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#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack runghc --verbosity info
--package hledger-lib
--package hledger
--package cmdargs
--package text
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
hledger-budget REPORT-COMMAND [--no-offset] [--no-buckets] [OPTIONS...]
Perform some subset of reports available in core hledger but process automated
and periodic transactions. Also simplify tree of accounts to ease view of
"budget buckets".
For people familiar with [`ledger`
budgeting](http://www.ledger-cli.org/3.0/doc/ledger3.html#Budgeting) may
consider this tool as an alias to `ledger --budget`.
With this tool you may either use so called periodic transactions that being
issued with each new period or use a family of approaches with automated
transactions. You may want to look at [budgeting section of
Periodic transaction that being interpreted by this tool may look like:
~ monthly from 2017/3
income:salary $-4,000.00
expenses:taxes $1,000
expenses:housing:rent $1,200
expenses:grocery $400
expenses:leisure $200
expenses:health $200
expenses $100
Header of such entries starts with `'~'` (tilde symbol) following by an
interval with an effect period when transactions should be injected.
Effect of declaring such periodic transaction is:
- Transactions will be injected at the beginning of each period. I.e. for
monthly it will always refer to 1st day of month.
- Injected transaction will have inverted amounts to offset existing associated
expenses. I.e. for this example negative balance indicates how much you have
within your budget and positive amounts indicates how far you off from your
- Set of accounts across of all periodic transactions will form kinda buckets
where rest of the accounts will be sorted into. Each account not mentioned in
any of periodic transaction will be dropped without changing of balance for
parent account. I.e. for this example postings for `expenses:leisure:movie`
will contribute to the balance of `expenses:leisure` only in reports.
Note that beside a periodic transaction all automated transactions will be
handled in a similar way how they are handled in `rewrite` command.
#### Bucketing
It is very common to have more expense accounts than budget
"envelopes"/"buckets". For this reason all periodic transactions are treated as
a source of information about your budget "buckets".
I.e. example from previous section will build a sub-tree of accounts that look like
All accounts used in your transactions journal files will be classified
according to that tree to contribute to an appropriate bucket of budget.
Everything else will be collected under virtual account `<unbucketed>` to give
you an idea of what parts of your accounts tree is not budgeted. For example
`liabilities` will contributed to that entry.
#### Reports
You can use `budget` command to produce next reports:
- `balance` - the most important one to track how you follow your budget. If
you use month-based budgeting you may want to use `--monthly` and
`--row-total` option to see how you are doing through the months. You also
may find it useful to add `--tree` option to see aggregated totals per
intermediate node of accounts tree.
- `register` - might be useful if you want to see long history (ex. `--weekly`)
that is too wide to fit into your terminal.
- `print` - this is mostly to check what actually happens. But you may use it
if you prefer to generate budget transactions and store it in a separate
journal for some less popular budgeting scheme.
#### Extra options for reports
You may tweak behavior of this command with additional options `--no-offset` and `--no-bucketing`.
- Don't use these options if your budgeting schema includes both periodic
transactions, and "bucketing". Unless you want to figure out how your
budgeting might look like. You may find helpful values of average column from
$ hledger budget -- bal --period 'monthly to last month' --no-offset --average
- Use `--no-offset` and `--no-bucketing` if your schema fully relies on
automated transactions and hand-crafted budgeting transactions. In this mode
only automated transactions will be processed. I.e. when you journal looks
something like
= ^expenses:food
budget:gifts *-1
assets:budget *1
2017/1/1 Budget for Jan
assets:bank $-1000
budget:gifts $200
- Use `--no-bucketing` only if you want to produce a valid journal. For example
when you want to pass it as an input for other `hledger` command. Most people
will find this useless.
#### Recommendations
- Automated transaction should follow same rules that usual transactions follow
(i.e. keep balance for real and balanced virtual postings).
- Don't change the balance of real asset and liability accounts for which you
usually put assertions. Keep in mind that `hledger` do not apply modification
- In periodic transactions to offset your budget use either top-level account
like `Assets` or introduce a "virtual" one like `Assets:Bank:Budget` that
will be a child to the one you want to offset.
