
541 lines
23 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack runghc --verbosity info --package hledger-lib
-- Run this script from inside the hledger source tree, so that it
-- will use the corresponding source version of hledger, which is the
-- version it is tested with.
-- You can compile these scripts by running compile.sh in this directory.
-- The compiled executables can be run from anywhere, so you could add
-- this directory to your $PATH and see them in hledger's command list.
-- You could make this a standalone script that runs from anywhere and
-- recompiles itself when changed, by replacing "runghc" above with
-- "script --compile --resolver lts-22" (eg). However this uses the
-- hledger version from that stackage resolver, so in this case you
-- should check out the corresponding release-tagged version of this
-- script for compatibility (eg: git checkout 1.18.1).
-- This setup is adapted for some current limitations of stack's
-- ghc/runghc/script commands. Unfortunately it requires repeating
-- package dependencies, to the extent they are required, in multiple
-- places.
-- Keep synced: compile.sh, scripts*.test, hledger-*.hs ...
Usage: hledger-check-fancyassertions
[-f|--file FILE] [--alias OLD=NEW] [--ignore-assertions]
[-b|--begin DATE] [-e|--end DATE] [-C|--cleared]
[--pending] [-U|--unmarked] [-R|--real] [--sunday]
[-D|--daily ASSERT] [-W|--weekly ASSERT]
[-M|--monthly ASSERT] [-Q|--quarterly ASSERT]
[-Y|--yearly ASSERT] [ASSERT]
Complex account balance assertions for hledger journals.
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-f,--file FILE use a different input file. For stdin, use -
--alias OLD=NEW display accounts named OLD as NEW
--ignore-assertions ignore any balance assertions in the journal
-b,--begin DATE include postings/txns on or after this date
-e,--end DATE include postings/txns before this date
-U,--unmarked include only unmarked postings/txns
-P,--pending include only pending postings/txns
-C,--cleared include only cleared postings/txns
-R,--real include only non-virtual postings
--sunday weeks start on Sunday
-D,--daily ASSERT assertions that must hold at the end of the day
-W,--weekly ASSERT assertions that must hold at the end of the week
-M,--monthly ASSERT assertions that must hold at the end of the month
-Q,--quarterly ASSERT assertions that must hold at the end of the quarter
-Y,--yearly ASSERT assertions that must hold at the end of the year
ASSERT assertions that must hold after every transaction
Comparison: `<value OR account name> cmp <value OR account name>`
In the simplest form, an assertion is just a comparison between
values. A value is either an amount or an account name (both as
defined by hledger). The comparison operators are `<`, `<=`, `==`,
`>=`, `>`, and `!=` (with the obvious meanings).
Normally, the name of an account refers to the balance of that account
only, without including subaccounts. The syntax `* AccountName` refers
to the sum of the values in both that account and its subaccounts.
hledger-check-fancyassertions -D "budget:books >= £0"
"At the end of every day, the books budget is greater than or equal to
£0", implying that if I overspend, I need to take the money out of
some other account. Note the double space after `budget:books`, this
is because account names can contain single spaces.
Combination: `<assertion> op <assertion>`
Assertions can be combined with logical connectives. The connectives
are `&&`, `||`, `==>`, and `<==>` (with the obvious meanings).
Assertions can also be wrapped inside parentheses.
hledger-check-fancyassertions "(assets:overdraft < £2000) ==> (*assets:checking == £0)"
"If I have taken money from my overdraft, then I must have no money in
my checking account (including subaccounts)."
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
module Main where
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad (mplus, mzero, unless, void)
import Control.Monad.Except (runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (runStateT)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.List (foldl', groupBy, intercalate, nub, sortOn)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty, toList)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Time.Calendar (toGregorian)
import Data.Time.Calendar.OrdinalDate (mondayStartWeek, sundayStartWeek, toOrdinalDate)
import Data.Text (Text, isPrefixOf, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Hledger.Data as H
import qualified Hledger.Query as H
import qualified Hledger.Read as H
import qualified Hledger.Utils.Parse as H
import Lens.Micro (set)
import Options.Applicative
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.FilePath (FilePath)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as P
-- Don't know how to preserve newlines yet.
helptxt = unlines [
"ASSERTIONS can be:"
,"In the simplest form, an assertion is just a comparison between"
,"values. A value is either an amount or an account name (both as"
,"defined by hledger). The comparison operators are <, <=, ==,"
,">=, >, and != (with the obvious meanings)."
