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Useful for ui experiments, at least
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes, OverloadedStrings #-}
hledger-web's request handlers, and helpers.
module Handlers where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Either (lefts,rights)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text(Text,pack,unpack)
import Data.Time.Calendar
-- import Safe
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, (</>))
import System.IO.Storage (putValue, getValue)
import Text.Hamlet hiding (hamletFile)
import Text.Printf
import Yesod.Form
import Yesod.Json
import Hledger.Cli
import Hledger.Data hiding (today)
import Hledger.Read (journalFromPathAndString)
import Hledger.Read.JournalReader (someamount)
import Hledger.Utils
import App
import Settings
getFaviconR :: Handler ()
getFaviconR = sendFile "image/x-icon" $ Settings.staticdir </> "favicon.ico"
getRobotsR :: Handler RepPlain
getRobotsR = return $ RepPlain $ toContent ("User-agent: *" :: ByteString)
getRootR :: Handler RepHtml
getRootR = redirect RedirectTemporary defaultroute where defaultroute = RegisterR
-- main views
-- | The main journal view, with accounts sidebar.
getJournalR :: Handler RepHtml
getJournalR = do
vd@VD{opts=opts,m=m,am=am,j=j} <- getViewData
let sidecontent = balanceReportAsHtml opts vd $ balanceReport2 opts am j
maincontent = journalReportAsHtml opts vd $ journalReport opts nullfilterspec $ filterJournalTransactions2 m j
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "hledger-web journal"
addHamlet $(Settings.hamletFile "journal")
postJournalR :: Handler RepPlain
postJournalR = handlePost
-- | The main register view, with accounts sidebar.
getRegisterR :: Handler RepHtml
getRegisterR = do
vd@VD{opts=opts,qopts=qopts,m=m,am=am,j=j} <- getViewData
let sidecontent = balanceReportAsHtml opts vd $ balanceReport2 opts am j
maincontent =
case inAccountMatcher qopts of Just m' -> accountRegisterReportAsHtml opts vd $ accountRegisterReport opts j m m'
Nothing -> accountRegisterReportAsHtml opts vd $ journalRegisterReport opts j m
editform' = editform vd
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "hledger-web register"
addHamlet $(Settings.hamletFile "register")
postRegisterR :: Handler RepPlain
postRegisterR = handlePost
-- | A simple journal view, like hledger print (with editing.)
getJournalOnlyR :: Handler RepHtml
getJournalOnlyR = do
vd@VD{opts=opts,m=m,j=j} <- getViewData
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "hledger-web journal only"
addHamlet $ journalReportAsHtml opts vd $ journalReport opts nullfilterspec $ filterJournalTransactions2 m j
postJournalOnlyR :: Handler RepPlain
postJournalOnlyR = handlePost
-- | A simple postings view, like hledger register (with editing.)
getRegisterOnlyR :: Handler RepHtml
getRegisterOnlyR = do
vd@VD{opts=opts,qopts=qopts,m=m,j=j} <- getViewData
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "hledger-web register only"
addHamlet $
case inAccountMatcher qopts of Just m' -> accountRegisterReportAsHtml opts vd $ accountRegisterReport opts j m m'
Nothing -> accountRegisterReportAsHtml opts vd $ journalRegisterReport opts j m
postRegisterOnlyR :: Handler RepPlain
postRegisterOnlyR = handlePost
-- | A simple accounts view, like hledger balance. If the Accept header
-- specifies json, returns the chart of accounts as json.
getAccountsR :: Handler RepHtmlJson
getAccountsR = do
vd@VD{opts=opts,m=m,am=am,j=j} <- getViewData
let j' = filterJournalPostings2 m j
html = do
setTitle "hledger-web accounts"
addHamlet $ balanceReportAsHtml opts vd $ balanceReport2 opts am j'
json = jsonMap [("accounts", toJSON $ journalAccountNames j')]
defaultLayoutJson html json
-- | Return the chart of accounts as json, without needing a special Accept header.