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import Hledger.Cli
import Hledger.Cli.Main (mainmode)
import Hledger.Data.AutoTransaction
budgetFlags :: [Flag RawOpts]
budgetFlags =
[ flagNone ["no-buckets"] (setboolopt "no-buckets") "show all accounts besides mentioned in periodic transactions"
, flagNone ["no-offset"] (setboolopt "no-offset") "do not add up periodic transactions"
actions :: [(Mode RawOpts, CliOpts -> IO ())]
actions = first injectBudgetFlags <$>
[ (manmode, man)
, (infomode, info')
, (balancemode, flip withJournalDo' balance)
, (balancesheetmode, flip withJournalDo' balancesheet)
, (cashflowmode, flip withJournalDo' cashflow)
, (incomestatementmode, flip withJournalDo' incomestatement)
, (registermode, flip withJournalDo' register)
, (printmode, flip withJournalDo' print')
injectBudgetFlags :: Mode RawOpts -> Mode RawOpts
injectBudgetFlags = injectFlags "\nBudgeting" budgetFlags
-- maybe lenses will help...
injectFlags :: String -> [Flag RawOpts] -> Mode RawOpts -> Mode RawOpts
injectFlags section flags mode0 = mode' where
mode' = mode0 { modeGroupFlags = groupFlags' }
groupFlags0 = modeGroupFlags mode0
groupFlags' = groupFlags0 { groupNamed = namedFlags' }
namedFlags0 = groupNamed groupFlags0
namedFlags' =
case ((section ==) . fst) `partition` namedFlags0 of
([g], gs) -> (fst g, snd g ++ flags) : gs
_ -> (section, flags) : namedFlags0
cmdmode :: Mode RawOpts
cmdmode = (mainmode [])
{ modeNames = ["hledger-budget"]
, modeGroupModes = Group
{ groupUnnamed = map fst actions
, groupNamed = []
, groupHidden = []
journalBalanceTransactions' :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO Journal
journalBalanceTransactions' opts j = do
let assrt = not $ ignore_assertions_ opts
either error' return $ journalBalanceTransactions assrt j
withJournalDo' :: CliOpts -> (CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withJournalDo' opts = withJournalDo opts . wrapper where
wrapper f opts' j = do
-- use original transactions as input for journalBalanceTransactions to re-infer balances/prices
let modifier = originalTransaction . foldr (flip (.) . runModifierTransaction') id mtxns
runModifierTransaction' = fmap txnTieKnot . runModifierTransaction Any
mtxns = jmodifiertxns j
dates = jdatespan j
ts' = map modifier $ jtxns j
ts'' | boolopt "no-offset" $ rawopts_ opts' = ts'
| otherwise= [makeBudget t | pt <- jperiodictxns j, t <- runPeriodicTransaction pt dates] ++ ts'
makeBudget t = txnTieKnot $ t
{ tdescription = "Budget transaction"
, tpostings = map makeBudgetPosting $ tpostings t
makeBudgetPosting p = p { pamount = negate $ pamount p }
j' <- journalBalanceTransactions' opts' j{ jtxns = ts'' }
-- re-map account names into buckets from periodic transaction
let buckets = budgetBuckets j
remapAccount "" = "<unbucketed>"
remapAccount an
| an `elem` buckets = an
| otherwise = remapAccount (parentAccountName an)
remapPosting p = p { paccount = remapAccount $ paccount p, porigin = Just . fromMaybe p $ porigin p }
remapTxn = mapPostings (map remapPosting)
let j'' | boolopt "no-buckets" $ rawopts_ opts' = j'
| null buckets = j'
| otherwise = j' { jtxns = remapTxn <$> jtxns j' }
-- finally feed to real command
f opts' j''
budgetBuckets :: Journal -> [AccountName]
budgetBuckets = nub . map paccount . concatMap ptpostings . jperiodictxns
mapPostings :: ([Posting] -> [Posting]) -> (Transaction -> Transaction)
mapPostings f t = txnTieKnot $ t { tpostings = f $ tpostings t }
main :: IO ()
main = do
rawopts <- fmap decodeRawOpts . processArgs $ cmdmode
opts <- rawOptsToCliOpts rawopts
case find (\e -> command_ opts `elem` modeNames (fst e)) actions of
Just (amode, _) | "h" `elem` map fst (rawopts_ opts) -> print amode
Just (_, action) -> action opts
Nothing -> print cmdmode