Simon Michael 0f1cbef9a8 namegeddon! conform to new terminology in ledger 3, more or less
This renames RawTransaction -> Posting and Entry -> LedgerTransaction,
plus a bunch more cleanups for consistency.  So while ledger 3 has
transactions containing postings, and so do we when speaking to users,
internally we call ledger 3's transactions LedgerTransaction, and we keep
our old Transaction type as well, because it's useful and used all over
the place. To review:

- ledger 2 had Entrys containing Transactions.

- hledger 0.4 had Entrys containing RawTransactions, and Transactions
  which are a RawTransaction with its parent Entry's info added.
  Transactions are what we most work with when reporting and are
  ubiquitous in the code and docs.

- ledger 3 has Transactions containing Postings.

- hledger 0.5 now has LedgerTransactions containing Postings, with
  Transactions kept as before (a Posting plus it's parent's info).  These
  could be named PartialTransactions or TransactionPostings, but it gets
  too verbose and obscure for devs and users.
2009-04-03 10:58:05 +00:00

248 lines
9.9 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
module Options
import System
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import Text.Printf
import Text.RegexPR (gsubRegexPRBy)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Ledger.Parse
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.Dates
progname = "hledger"
ledgerpath = "~/.ledger"
ledgerenvvar = "LEDGER"
timeprogname = "hours"
timelogpath = "~/.timelog"
timelogenvvar = "TIMELOG"
usagehdr = printf (
"Usage: one of\n" ++
"\n" ++
"COMMAND is one of (may be abbreviated):\n" ++
" balance - show account balances\n" ++
" print - show formatted ledger transactions\n" ++
" register - show register transactions\n" ++
#ifdef VTY
" ui - run a simple curses-based text ui\n" ++
#ifdef HAPPS
" web - run a simple web ui\n" ++
" test - run self-tests\n" ++
"\n" ++
"PATTERNS are regular expressions which filter by account name.\n" ++
"Or, prefix with desc: to filter by entry description.\n" ++
"Or, prefix with not: to negate a pattern. (When using both, not: comes last.)\n" ++
"\n" ++
"Dates can be y/m/d or ledger-style smart dates like \"last month\".\n" ++
"\n" ++
) progname timeprogname
usageftr = printf (
usage = usageInfo usagehdr options ++ usageftr
-- | Command-line options we accept.
options :: [OptDescr Opt]
options = [
Option ['f'] ["file"] (ReqArg File "FILE") filehelp
,Option ['b'] ["begin"] (ReqArg Begin "DATE") "report on transactions on or after this date"
,Option ['e'] ["end"] (ReqArg End "DATE") "report on transactions prior to this date"
,Option ['p'] ["period"] (ReqArg Period "EXPR") ("report on transactions during the specified period\n" ++
"and/or with the specified reporting interval\n")
,Option ['C'] ["cleared"] (NoArg Cleared) "report only on cleared transactions"
,Option ['B'] ["cost","basis"] (NoArg CostBasis) "report cost of commodities"
,Option [] ["depth"] (ReqArg Depth "N") "hide accounts/transactions deeper than this"
,Option ['d'] ["display"] (ReqArg Display "EXPR") ("show only transactions matching simple EXPR\n" ++
"(where EXPR is 'dOP[DATE]', OP is <, <=, =, >=, >)")
,Option ['E'] ["empty"] (NoArg Empty) "show empty/zero things which are normally elided"
,Option ['R'] ["real"] (NoArg Real) "report only on real (non-virtual) transactions"
,Option [] ["no-total"] (NoArg NoTotal) "balance report: hide the final total"
-- ,Option ['s'] ["subtotal"] (NoArg SubTotal) "balance report: show subaccounts"
,Option ['W'] ["weekly"] (NoArg WeeklyOpt) "register report: show weekly summary"
,Option ['M'] ["monthly"] (NoArg MonthlyOpt) "register report: show monthly summary"
,Option ['Y'] ["yearly"] (NoArg YearlyOpt) "register report: show yearly summary"
,Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "show this help"
,Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg Version) "show version information"
,Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "show verbose test output"
,Option [] ["debug"] (NoArg Debug) "show some debug output"
,Option [] ["debug-no-ui"] (NoArg DebugNoUI) "run ui commands with no output"
filehelp = printf (intercalate "\n"
["ledger file; default is the %s env. variable's"
,"value, or %s. - means use standard input."
]) ledgerenvvar ledgerpath
-- | An option value from a command-line flag.
data Opt =
File {value::String} |
Begin {value::String} |
End {value::String} |
Period {value::String} |
Cleared |
CostBasis |
Depth {value::String} |
Display {value::String} |
Empty |
Real |
NoTotal |
SubTotal |
WeeklyOpt |
MonthlyOpt |
YearlyOpt |
Help |
Verbose |
| Debug
| DebugNoUI
deriving (Show,Eq)
-- yow..
optsWithConstructor f opts = concatMap get opts
where get o = if f v == o then [o] else [] where v = value o
optValuesForConstructor f opts = concatMap get opts
where get o = if f v == o then [v] else [] where v = value o
optValuesForConstructors fs opts = concatMap get opts
