Simon Michael ca55c2f0f8 dev: rename other Price helpers to Cost
showAmountWithoutPrice             -> showAmountWithoutCost
mixedAmountStripPrices             -> mixedAmountStripCosts
showMixedAmountWithoutPrice        -> showMixedAmountWithoutCost
showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice -> showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutCost
2024-01-23 21:35:06 -10:00

283 lines
14 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
An account-centric transactions report.
module Hledger.Reports.AccountTransactionsReport (
import Data.List (mapAccumR, nub, partition, sortBy)
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Ord (Down(..), comparing)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Query
import Hledger.Reports.ReportOptions
import Hledger.Utils
-- | An account transactions report represents transactions affecting
-- a particular account (or possibly several accounts, but we don't
-- use that). It is used eg by hledger-ui's and hledger-web's register
-- view, and hledger's aregister report, where we want to show one row
-- per transaction, in the context of the current account. Report
-- items consist of:
-- - the transaction, unmodified
-- - the transaction as seen in the context of the current account and query,
-- which means:
-- - the transaction date is set to the "transaction context date":
-- the earliest of the transaction date and any other posting dates
-- of postings to the current account (matched by the report query).
-- - the transaction's postings are filtered, excluding any which are not
-- matched by the report query
-- - a text description of the other account(s) posted to/from
-- - a flag indicating whether there's more than one other account involved
-- - the total increase/decrease to the current account
-- - the report transactions' running total after this transaction;
-- or if historical balance is requested (-H), the historical running total.
-- The historical running total includes transactions from before the
-- report start date if one is specified, filtered by the report query.
-- The historical running total may or may not be the account's historical
-- running balance, depending on the report query.
-- Items are sorted by transaction register date (the earliest date the transaction
-- posts to the current account), most recent first.
-- Reporting intervals are currently ignored.
type AccountTransactionsReport = [AccountTransactionsReportItem] -- line items, one per transaction
type AccountTransactionsReportItem =
Transaction -- the transaction, unmodified
,Transaction -- the transaction, as seen from the current account
,Bool -- is this a split (more than one posting to other accounts) ?
,Text -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
,MixedAmount -- the amount posted to the current account(s) (or total amount posted)
,MixedAmount -- the register's running total or the current account(s)'s historical balance, after this transaction
instance HasAmounts AccountTransactionsReportItem where
styleAmounts styles (torig,tacct,b,c,a1,a2) =
(styleAmounts styles torig,styleAmounts styles tacct,b,c,styleAmounts styles a1,styleAmounts styles a2)
triOrigTransaction (torig,_,_,_,_,_) = torig
triDate (_,tacct,_,_,_,_) = tdate tacct
triAmount (_,_,_,_,a,_) = a
triBalance (_,_,_,_,_,a) = a
triCommodityAmount c = filterMixedAmountByCommodity c . triAmount
triCommodityBalance c = filterMixedAmountByCommodity c . triBalance
accountTransactionsReport :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> Query -> AccountTransactionsReport
accountTransactionsReport rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts} j thisacctq = items
-- A depth limit should not affect the account transactions report; it should show all transactions in/below this account.
-- Queries on currency or amount are also ignored at this stage; they are handled earlier, before valuation.
reportq = simplifyQuery $ And [aregisterq, periodq]
aregisterq = filterQuery (not . queryIsCurOrAmt) . filterQuery (not . queryIsDepth) $ _rsQuery rspec
periodq = Date . periodAsDateSpan $ period_ ropts
amtq = filterQuery queryIsCurOrAmt $ _rsQuery rspec
queryIsCurOrAmt q = queryIsSym q || queryIsAmt q
wd = whichDate ropts
-- Note that within this function, we are only allowed limited
-- transformation of the transaction postings: this is due to the need to
-- pass the original transactions into accountTransactionsReportItem.
-- Generally, we either include a transaction in full, or not at all.
-- Do some limited filtering and valuing of the journal's transactions:
-- - filter them by the account query if any,
-- - discard amounts not matched by the currency and amount query if any,
-- - then apply valuation if any.
