#!/usr/bin/env runghc -- dev.hs, for miscellaneous profiling/benchmarking/testing. -- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric #-} -- {-# LANGUAGE NoWarnUnusedImports #-} -- import System.Environment (getArgs) -- import Control.Monad.Except import Criterion.Main -- import Data.Text.Lazy as LT -- import System.Environment import System.TimeIt (timeItT) import Text.Printf import Hledger -- import Hledger.Utils.Regex (toRegexCI) -- import Hledger.Utils.Debug -- import qualified Hledger.Read.JournalReader as JR -- import qualified Hledger.Read.TimeclockReader as TR -- import qualified Hledger.Read.TimeclockReaderNoJU as TRNOJU -- import qualified Hledger.Read.TimeclockReaderPP as TRPP -- import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) -- import Data.Data -- import GHC.Generics (Generic) -- import Text.Regex.TDFA (Regex(..)) -- -- instance Generic Regex -- instance NFData Regex -- deriving instance Data (Regex) -- deriving instance Typeable (Regex) -- deriving instance Generic (Regex) -- instance NFData Regex journal = -- "examples/10000x1000x10.journal" "examples/10000x1000x10.journal" timeclock = "examples/sample.timeclock" timeit :: String -> IO a -> IO (Double, a) timeit name action = do printf "%s%s" name (replicate (40 - length name) ' ') (t,a) <- timeItT action printf "[%.2fs]\n" t return (t,a) timeReadJournal :: String -> String -> IO (Double, Journal) timeReadJournal msg s = timeit msg $ either error id <$> readJournal Nothing Nothing True Nothing s main = do -- putStrLn $ regexReplaceCI "^aa" "xx" "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee" (_t0,_j) <- timeit ("read "++journal) $ either error id <$> readJournalFile Nothing Nothing True journal return () -- printf "Total: %0.2fs\n" (sum [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4]) -- -- read the input journal -- s <- readFile journal -- j <- either error id <$> readJournal Nothing Nothing True Nothing s -- -- putStrLn $ show $ length $ jtxns j -- sanity check we parsed it all -- let accts = map paccount $ journalPostings j -- Criterion.Main.defaultMainWith defaultConfig $ [ -- -- bench ("toRegexCI") $ whnf toRegexCI "^aa" -- -- ,bench ("toRegexCI") $ whnfIO (return $ toRegexCI "^aa") -- -- ,bench ("toRegexCI x 1000") $ nfIO $ sequence_ (map (return . toRegexCI) (replicate 1000 "^aa")) -- -- bench ("regexReplaceCI") $ nf (regexReplaceCI "aa" "xx") "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:1" -- -- ,bench ("regexReplaceCI x 1000") $ nf (map (regexReplaceCI "bb" "xx")) (replicate 1000 "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee;2") -- -- ,bench ("regexReplaceCIMemo") $ nf (regexReplaceCIMemo "ee" "xx") "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:5" -- -- ,bench ("regexReplaceCIMemo x 1000") $ nf (map (regexReplaceCIMemo "ff" "xx")) (replicate 1000 "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:6") -- bench ("apply one regex alias to one posting") $ -- nf (map (accountNameApplyAliases [RegexAlias "^1:" "x:"])) (map paccount $ take 1 $ journalPostings j) -- -- ,bench ("apply one regex alias to 20000 postings") $ -- -- nf (map (accountNameApplyAliases [RegexAlias "^1:" "x:"])) (map paccount $ journalPostings j) -- -- ,bench ("apply 3 regex aliases to 20000 postings") $ -- -- nf (map (accountNameApplyAliases [ -- -- RegexAlias "^1:" "x:" -- -- ,RegexAlias "^2:" "x:" -- -- ,RegexAlias "^3:" "x:" -- -- ])) accts -- -- ,bench ("readJournal") $ whnfIO $ -- -- either error id <$> -- -- readJournal Nothing Nothing True Nothing s -- -- ,bench ("readJournal with aliases") $ whnfIO $ -- -- either error id <$> -- -- readJournal Nothing Nothing True Nothing ( -- -- unlines [ -- -- "alias /^fb:/=xx \n" -- -- ,"alias /^f1:/=xx \n" -- -- ,"alias /^e7:/=xx \n" -- -- ] ++ s) -- ] -- (t0,j0) <- timeReadJournal ("read "++journal) s -- (t0',j0') <- timeReadJournal ("read "++journal++" again") s -- (t1,j1) <- timeReadJournal ("read "++journal++"with 3 simple aliases") -- (unlines [ -- "alias fb=xx \n" -- ,"alias f1=xx \n" -- ,"alias e7=xx \n" -- ] ++ s) -- (t1',j1') <- timeReadJournal ("read "++journal++"with 3 simple aliases again") -- (unlines [ -- "alias fb=xx \n" -- ,"alias f1=xx \n" -- ,"alias e7=xx \n" -- ] ++ s) -- (t2,j2) <- timeReadJournal ("read "++journal++"with 3 regex aliases") -- (unlines [ -- "alias /^fb:/=xx \n" -- ,"alias /^f1:/=xx \n" -- ,"alias /^e7:/=xx \n" -- ] ++ s) -- (t2',j2') <- timeReadJournal ("read "++journal++"with 3 regex aliases again") -- (unlines [ -- "alias /^fb:/=xx \n" -- -- ,"alias /^f1:/=xx \n" -- -- ,"alias /^e7:/=xx \n" -- ] ++ s) -- putStrLn $ show ( -- -- j0, -- -- j0', -- -- j1, -- -- j1', -- -- j2, -- j2' -- ) -- force evaluation, though it seems not to be needed -- return () -- benchmark timeclock parsing -- s <- readFile inputtimeclock -- putStrLn $ show $ length s -- let s = unlines [ -- "i 2009/03/27 09:00:00 projects:a", -- "o 2009/03/27 17:00:34", -- "i 2009/03/31 22:21:45 personal:reading:online", -- "o 2009/04/01 02:00:34", -- "i 2009/04/02 09:00:00 projects:b", -- "o 2009/04/02 17:00:34" -- ] -- -- let output = return . const -- putStrLn.show -- -- withArgs ["-l"] $ defaultMain [bench "timeclock polyparse" $ nfIO $ runExceptT $ TRPP.parseJournalWith' TRPP.timeclockFile False "" s] -- defaultMain [ -- -- bench ("read "++inputtimeclock++" with parsec") $ nfIO $ runExceptT (TR.parse Nothing False "" s) >>= output -- -- bench ("read "++inputtimeclock++" with parsec, no ju") $ nfIO $ runExceptT (TRNOJU.parse Nothing False "" s) >>= output, -- -- bench ("read "++inputtimeclock++" polyparse") $ nfIO $ runExceptT (TRPP.parse Nothing False "" s) >>= output -- ] -- return () -- benchWithTimeit = do -- getCurrentDirectory >>= printf "Benchmarking hledger in %s with timeit\n" -- let opts = defcliopts{output_file_=Just outputfile} -- (t0,j) <- timeit ("read "++inputfile) $ either error id <$> readJournalFile Nothing Nothing True inputfile -- (t1,_) <- timeit ("print") $ print' opts j -- (t2,_) <- timeit ("register") $ register opts j -- (t3,_) <- timeit ("balance") $ balance opts j -- (t4,_) <- timeit ("stats") $ stats opts j -- printf "Total: %0.2fs\n" (sum [t0,t1,t2,t3,t4]) -- timeit :: String -> IO a -> IO (Double, a) -- timeit name action = do -- printf "%s%s" name (replicate (40 - length name) ' ') -- (t,a) <- timeItT action -- printf "[%.2fs]\n" t -- return (t,a)