2007-07-04 09:28:07 +00:00

38 lines
1.1 KiB

module Transaction
import Utils
import Types
import AccountName
import Amount
instance Show Transaction where show = showTransaction
showTransaction :: Transaction -> String
showTransaction t = (showaccountname $ taccount t) ++ " " ++ (showamount $ tamount t)
showaccountname = printf "%-22s" . elideRight 22
showamount = printf "%11s" . showAmountRoundedOrZero
elideRight width s =
case length s > width of
True -> take (width - 2) s ++ ".."
False -> s
autofillTransactions :: [Transaction] -> [Transaction]
autofillTransactions ts =
let (ns, as) = partition isNormal ts
where isNormal t = (symbol $ currency $ tamount t) /= "AUTO" in
case (length as) of
0 -> ns
1 -> ns ++ [balanceTransaction $ head as]
where balanceTransaction t = t{tamount = -(sumTransactions ns)}
otherwise -> error "too many blank transactions in this entry"
sumTransactions :: [Transaction] -> Amount
sumTransactions = sum . map tamount
transactionSetPrecision :: Int -> Transaction -> Transaction
transactionSetPrecision p (Transaction a amt) = Transaction a amt{precision=p}