,"Normally, the name of an account refers to the balance of that account"
,"only, without including subaccounts. The syntax `* ACCT` refers"
,"to the sum of the values in both that account and its subaccounts."
,"hledger-check-fancyassertions -D 'budget:books >= £0'"
,"\"At the end of every day, the books budget is greater than or equal to"
,"£0\", implying that if I overspend, I need to take the money out of"
,"some other account. Note the double space after budget:books, this is"
,"because account names can contain single spaces."
,"Assertions can be combined with logical connectives. The connectives"
,"are &&, ||, ==>, and <==> (with the obvious meanings)."
,"Assertions can also be wrapped inside parentheses."
,"hledger-check-fancyassertions '(assets:overdraft < £2000) ==> (*assets:checking == £0)'"
,"\"If I have taken money from my overdraft, then I must have no money in"
,"my checking account (including subaccounts).\""
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- execParser args
journalFile <- maybe H.defaultJournalPath pure (file opts)
ejournal <- runExceptT $ H.readJournalFile (set H.ignore_assertions (ignoreAssertions opts) H.definputopts) journalFile
case ejournal of
Right j -> do
(journal, starting) <- fixupJournal opts j
let postings = H.journalPostings journal
b1 <- checkAssertions starting (assertionsAlways opts) (groupByNE ((==) `on` H.ptransaction) postings)
b2 <- checkAssertions starting (assertionsDaily opts) (groupByNE sameDay postings)
b3 <- checkAssertions starting (assertionsWeekly opts) (groupByNE (sameWeek (sunday opts)) postings)
b4 <- checkAssertions starting (assertionsMonthly opts) (groupByNE sameMonth postings)
b5 <- checkAssertions starting (assertionsQuarterly opts) (groupByNE sameQuarter postings)
b6 <- checkAssertions starting (assertionsYearly opts) (groupByNE sameYear postings)
unless (b1 && b2 && b3 && b4 && b5 && b6)
Left err -> putStrLn err >> exitFailure
-- Assertions
-- | Check assertions against a collection of grouped postings:
-- assertions must hold when all postings in the group have been
-- applied. Print out errors as they are found.
checkAssertions :: [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> [(Text, Predicate)] -> [NonEmpty H.Posting] -> IO Bool
checkAssertions balances0 asserts0 postingss
| null failed = pure True
| otherwise = T.putStrLn (T.intercalate "\n\n" failed) >> pure False
(_, _, failed) = foldl' applyAndCheck (balances0, asserts0, []) postingss
-- Apply a collection of postings and check the assertions.
applyAndCheck :: ([(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)], [(Text, Predicate)], [Text])
-> NonEmpty H.Posting
-> ([(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)], [(Text, Predicate)], [Text])
applyAndCheck (starting, asserts, errs) ps =
let ps' = toList ps
closing = starting `addAccounts` closingBalances' ps'
checked = map (\a -> (a, check (last ps') closing a)) asserts
asserts' = [a | (a, Nothing) <- checked]
errs' = [e | (_, Just e) <- checked]
in (closing, asserts', errs ++ errs')
-- Check an assertion against a collection of account balances,
-- and return an error on failure.
check :: H.Posting -> [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> (Text, Predicate) -> Maybe Text
check lastp balances (pstr, p)
| checkAssertion balances p = Nothing
| otherwise = Just . T.unlines $
let after = case H.ptransaction lastp of
Just t ->
"after transaction:\n" <> H.showTransaction t <>
"(after posting: " <> T.pack (init $ H.showPosting lastp) <> ")\n\n"
Nothing ->
"after posting:\n" <> T.pack (H.showPosting lastp)
-- Restrict to accounts mentioned in the predicate, and pretty-print balances
balances' = filter (flip inAssertion p . fst) balances
maxalen = maximum $ map (T.length . fst) balances'
accounts = [ a <> padding <> T.pack (show m)
| (a,m) <- balances'
, let padding = T.replicate (2 + maxalen - T.length a) " "
in [ "assertion '" <> pstr <> "' violated", after <> "relevant balances:"] ++ map (" "<>) accounts
-- | Check an assertion holds for a collection of account balances.