getAccountsJsonR :: Handler RepJson
getAccountsJsonR = do
VD{m=m,j=j} <- getViewData
let j' = filterJournalPostings2 m j
jsonToRepJson $ jsonMap [("accounts", toJSON $ journalAccountNames j')]
-- helpers
accountQuery :: AccountName -> String
accountQuery a = "inacct:" ++ quoteIfSpaced a -- (accountNameToAccountRegex a)
accountsQuery :: AccountName -> String
accountsQuery a = "inaccts:" ++ quoteIfSpaced a -- (accountNameToAccountRegex a)
accountsOnlyQuery :: AccountName -> String
accountsOnlyQuery a = "inacctsonly:" ++ quoteIfSpaced a -- (accountNameToAccountRegex a)
-- accountUrl :: AppRoute -> AccountName -> (AppRoute,[(String,ByteString)])
accountUrl r a = (r, [("q",pack $ accountQuery a)])
-- | Render a balance report as HTML.
balanceReportAsHtml :: [Opt] -> ViewData -> BalanceReport -> Hamlet AppRoute
balanceReportAsHtml _ vd@VD{here=here,m=m,qopts=qopts,j=j} (items',total) = $(Settings.hamletFile "balancereport")
l = journalToLedger nullfilterspec j
inacctmatcher = inAccountMatcher qopts
showacctmatcher = showAccountMatcher qopts
allaccts = isNothing inacctmatcher
items = maybe items' (\m -> filter (matchesAccount m . \(a,_,_,_)->a) items') showacctmatcher
itemAsHtml :: ViewData -> BalanceReportItem -> Hamlet AppRoute
itemAsHtml VD{here=here,q=q} (acct, adisplay, aindent, abal) = $(Settings.hamletFile "balancereportitem")
numpostings = length $ apostings $ ledgerAccount l acct
depthclass = "depth"++show aindent
inacctclass = case inacctmatcher of
Just m -> if m `matchesAccount` acct then "inacct" else "notinacct"
Nothing -> "" :: String
indent = preEscapedString $ concat $ replicate (2 * aindent) " "
acctquery = (here, [("q", pack $ accountQuery acct)])
acctsquery = (here, [("q", pack $ accountsQuery acct)])
acctsonlyquery = (here, [("q", pack $ accountsOnlyQuery acct)])
-- | Render a journal report as HTML.
journalReportAsHtml :: [Opt] -> ViewData -> JournalReport -> Hamlet AppRoute
journalReportAsHtml _ vd items = $(Settings.hamletFile "journalreport")
itemAsHtml :: ViewData -> (Int, JournalReportItem) -> Hamlet AppRoute
itemAsHtml _ (n, t) = $(Settings.hamletFile "journalreportitem")
evenodd = if even n then "even" else "odd" :: String
txn = trimnl $ showTransaction t where trimnl = reverse . dropWhile (=='\n') . reverse
-- Account-specific transaction register, when an account is focussed.
accountRegisterReportAsHtml :: [Opt] -> ViewData -> AccountRegisterReport -> Hamlet AppRoute
accountRegisterReportAsHtml _ vd (balancelabel,items) = $(Settings.hamletFile "accountregisterreport")
itemAsHtml :: ViewData -> (Int, Bool, Bool, Bool, AccountRegisterReportItem) -> Hamlet AppRoute
itemAsHtml VD{here=here,p=p} (n, newd, newm, newy, (t, t', split, acct, amt, bal)) = $(Settings.hamletFile "accountregisterreportitem")
evenodd = if even n then "even" else "odd" :: String
datetransition | newm = "newmonth"
| newd = "newday"
| otherwise = "" :: String
(firstposting, date, desc) = (False, show $ tdate t, tdescription t)
acctquery = (here, [("q", pack $ accountQuery acct)])
showamt = not split || not (isZeroMixedAmount amt)
displayclass = if p then "" else "hidden" :: String
stringIfLongerThan :: Int -> String -> String
stringIfLongerThan n s = if length s > n then s else ""
numberAccountRegisterReportItems :: [AccountRegisterReportItem] -> [(Int,Bool,Bool,Bool,AccountRegisterReportItem)]
numberAccountRegisterReportItems [] = []
numberAccountRegisterReportItems is = number 0 nulldate is
number :: Int -> Day -> [AccountRegisterReportItem] -> [(Int,Bool,Bool,Bool,AccountRegisterReportItem)]
number _ _ [] = []
number n prevd (i@(Transaction{tdate=d},_,_,_,_,_):is) = (n+1,newday,newmonth,newyear,i):(number (n+1) d is)
newday = d/=prevd
newmonth = dm/=prevdm || dy/=prevdy
newyear = dy/=prevdy
(dy,dm,_) = toGregorian d
(prevdy,prevdm,_) = toGregorian prevd
mixedAmountAsHtml b = preEscapedString $ addclass $ intercalate "<br>" $ lines $ show b
where addclass = printf "<span class=\"%s\">%s</span>" (c :: String)
c = case isNegativeMixedAmount b of Just True -> "negative amount"
_ -> "positive amount"
-- | Handle a post from any of the edit forms.