where get o = if any (\f -> f v == o) fs then [v] else [] where v = value o
-- | Parse the command-line arguments into options, command name, and
-- command arguments. Any dates in the options are converted to full
-- YYYY/MM/DD format, while we are in the IO monad and can get the current
-- time. Arguments are parsed differently if the program was invoked as
-- \"hours\".
parseArguments :: IO ([Opt], String, [String])
parseArguments = do
args <- getArgs
istimequery <- usingTimeProgramName
let (os,as,es) = getOpt Permute options args
os' <- fixOptDates os
case istimequery of
False ->
case (os,as,es) of
(opts,cmd:args,[]) -> return (os',cmd,args)
(opts,[],[]) -> return (os',"",[])
(opts,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usage))
True ->
case (os,as,es) of
(opts,p:cmd:args,[]) -> return (os' ++ [Period p],cmd,args)
(opts,p:args,[]) -> return ([Period p,SubTotal] ++ os',"balance",args)
(opts,[],[]) -> return ([Period "today",SubTotal] ++ os',"balance",[])
(opts,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usage))
-- | Convert any fuzzy dates within these option values to explicit ones,
-- based on today's date.
fixOptDates :: [Opt] -> IO [Opt]
fixOptDates opts = do
d <- getCurrentDay
return $ map (fixopt d) opts
fixopt d (Begin s) = Begin $ fixSmartDateStr d s
fixopt d (End s) = End $ fixSmartDateStr d s
fixopt d (Display s) = -- hacky
Display $ gsubRegexPRBy "\\[.+?\\]" fixbracketeddatestr s
where fixbracketeddatestr s = "[" ++ (fixSmartDateStr d $ init $ tail s) ++ "]"
fixopt _ o = o
-- | Figure out the overall date span we should report on, based on any
-- begin/end/period options provided. If there is a period option, the
-- others are ignored.
dateSpanFromOpts :: Day -> [Opt] -> DateSpan
dateSpanFromOpts refdate opts
| not $ null popts = snd $ parsePeriodExpr refdate $ last popts
| otherwise = DateSpan lastb laste
popts = optValuesForConstructor Period opts
bopts = optValuesForConstructor Begin opts
eopts = optValuesForConstructor End opts
lastb = listtomaybeday bopts
laste = listtomaybeday eopts
listtomaybeday vs = if null vs then Nothing else Just $ parse $ last vs
where parse = parsedate . fixSmartDateStr refdate
-- | Figure out the reporting interval, if any, specified by the options.
-- If there is a period option, the others are ignored.
intervalFromOpts :: [Opt] -> Interval
intervalFromOpts opts
| not $ null popts = fst $ parsePeriodExpr refdate $ last popts
| null otheropts = NoInterval
| otherwise = case last otheropts of
WeeklyOpt -> Weekly
MonthlyOpt -> Monthly
YearlyOpt -> Yearly
popts = optValuesForConstructor Period opts
otheropts = filter (`elem` [WeeklyOpt,MonthlyOpt,YearlyOpt]) opts
-- doesn't affect the interval, but parsePeriodExpr needs something
refdate = parsedate "0001/01/01"
-- | Get the value of the (last) depth option, if any, otherwise a large number.
depthFromOpts :: [Opt] -> Int
depthFromOpts opts = fromMaybe 9999 $ listtomaybeint $ optValuesForConstructor Depth opts
listtomaybeint [] = Nothing
listtomaybeint vs = Just $ read $ last vs
-- | Get the value of the (last) display option, if any.
displayFromOpts :: [Opt] -> Maybe String
displayFromOpts opts = listtomaybe $ optValuesForConstructor Display opts
listtomaybe [] = Nothing
listtomaybe vs = Just $ last vs
-- | Was the program invoked via the \"hours\" alias ?
usingTimeProgramName :: IO Bool
usingTimeProgramName = do
progname <- getProgName
return $ map toLower progname == timeprogname
-- | Get the ledger file path from options, an environment variable, or a default
ledgerFilePathFromOpts :: [Opt] -> IO String
ledgerFilePathFromOpts opts = do
istimequery <- usingTimeProgramName
let (e,d) = if istimequery
then (timelogenvvar,timelogpath)
else (ledgerenvvar,ledgerpath)
envordefault <- getEnv e `catch` \_ -> return d
paths <- mapM tildeExpand $ [envordefault] ++ optValuesForConstructor File opts
return $ last paths
-- | Expand ~ in a file path (does not handle ~name).
tildeExpand :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
tildeExpand ('~':[]) = getHomeDirectory
tildeExpand ('~':'/':xs) = getHomeDirectory >>= return . (++ ('/':xs))
--handle ~name, requires -fvia-C or ghc 6.8:
--import System.Posix.User
-- tildeExpand ('~':xs) = do let (user, path) = span (/= '/') xs
-- pw <- getUserEntryForName user
-- return (homeDirectory pw ++ path)
tildeExpand xs = return xs
-- | Gather any pattern arguments into a list of account patterns and a
-- list of description patterns. For now we interpret pattern arguments as
-- follows: those prefixed with "desc:" are description patterns, all
-- others are account patterns. Also patterns prefixed with "not:" are
-- negated. not: should come after desc: if both are used.
-- This is different from ledger 2 and 3.
parseAccountDescriptionArgs :: [Opt] -> [String] -> ([String],[String])
parseAccountDescriptionArgs opts args = (as, ds')
descprefix = "desc:"
(ds, as) = partition (descprefix `isPrefixOf`) args
ds' = map (drop (length descprefix)) ds