Just w) Nothing -- Using [s|...|] for multiline string literals (requires string-qq package and {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}): -- cmdmode = hledgerCommandMode (unlines -- -- Command name, then --help text, then _FLAGS; empty help lines get stripped: -- [s| script-example -- This is an example of a (hledger-lib-using) hledger script." -- Usage: hledger-script-example [OPTS] [ARGS]" -- or: hledger script-example -- [OPTS] [ARGS]" -- Save it under another name and customise it." -- The hledger- name makes it appear in hledger's commands list." -- Examples:" -- $ hledger-script-example --help" -- (this help)" -- -- _FLAGS -- |] -- ------------------------------------78---------------------------------------- -- [] [generalflagsgroup1] [] ([], Just $ argsFlag "[ARGS]") -- or Nothing {- More help: This an example of an addon command (an executable named hledger-*). It supports many of the usual hledger options; run it with -h/--help to see them. When you want to create a new hledger command, save this script under a new name, somewhere in $PATH, give it execute permission, and start tweaking the code. Requirements: This is a stack script, best run or compiled with stack. Once compiled it doesn't require stack. If you prefer you can adapt it to be a cabal script, or you can manually install the required haskell libraries (see above) and then run/compile it just with ghc or runghc. If run/compiled from inside the hledger source tree, it will use that hledger version and the libs of the stackage resolver in stack.yaml. If run/compiled from outside the hledger source tree, it will use the hledger and libs of the resolver in ~/.stack/global-project/stack.yaml. Or you can specify a --resolver in the stack command above. Usage: Executing this script will cause stack to run it in interpreted mode: $ hledger-script-example.hs Or you can compile first: $ stack ghc hledger-script-example.hs --package hledger --package string-qq $ hledger-script-example Whether compiled or not, you can also run it as a hledger subcommand, if it is in $PATH: $ hledger script-example -}