#!/usr/bin/env python # runhledgercov "HPCCOMMAND [HPCARGS]" [HLEDGERARGS] # # A front-end that resets the tix count, runs hledgercov (the HPC-enabled build) # with the specified hledger args, and runs hpc with the specified hpc args. # Should be run from hledger's top source directory. # # Eg: # hledger$ tools/runhledgercov report test # hledger$ tools/runhledgercov "markup --destdir=coverage" test 'some unit test' hledgercov="hledgercov" verbosity = 0 # 0=no output, 1=stderr only, 2=stdout+stderr import sys, os hpcargs, hledgerargs = sys.argv[1], ' '.join(sys.argv[2:]) # remove old tix files os.system("rm -f %s.tix" % hledgercov) # run the hpc-enabled binary with the specified hledger arguments to generate tix files if verbosity<1: os.system("bin/%s %s >/dev/null 2>&1" % (hledgercov,hledgerargs)) elif verbosity==1: os.system("bin/%s %s >/dev/null" % (hledgercov,hledgerargs)) else: os.system("bin/%s %s" % (hledgercov,hledgerargs)) # run the specified hpc command on the tix files os.system("hpc %s %s" % (hpcargs,hledgercov))