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module Hledger.Vty.Options
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import Hledger.Cli hiding (progname,progversion)
import qualified Hledger.Cli (progname)
progname = Hledger.Cli.progname ++ "-vty"
progversion = progversionstr progname
vtyflags = [
flagNone ["debug-vty"] (\opts -> setboolopt "rules-file" opts) "run with no terminal output, showing console"
vtymode = (mode "hledger-vty" [("command","vty")]
"browse accounts, postings and entries in a full-window curses interface"
commandargsflag (vtyflags++generalflags1)){
-- "Reads your ~/.hledger.journal file, or another specified by $LEDGER_FILE or -f, and starts the full-window curses ui."
-- hledger-vty options, used in hledger-vty and above
data VtyOpts = VtyOpts {
debug_vty_ :: Bool
,cliopts_ :: CliOpts
} deriving (Show)
defvtyopts = VtyOpts
-- instance Default CliOpts where def = defcliopts
toVtyOpts :: RawOpts -> IO VtyOpts
toVtyOpts rawopts = do
cliopts <- toCliOpts rawopts
return defvtyopts {
debug_vty_ = boolopt "debug-vty" rawopts
,cliopts_ = cliopts
checkVtyOpts :: VtyOpts -> IO VtyOpts
checkVtyOpts opts = do
checkCliOpts $ cliopts_ opts
return opts
getHledgerVtyOpts :: IO VtyOpts
getHledgerVtyOpts = processArgs vtymode >>= return . decodeRawOpts >>= toVtyOpts >>= checkVtyOpts