checkAssertion :: [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> Predicate -> Bool
checkAssertion accounts = checkAssertion'
checkAssertion' (Not p) = not (checkAssertion' p)
checkAssertion' (Connect p1 c p2) =
let p1' = checkAssertion' p1
p2' = checkAssertion' p2
in case c of
AND -> p1' && p2'
OR -> p1' || p2'
IMPLIES -> not p1' || p2'
IFF -> p1' == p2'
checkAssertion' (Compare v1 c v2) =
let v1e = evaluate v1
v2e = evaluate v2
v1' = fixup v1e v2e
v2' = fixup v2e v1e
in case c of
LLT -> v1' < v2'
EEQ -> v1' == v2'
GGT -> v1' > v2'
LTE -> v1' <= v2'
NEQ -> v1' /= v2'
GTE -> v1' >= v2'
evaluate (Account account) =
fromMaybe H.nullmixedamt $ lookup account accounts
evaluate (AccountNested account) =
H.maSum [m | (a,m) <- accounts, account == a || (a <> pack ":") `isPrefixOf` account]
evaluate (Amount amount) = H.mixed [amount]
-- Add missing amounts (with 0 value), normalise, throw away style
-- information, and sort by commodity name.
fixup m1 m2 =
let m = H.mixed $ H.amounts m1 ++ [m_ { H.aquantity = 0 } | m_ <- H.amounts m2]
as = H.amounts m
in H.mixed $ sortOn H.acommodity . map (\a -> a { H.astyle = H.amountstyle }) $ as
-- | Check if an account name is mentioned in an assertion.
inAssertion :: H.AccountName -> Predicate -> Bool
inAssertion account = inAssertion'
inAssertion' (Not p) = not (inAssertion' p)
inAssertion' (Connect p1 _ p2) = inAssertion' p1 || inAssertion' p2
inAssertion' (Compare v1 _ v2) = inValue v1 || inValue v2
inValue (Account a) = account == a
inValue (AccountNested a) = account == a || (a <> pack ":") `isPrefixOf` account
inValue (Amount _) = False
-- Journals
-- | Apply account aliases and restrict to the date range, return the
-- starting balance of every account.
fixupJournal :: Opts -> H.Journal -> IO (H.Journal, [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)])
fixupJournal opts j = do
today <- H.getCurrentDay
let j' = (if cleared opts then H.filterJournalTransactions (H.StatusQ H.Cleared) else id)
. (if pending opts then H.filterJournalTransactions (H.StatusQ H.Pending) else id)
. (if unmarked opts then H.filterJournalTransactions (H.StatusQ H.Unmarked) else id)
. (if real opts then H.filterJournalTransactions (H.Real True) else id)
$ j
let starting = case begin opts of
Just _ ->
let dateSpan = H.DateSpan Nothing (fixDay today begin)
in closingBalances (H.filterJournalPostings (H.Date dateSpan) j')
Nothing -> []
let dateSpan = H.DateSpan (fixDay today begin) (fixDay today end)
pure (H.filterJournalTransactions (H.Date dateSpan) j', starting)
fixDay today dayf = H.fixSmartDate today <$> dayf opts
-- | Get the closing balances of every account in the journal.
closingBalances :: H.Journal -> [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)]
closingBalances = closingBalances' . H.journalPostings
-- | Get the closing balances of every account referenced by a group
-- of postings.
closingBalances' :: [H.Posting] -> [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)]
closingBalances' postings =
let postingsByAccount =
groupBy ((==) `on` H.paccount) . sortOn H.paccount $ postings
in map (\ps@(p:_) -> (H.paccount p, H.sumPostings ps)) postingsByAccount
-- | Add balances in matching accounts.
addAccounts :: [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)] -> [(H.AccountName, H.MixedAmount)]
addAccounts as1 as2 = [ (a, a1 `H.maPlus` a2)
| a <- nub (map fst as1 ++ map fst as2)
, let a1 = fromMaybe H.nullmixedamt $ lookup a as1
, let a2 = fromMaybe H.nullmixedamt $ lookup a as2
-- Dates
-- | Check if two postings are in the same day.
