{-| A 'Ledger' stores, for efficiency, a 'RawLedger' plus its tree of account names, and a map from account names to 'Account's. It may also have had uninteresting 'Entry's and 'Transaction's filtered out. It also stores the complete ledger file text for the ui command. -} module Ledger.Ledger where import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map ((!)) import Ledger.Utils import Ledger.Types import Ledger.Amount import Ledger.AccountName import Ledger.Account import Ledger.Transaction import Ledger.RawLedger import Ledger.Entry instance Show Ledger where show l = printf "Ledger with %d entries, %d accounts\n%s" ((length $ entries $ rawledger l) + (length $ modifier_entries $ rawledger l) + (length $ periodic_entries $ rawledger l)) (length $ accountnames l) (showtree $ accountnametree l) -- | Convert a raw ledger to a more efficient cached type, described above. cacheLedger :: [String] -> RawLedger -> Ledger cacheLedger apats l = Ledger{rawledgertext="",rawledger=l,accountnametree=ant,accountmap=acctmap} where ts = filtertxns apats $ rawLedgerTransactions l ant = rawLedgerAccountNameTree l anames = flatten ant txnmap = Map.union (transactionsByAccount ts) (Map.fromList [(a,[]) | a <- anames]) subacctsof a = filter (a `isAccountNamePrefixOf`) anames subtxnsof a = concat [txnmap ! a | a <- [a] ++ subacctsof a] balmap = Map.union (Map.fromList [(a,sumTransactions $ subtxnsof a) | a <- anames]) (Map.fromList [(a,Mixed []) | a <- anames]) acctmap = Map.fromList [(a, mkacct a) | a <- anames] mkacct a = Account a (txnmap ! a) (balmap ! a) -- | Convert a list of transactions to a map from account name to the list -- of all transactions in that account. transactionsByAccount :: [Transaction] -> Map.Map AccountName [Transaction] transactionsByAccount ts = Map.fromList [(account $ head g, g) | g <- groupedts] where sortedts = sortBy (comparing account) ts groupedts = groupBy (\t1 t2 -> account t1 == account t2) sortedts filtertxns :: [String] -> [Transaction] -> [Transaction] filtertxns apats ts = filter (matchpats apats . account) ts -- | List a ledger's account names. accountnames :: Ledger -> [AccountName] accountnames l = drop 1 $ flatten $ accountnametree l -- | Get the named account from a ledger. ledgerAccount :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Account ledgerAccount l a = (accountmap l) ! a -- | List a ledger's accounts, in tree order accounts :: Ledger -> [Account] accounts l = drop 1 $ flatten $ ledgerAccountTree 9999 l -- | List a ledger's top-level accounts, in tree order topAccounts :: Ledger -> [Account] topAccounts l = map root $ branches $ ledgerAccountTree 9999 l -- | Accounts in ledger whose name matches the pattern, in tree order. accountsMatching :: [String] -> Ledger -> [Account] accountsMatching pats l = filter (matchpats pats . aname) $ accounts l -- | List a ledger account's immediate subaccounts subAccounts :: Ledger -> Account -> [Account] subAccounts l Account{aname=a} = map (ledgerAccount l) $ filter (a `isAccountNamePrefixOf`) $ accountnames l -- | List a ledger's transactions. ledgerTransactions :: Ledger -> [Transaction] ledgerTransactions l = rawLedgerTransactions $ rawledger l -- | Get a ledger's tree of accounts to the specified depth. ledgerAccountTree :: Int -> Ledger -> Tree Account ledgerAccountTree depth l = treemap (ledgerAccount l) $ treeprune depth $ accountnametree l -- | Get a ledger's tree of accounts rooted at the specified account. ledgerAccountTreeAt :: Ledger -> Account -> Maybe (Tree Account) ledgerAccountTreeAt l acct = subtreeat acct $ ledgerAccountTree 9999 l -- | The (explicit) date span containing all the ledger's transactions, -- or DateSpan Nothing Nothing if there are no transactions. ledgerDateSpan l | null ts = DateSpan Nothing Nothing | otherwise = DateSpan (Just $ date $ head ts) (Just $ addDays 1 $ date $ last ts) where ts = sortBy (comparing date) $ ledgerTransactions l