-- #!/usr/bin/env runhaskell <- sp doesn't like {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-} {-| hledger - a ledger-compatible text-based accounting tool. Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Simon Michael Released under GPL version 3 or later. hledger is a partial haskell clone of John Wiegley's "ledger" text-based accounting tool. It generates ledger-compatible register & balance reports from a plain text journal, and demonstrates a functional implementation of ledger. For more information, see http:\/\/hledger.org . You can use the command line: > $ hledger --help or ghci: > $ ghci hledger > > l <- readLedger "sample.ledger" > > register [] ["income","expenses"] l > 2008/01/01 income income:salary $-1 $-1 > 2008/06/01 gift income:gifts $-1 $-2 > 2008/06/03 eat & shop expenses:food $1 $-1 > expenses:supplies $1 0 > > balance [Depth "1"] [] l > $-1 assets > $2 expenses > $-2 income > $1 liabilities > > l <- myLedger > > t <- myTimelog See "Ledger.Ledger" for more examples. -} module Main where import Prelude hiding (putStr, putStrLn) import System.IO.UTF8 import Commands.All import Ledger import Options import Tests import Utils (withLedgerDo) import Version (versionmsg, binaryfilename) main :: IO () main = do (opts, cmd, args) <- parseArguments run cmd opts args where run cmd opts args | Help `elem` opts = putStr usage | Version `elem` opts = putStrLn versionmsg | BinaryFilename `elem` opts = putStrLn binaryfilename | cmd `isPrefixOf` "balance" = withLedgerDo opts args cmd balance | cmd `isPrefixOf` "convert" = withLedgerDo opts args cmd convert | cmd `isPrefixOf` "print" = withLedgerDo opts args cmd print' | cmd `isPrefixOf` "register" = withLedgerDo opts args cmd register | cmd `isPrefixOf` "histogram" = withLedgerDo opts args cmd histogram | cmd `isPrefixOf` "add" = withLedgerDo opts args cmd add | cmd `isPrefixOf` "stats" = withLedgerDo opts args cmd stats #ifdef VTY | cmd `isPrefixOf` "ui" = withLedgerDo opts args cmd ui #endif #ifdef HAPPS | cmd `isPrefixOf` "web" = withLedgerDo opts args cmd web #endif | cmd `isPrefixOf` "test" = runtests opts args >> return () | otherwise = putStr usage