2008-12-05 10:04:59 +00:00

96 lines
3.6 KiB

An 'Entry' represents a regular entry in the ledger file. It normally
contains two or more balanced 'RawTransaction's.
module Ledger.Entry
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.Dates
import Ledger.RawTransaction
import Ledger.Amount
instance Show Entry where show = showEntry
instance Show ModifierEntry where
show e = "= " ++ (valueexpr e) ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map show (m_transactions e))
instance Show PeriodicEntry where
show e = "~ " ++ (periodicexpr e) ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map show (p_transactions e))
nullentry = Entry {
edate=parsedate "1900/1/1",
Show a ledger entry, formatted for the print command. ledger 2.x's
standard format looks like this:
yyyy/mm/dd[ *][ CODE] description......... [ ; comment...............]
account name 1..................... ...$amount1[ ; comment...............]
account name 2..................... ..$-amount1[ ; comment...............]
pcodewidth = no limit -- 10 -- mimicking ledger layout.
pdescwidth = no limit -- 20 -- I don't remember what these mean,
pacctwidth = 35 minimum, no maximum -- they were important at the time.
pamtwidth = 11
pcommentwidth = no limit -- 22
showEntry :: Entry -> String
showEntry e =
unlines $ [{-precedingcomment ++ -}description] ++ (showtxns $ etransactions e) ++ [""]
precedingcomment = epreceding_comment_lines e
description = concat [date, status, code, desc] -- , comment]
date = showdate $ edate e
status = if estatus e then " *" else ""
code = if (length $ ecode e) > 0 then (printf " (%s)" $ ecode e) else ""
desc = " " ++ edescription e
comment = if (length $ ecomment e) > 0 then " ; "++(ecomment e) else ""
showtxns (t1:t2:[]) = [showtxn t1, showtxnnoamt t2]
showtxns ts = map showtxn ts
showtxn t = showacct t ++ " " ++ (showamount $ tamount t) ++ (showcomment $ tcomment t)
showtxnnoamt t = showacct t ++ " " ++ (showcomment $ tcomment t)
showacct t = " " ++ (showaccountname $ taccount t)
showamount = printf "%12s" . showMixedAmount
showaccountname s = printf "%-34s" s
showcomment s = if (length s) > 0 then " ; "++s else ""
showdate d = printf "%-10s" (showDate d)
isEntryBalanced :: Entry -> Bool
isEntryBalanced (Entry {etransactions=ts}) =
isZeroMixedAmount $ costOfMixedAmount $ sum $ map tamount $ filter isReal ts
-- | Ensure that this entry is balanced, possibly auto-filling a missing
-- amount first. We can auto-fill if there is just one non-virtual
-- transaction without an amount. The auto-filled balance will be
-- converted to cost basis if possible. If the entry can not be balanced,
-- raise an error.
balanceEntry :: Entry -> Entry
balanceEntry e@Entry{etransactions=ts} = (e{etransactions=ts'})
check e
| isEntryBalanced e = e
| otherwise = error $ "could not balance this entry:\n" ++ show e
(withamounts, missingamounts) = partition hasAmount $ filter isReal ts
ts' = case (length missingamounts) of
0 -> ts
1 -> map balance ts
otherwise -> error $ "could not balance this entry, too many missing amounts:\n" ++ show e
otherstotal = sum $ map tamount withamounts
balance t
| isReal t && not (hasAmount t) = t{tamount = costOfMixedAmount (-otherstotal)}
| otherwise = t