sameDay :: H.Posting -> H.Posting -> Bool
sameDay = sameish id
-- | Check if two postings are in the same week.
sameWeek :: Bool -> H.Posting -> H.Posting -> Bool
sameWeek startSunday p1 p2 =
let startWeek = if startSunday then sundayStartWeek else mondayStartWeek
d1 = H.postingDate p1
d2 = H.postingDate p2
y1 = fst (toOrdinalDate d1)
y2 = fst (toOrdinalDate d2)
w1 = fst (startWeek d1)
w2 = fst (startWeek d2)
sameYearSameWeek = y1 == y2 && w1 == w2
week0Week52 = y1 == y2+1 && w1 == 0 && w2 == 52
week52Week0 = 1+y1 == y2 && w1 == 52 && w2 == 0
in sameYearSameWeek || week0Week52 || week52Week0
-- | Check if two postings are in the same month.
sameMonth :: H.Posting -> H.Posting -> Bool
sameMonth = sameish (\(y,m,_) -> (y,m))
-- | Check if two postings are in the same quarter.
sameQuarter :: H.Posting -> H.Posting -> Bool
sameQuarter = sameish (\(y,m,_) -> (y, m `div` 4))
-- | Check if two postings are in the same year.
sameYear :: H.Posting -> H.Posting -> Bool
sameYear = sameish (\(y,_,_) -> y)
-- Command-line Arguments
-- | Parsed command-line arguments.
data Opts = Opts
{ file :: Maybe FilePath
-- ^ Path to journal file.
, aliases :: [H.AccountAlias]
-- ^ Account name aliases: (OLD, NEW).
, ignoreAssertions :: Bool
-- ^ Ignore balance assertions while reading the journal file (but
-- still apply any given to this tool.
, begin :: Maybe H.SmartDate
-- ^ Exclude postings/txns before this date.
, end :: Maybe H.SmartDate
-- ^ Exclude postings/txns on or after this date.
, cleared :: Bool
-- ^ Include only cleared postings/txns.
, pending :: Bool
-- ^ Include only pending postings/txns.
, unmarked :: Bool
-- ^ Include only unmarked postings/txns.
, real :: Bool
-- ^ Include only non-virtual postings.
, sunday :: Bool
-- ^ Week starts on Sunday.
, assertionsDaily :: [(Text, Predicate)]
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each day.
, assertionsWeekly :: [(Text, Predicate)]
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each week.
, assertionsMonthly :: [(Text, Predicate)]
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each month.
, assertionsQuarterly :: [(Text, Predicate)]
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each quarter.
, assertionsYearly :: [(Text, Predicate)]
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold at the end of each year.
, assertionsAlways :: [(Text, Predicate)]
-- ^ Account assertions that must hold after each txn.
deriving (Show)
-- | Command-line arguments.
args :: ParserInfo Opts
args = info (helper <*> parser) $ mconcat
[ fullDesc
, progDesc "Complex account balance assertions for hledger journals."
, footer helptxt
parser = Opts <$> (optional . strOption)
(arg 'f' "file" "use a different input file. For stdin, use -" <> metavar "FILE")
<*> (many . fmap snd . popt (lift H.accountaliasp))
(arg' "alias" "display accounts named OLD as NEW" <> metavar "OLD=NEW")
<*> switch
(arg' "ignore-assertions" "ignore any balance assertions in the journal")
<*> (optional . fmap snd . popt' H.smartdate)
(arg 'b' "begin" "include postings/txns on or after this date" <> metavar "DATE")
<*> (optional . fmap snd . popt' H.smartdate)
(arg 'e' "end" "include postings/txns before this date" <> metavar "DATE")
<*> switch
(arg 'C' "cleared" "include only cleared postings/txns")
<*> switch
(arg' "pending" "include only pending postings/txns")
<*> switch
(arg 'U' "unmarked" "include only unmarked postings/txns")
<*> switch
(arg 'R' "real" "include only non-virtual postings")
<*> switch
(arg' "sunday" "weeks start on Sunday")
<*> (many . popt predicatep)
(arg 'D' "daily" "assertions that must hold at the end of the day" <> metavar "ASSERT")
<*> (many . popt predicatep)
(arg 'W' "weekly" "assertions that must hold at the end of the week" <> metavar "ASSERT")
<*> (many . popt predicatep)
(arg 'M' "monthly" "assertions that must hold at the end of the month" <> metavar "ASSERT")
<*> (many . popt predicatep)
(arg 'Q' "quarterly" "assertions that must hold at the end of the quarter" <> metavar "ASSERT")
<*> (many . popt predicatep)
(arg 'Y' "yearly" "assertions that must hold at the end of the year" <> metavar "ASSERT")
<*> (many . parg predicatep)
(help "assertions that must hold after every transaction" <> metavar "ASSERT")
-- Shorthand for options
arg s l h = arg' l h <> short s
arg' l h = long l <> help h
-- Arguments and options from a Megaparsec parser.