handlePost :: Handler RepPlain
handlePost = do
action <- runFormPost' $ maybeStringInput "action"
case action of Just "add" -> handleAdd
Just "edit" -> handleEdit
Just "import" -> handleImport
_ -> invalidArgs [pack "invalid action"]
-- | Handle a post from the transaction add form.
handleAdd :: Handler RepPlain
handleAdd = do
VD{j=j,today=today} <- getViewData
-- get form input values. M means a Maybe value.
(dateM, descM, acct1M, amt1M, acct2M, amt2M, journalM) <- runFormPost'
$ (,,,,,,)
<$> maybeStringInput "date"
<*> maybeStringInput "description"
<*> maybeStringInput "account1"
<*> maybeStringInput "amount1"
<*> maybeStringInput "account2"
<*> maybeStringInput "amount2"
<*> maybeStringInput "journal"
-- supply defaults and parse date and amounts, or get errors.
let dateE = maybe (Left "date required") (either (\e -> Left $ showDateParseError e) Right . fixSmartDateStrEither today . unpack) dateM
descE = Right $ maybe "" unpack descM
acct1E = maybe (Left "to account required") (Right . unpack) acct1M
acct2E = maybe (Left "from account required") (Right . unpack) acct2M
amt1E = maybe (Left "amount required") (either (const $ Left "could not parse amount") Right . parseWithCtx nullctx someamount . unpack) amt1M
amt2E = maybe (Right missingamt) (either (const $ Left "could not parse amount") Right . parseWithCtx nullctx someamount . unpack) amt2M
journalE = maybe (Right $ journalFilePath j)
(\f -> let f' = unpack f in
if f' `elem` journalFilePaths j
then Right f'
else Left $ "unrecognised journal file path: " ++ f'
strEs = [dateE, descE, acct1E, acct2E, journalE]
amtEs = [amt1E, amt2E]
errs = lefts strEs ++ lefts amtEs
[date,desc,acct1,acct2,journalpath] = rights strEs
[amt1,amt2] = rights amtEs
-- if no errors so far, generate a transaction and balance it or get the error.
tE | not $ null errs = Left errs
| otherwise = either (\e -> Left ["unbalanced postings: " ++ (head $ lines e)]) Right
(balanceTransaction Nothing $ nulltransaction { -- imprecise balancing
tdate=parsedate date
Posting False acct1 amt1 "" RegularPosting [] Nothing
,Posting False acct2 amt2 "" RegularPosting [] Nothing
-- display errors or add transaction
case tE of
Left errs -> do
-- save current form values in session
setMessage $ toHtml $ intercalate "; " errs
redirect RedirectTemporary RegisterR
Right t -> do
let t' = txnTieKnot t -- XXX move into balanceTransaction
liftIO $ appendToJournalFile journalpath $ showTransaction t'
setMessage $ toHtml $ (printf "Added transaction:\n%s" (show t') :: String)
redirect RedirectTemporary RegisterR
-- | Handle a post from the journal edit form.
handleEdit :: Handler RepPlain
handleEdit = do
VD{j=j} <- getViewData
-- get form input values, or validation errors.
