# this matches the second-level account but displays only the first-level name bin/hledger -f - register aa --depth 1 <<< 2010/1/1 x a:aa:aaa 1 b >>> 2010/01/01 x a 1 1 >>>2 # this matches the second-level account, displays the second-level name, does not aggregate transactions bin/hledger -f - register aa --depth 2 <<< 2010/1/1 x a:aa 1 b:bb:bbb 2010/1/1 y a:aa 1 b:bb:bbb 2010/1/2 z a:aa 1 b:bb:bbb >>> 2010/01/01 x a:aa 1 1 2010/01/01 y a:aa 1 2 2010/01/02 z a:aa 1 3 >>>2 # this matches the second-level account, displays the first-level name, aggregates by reporting interval bin/hledger -f - register aa --depth 1 --daily <<< 2010/1/1 x a:aa 1 b:bb:bbb 2010/1/1 y a:aa 1 b:bb:bbb 2010/1/2 z a:aa 1 b:bb:bbb >>> 2010/01/01 - 2010/01/01 a 2 2 2010/01/02 - 2010/01/02 a 1 3 >>>2