2007-07-04 09:28:07 +00:00

98 lines
2.8 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
hledger - ledger-compatible money management tool (& haskell study)
GPLv3, (c) Simon Michael & contributors
A port of John Wiegley's ledger at http://newartisans.com/ledger.html
See Types.hs for a code overview.
module Main
import System
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (ParseError)
import Options
import Models
import Parse
import Tests
import Utils hiding (test)
main :: IO ()
main = do
(opts, (cmd:args)) <- getArgs >>= parseOptions
let (acctpats, descpats) = parseLedgerPatternArgs args
run cmd opts acctpats descpats
where run cmd opts acctpats descpats
| Help `elem` opts = putStr usage
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "register" = register opts acctpats descpats
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "balance" = balance opts acctpats descpats
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "print" = printcmd opts
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "test" = test
| otherwise = putStr usage
-- commands
test :: IO ()
test = do
return ()
register :: [Flag] -> [String] -> [String] -> IO ()
register opts acctpats descpats = do
doWithLedger opts printregister
printregister l =
putStr $ showTransactionsWithBalances
(sortBy (comparing date) (ledgerTransactionsMatching (acctpats,descpats) l))
nullamt{precision=lprecision l}
printcmd :: [Flag] -> IO ()
printcmd opts = do
doWithLedger opts printentries
printentries l = putStr $ showEntries $ setprecision $ entries $ rawledger l
setprecision = map (entrySetPrecision (lprecision l))
balance :: [Flag] -> [String] -> [String] -> IO ()
balance opts acctpats _ = do
doWithLedger opts printbalance
printbalance l =
putStr $ showLedgerAccounts l acctpats showsubs maxdepth
showsubs = (ShowSubs `elem` opts)
maxdepth = case (acctpats, showsubs) of
([],False) -> 1
otherwise -> 9999
-- utils
doWithLedger :: [Flag] -> (Ledger -> IO ()) -> IO ()
doWithLedger opts cmd = do
ledgerFilePath opts >>= parseLedgerFile >>= doWithParsed cmd
doWithParsed :: (Ledger -> IO ()) -> (Either ParseError RawLedger) -> IO ()
doWithParsed cmd parsed = do
case parsed of Left e -> parseError e
Right l -> cmd $ cacheLedger l
interactive testing:
*Main> p <- ledgerFilePath [File "./test.dat"] >>= parseLedgerFile
*Main> let r = either (\_ -> RawLedger [] [] []) id p
*Main> let l = cacheLedger r
*Main> let ant = accountnametree l
*Main> let at = accounts l
*Main> putStr $ drawTree $ treemap show $ ant
*Main> putStr $ showLedgerAccounts l [] False 1
*Main> :m +Tests
*Main Tests> l7