-- getRequest >>= liftIO (reqRequestBody req) >>= mtrace
(textM, journalM) <- runFormPost'
$ (,)
<$> maybeStringInput "text"
<*> maybeStringInput "journal"
let textE = maybe (Left "No value provided") (Right . unpack) textM
journalE = maybe (Right $ journalFilePath j)
(\f -> let f' = unpack f in
if f' `elem` journalFilePaths j
then Right f'
else Left "unrecognised journal file path")
strEs = [textE, journalE]
errs = lefts strEs
[text,journalpath] = rights strEs
-- display errors or perform edit
if not $ null errs
then do
setMessage $ toHtml (intercalate "; " errs :: String)
redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR
else do
-- try to avoid unnecessary backups or saving invalid data
filechanged' <- liftIO $ journalSpecifiedFileIsNewer j journalpath
told <- liftIO $ readFileStrictly journalpath
let tnew = filter (/= '\r') text
changed = tnew /= told || filechanged'
if not changed
then do
setMessage "No change"
redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR
else do
jE <- liftIO $ journalFromPathAndString Nothing journalpath tnew
(\e -> do
setMessage $ toHtml e
redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR)
(const $ do
liftIO $ writeFileWithBackup journalpath tnew
setMessage $ toHtml (printf "Saved journal %s\n" (show journalpath) :: String)
redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR)
-- | Handle post from the journal import form.
handleImport :: Handler RepPlain
handleImport = do
setMessage "can't handle file upload yet"
redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR
-- -- get form input values, or basic validation errors. E means an Either value.
-- fileM <- runFormPost' $ maybeFileInput "file"
-- let fileE = maybe (Left "No file provided") Right fileM
-- -- display errors or import transactions
-- case fileE of
-- Left errs -> do
-- setMessage errs
-- redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR
-- Right s -> do
-- setMessage s
-- redirect RedirectTemporary JournalR
-- | Other view components.
-- | Global toolbar/heading area.
topbar :: ViewData -> Hamlet AppRoute
topbar VD{j=j,msg=msg,today=today} = $(Settings.hamletFile "topbar")
title = takeFileName $ journalFilePath j
-- | Links to navigate between the main views.
navlinks :: ViewData -> Hamlet AppRoute
navlinks vd = $(Settings.hamletFile "navlinks")
accountsjournallink = navlink vd "transactions" JournalR
accountsregisterlink = navlink vd "postings" RegisterR
navlink :: ViewData -> String -> AppRoute -> Hamlet AppRoute
navlink VD{here=here,q=q} s dest = $(Settings.hamletFile "navlink")
where u = (dest, if null q then [] else [("q", pack q)])
style | dest == here = "navlinkcurrent"
| otherwise = "navlink" :: Text
-- | Links to the various journal editing forms.
editlinks :: Hamlet AppRoute
editlinks = $(Settings.hamletFile "editlinks")
-- | Link to a topic in the manual.
helplink :: String -> String -> Hamlet AppRoute
helplink topic label = $(Settings.hamletFile "helplink")
where u = manualurl ++ if null topic then "" else '#':topic
-- | Search form for entering custom queries to filter journal data.
searchform :: ViewData -> Hamlet AppRoute
searchform VD{here=here,q=q} = $(Settings.hamletFile "searchform")
filtering = not $ null q
-- | Add transaction form.
addform :: ViewData -> Hamlet AppRoute
addform vd = $(Settings.hamletFile "addform")
datehelp = "eg: 2010/7/20" :: String
deschelp = "eg: supermarket (optional)" :: String
date = "today" :: String
descriptions = sort $ nub $ map tdescription $ jtxns $ j vd
manyfiles = (length $ files $ j vd) > 1
postingfields VD{j=j} n = $(Settings.hamletFile "addformpostingfields")
numbered = (++ show n)
acctvar = numbered "account"
amtvar = numbered "amount"
acctnames = sort $ journalAccountNamesUsed j
(acctlabel, accthelp, amtfield, amthelp)
| n == 1 = ("To account"
,"eg: expenses:food"
,$(Settings.hamletFile "addformpostingfieldsamount")
,"eg: $6"
| otherwise = ("From account" :: String
,"eg: assets:bank:checking" :: String
,"" :: String
-- | Edit journal form.