parg = argument . readParsec
popt = option . readParsec
popt' = option . readParsec'
-- Turn a Parsec parser into a ReadM parser that also returns the
-- input.
readParsec :: H.JournalParser ReadM a -> ReadM (Text, a)
readParsec p = do
s <- str
parsed <- P.runParserT (runStateT p H.nulljournal) "" s
case parsed of
Right (a, _) -> pure (s, a)
Left err -> fail ("failed to parse input '" ++ unpack s ++ "': " ++ P.errorBundlePretty err)
readParsec' :: H.SimpleTextParser a -> ReadM (String, a)
readParsec' p = do
s <- str
let parsed = runIdentity $ P.runParserT p "" (pack s)
case parsed of
Right a -> pure (s, a)
Left err -> fail ("failed to parse input '" ++ s ++ "': " ++ P.errorBundlePretty err)
-- Predicates & Parsers
data Predicate
= Compare Value Compare Value
| Connect Predicate Connect Predicate
| Not Predicate
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Parse a 'Predicate'.
predicatep :: Monad m => H.JournalParser m Predicate
predicatep = wrap predparensp <|> wrap predcomparep <|> wrap prednotp where
predparensp = P.char '(' *> spaces *> predicatep <* spaces <* P.char ')'
predcomparep = Compare <$> valuep <*> (spaces *> lift comparep <* spaces) <*> valuep
prednotp = void (P.char '!') *> (Not <$> predicatep)
spaces = void . many $ P.char ' '
wrap p = do
a <- P.try p
P.try (wrap $ do c <- lift connectp; spaces; Connect a c <$> p) <|> pure a
data Value = Account H.AccountName | AccountNested H.AccountName | Amount H.Amount
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Parse a 'Value'.
valuep :: Monad m => H.JournalParser m Value
-- Account name parser has to come last because they eat everything.
valuep = P.try valueamountp <|> P.try valueaccountnestedp <|> valueaccountp where
valueamountp = Amount <$> H.amountp
valueaccountp = Account <$> lift H.accountnamep
valueaccountnestedp = AccountNested <$> (P.char '*' *> spaces *> lift H.accountnamep)
spaces = void . many $ P.char ' '
data Compare = LLT | EEQ | GGT | LTE | NEQ | GTE
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Enum)
-- | Parse a 'Compare'.
comparep :: Monad m => H.TextParser m Compare
comparep = gostringsp [("<=", LTE), ("<", LLT), ("==", EEQ), (">=", GTE), (">", GGT), ("!=", NEQ)]
data Connect = AND | OR | IMPLIES | IFF
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Bounded, Enum)
-- | Parse a 'Connect'.
connectp :: Monad m => H.TextParser m Connect
connectp = gostringsp [("&&", AND), ("||", OR), ("==>", IMPLIES), ("<==>", IFF)]
-- Utilities
-- | Group values in a list into nonempty subsequences.
groupByNE :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [NonEmpty a]
groupByNE f = mapMaybe nonEmpty . groupBy f
-- | Check if two postings are on the sameish date, given a function
-- to convert the posting date (in (Y,M,D) format) to some comparable
-- value.
sameish :: Eq a => ((Integer, Int, Int) -> a) -> H.Posting -> H.Posting -> Bool
sameish f = (==) `on` f . toGregorian . H.postingDate
-- | Helper for 'Compare' and 'Connect' parsers.
gostringsp :: Monad m => [(String, a)] -> H.TextParser m a
gostringsp ((s,a):rest) = P.try (P.string (fromString s) $> a) `mplus` gostringsp rest
gostringsp [] = mzero