editform :: ViewData -> Hamlet AppRoute
editform VD{j=j} = $(Settings.hamletFile "editform")
manyfiles = (length $ files j) > 1
formathelp = helplink "file-format" "file format help"
-- | Import journal form.
importform :: Hamlet AppRoute
importform = $(Settings.hamletFile "importform")
journalselect :: [(FilePath,String)] -> Hamlet AppRoute
journalselect journalfiles = $(Settings.hamletFile "journalselect")
-- utilities
nulltemplate :: Hamlet AppRoute
nulltemplate = [$hamlet||]
-- | A bundle of data useful for handlers and their templates.
data ViewData = VD {
opts :: [Opt] -- ^ command-line options at startup
,q :: String -- ^ current q parameter, the query expression
,p :: Bool -- ^ current p parameter, 1 or 0 shows/hides all postings, default is based on query
,m :: Matcher -- ^ a matcher parsed from the main query expr ("q" parameter)
,qopts :: [QueryOpt] -- ^ query options parsed from the main query expr
,am :: Matcher -- ^ a matcher parsed from the accounts sidebar query expr ("a" parameter)
,aopts :: [QueryOpt] -- ^ query options parsed from the accounts sidebar query expr
,j :: Journal -- ^ the up-to-date parsed unfiltered journal
,today :: Day -- ^ the current day
,here :: AppRoute -- ^ the current route
,msg :: Maybe Html -- ^ the current UI message if any, possibly from the current request
mkvd :: ViewData
mkvd = VD {
opts = []
,q = ""
,p = False
,m = MatchAny
,qopts = []
,am = MatchAny
,aopts = []
,j = nulljournal
,today = ModifiedJulianDay 0
,here = RootR
,msg = Nothing
-- | Gather data useful for a hledger-web request handler and its templates.
getViewData :: Handler ViewData
getViewData = do
app <- getYesod
let opts = appOpts app
(j, err) <- getCurrentJournal opts
msg <- getMessageOr err
Just here' <- getCurrentRoute
today <- liftIO getCurrentDay
q <- getParameter "q"
let (querymatcher,queryopts) = parseQuery today q
a <- getParameter "a"
let (acctsmatcher,acctsopts) = parseQuery today a
p <- getParameter "p"
let p' | p == "1" = True
| p == "0" = False
| otherwise = isNothing $ inAccountMatcher queryopts
return mkvd{opts=opts, q=q, p=p', m=querymatcher, qopts=queryopts, am=acctsmatcher, aopts=acctsopts, j=j, today=today, here=here', msg=msg}
-- | Update our copy of the journal if the file changed. If there is an
-- error while reloading, keep the old one and return the error, and set a
-- ui message.
getCurrentJournal :: [Opt] -> Handler (Journal, Maybe String)
getCurrentJournal opts = do
j <- liftIO $ fromJust `fmap` getValue "hledger" "journal"
(jE, changed) <- liftIO $ journalReloadIfChanged opts j
if not changed
then return (j,Nothing)
else case jE of
Right j' -> do liftIO $ putValue "hledger" "journal" j'
return (j',Nothing)
Left e -> do setMessage $ "error while reading" {- ++ ": " ++ e-}
return (j, Just e)
-- | Get the named request parameter.
getParameter :: String -> Handler String
getParameter p = unpack `fmap` fromMaybe "" <$> lookupGetParam (pack p)
-- | Get the message set by the last request, or the newer message provided, if any.
getMessageOr :: Maybe String -> Handler (Maybe Html)
getMessageOr mnewmsg = do
oldmsg <- getMessage
return $ maybe oldmsg (Just . toHtml) mnewmsg
numbered = zip [1..]