-- Additional reportq filtering, such as date filtering, happens down in
-- accountTransactionsReportItem, which discards transactions with no matched postings.
acctJournal =
-- With most calls we will not require transaction prices past this point, and can get a big
-- speed improvement by stripping them early. In some cases, such as in hledger-ui, we still
-- want to keep prices around, so we can toggle between cost and no cost quickly. We can use
-- the show_costs_ flag to be efficient when we can, and detailed when we have to.
(if show_costs_ ropts then id else journalMapPostingAmounts mixedAmountStripCosts)
. traceOrLogAtWith 5 (("ts3:\n"++).pshowTransactions.jtxns)
-- maybe convert these transactions to cost or value
. journalApplyValuationFromOpts rspec
. traceOrLogAtWith 5 (("ts2:\n"++).pshowTransactions.jtxns)
-- apply any cur: or amt: filters in reportq
. (if queryIsNull amtq then id else filterJournalAmounts amtq)
-- only consider transactions which match thisacctq (possibly excluding postings
-- which are not real or have the wrong status)
. traceOrLogAt 3 ("thisacctq: "++show thisacctq)
$ traceOrLogAtWith 5 (("ts1:\n"++).pshowTransactions.jtxns)
j{jtxns = filter (matchesTransaction thisacctq . relevantPostings) $ jtxns j}
| queryIsNull realq && queryIsNull statusq = id
| otherwise = filterTransactionPostings . simplifyQuery $ And [realq, statusq]
realq = filterQuery queryIsReal reportq
statusq = filterQuery queryIsStatus reportq
| balanceaccum_ ropts == Historical = sumPostings priorps
| otherwise = nullmixedamt
priorps = dbg5 "priorps" . journalPostings $ filterJournalPostings priorq acctJournal
priorq = dbg5 "priorq" $ And [thisacctq, tostartdateq, datelessreportq]
tostartdateq =
case mstartdate of
Just _ -> Date (DateSpan Nothing (Exact <$> mstartdate))
Nothing -> None -- no start date specified, there are no prior postings
mstartdate = queryStartDate (date2_ ropts) reportq
datelessreportq = filterQuery (not . queryIsDateOrDate2) reportq
items =
accountTransactionsReportItems reportq thisacctq startbal maNegate (journalAccountType j)
-- sort by the transaction's register date, then index, for accurate starting balance
. traceAtWith 5 (("ts4:\n"++).pshowTransactions.map snd)
. sortBy (comparing (Down . fst) <> comparing (Down . tindex . snd))
. map (\t -> (transactionRegisterDate wd reportq thisacctq t, t))
$ jtxns acctJournal
pshowTransactions :: [Transaction] -> String
pshowTransactions = pshow . map (\t -> unwords [show $ tdate t, T.unpack $ tdescription t])
-- | Generate transactions report items from a list of transactions,
-- using the provided user-specified report query, a query specifying
-- which account to use as the focus, a starting balance, and a sign-setting
-- function.
-- Each transaction is accompanied by the date that should be shown for it
-- in the report. This is not necessarily the transaction date - see
-- transactionRegisterDate.
accountTransactionsReportItems :: Query -> Query -> MixedAmount -> (MixedAmount -> MixedAmount)
-> (AccountName -> Maybe AccountType) -> [(Day, Transaction)]
-> [AccountTransactionsReportItem]
accountTransactionsReportItems reportq thisacctq bal signfn accttypefn =
catMaybes . snd . mapAccumR (accountTransactionsReportItem reportq thisacctq signfn accttypefn) bal
accountTransactionsReportItem :: Query -> Query -> (MixedAmount -> MixedAmount)
-> (AccountName -> Maybe AccountType) -> MixedAmount -> (Day, Transaction)
-> (MixedAmount, Maybe AccountTransactionsReportItem)
accountTransactionsReportItem reportq thisacctq signfn accttypefn bal (d, t)
-- 201407: I've lost my grip on this, let's just hope for the best
-- 201606: we now calculate change and balance from filtered postings, check this still works well for all callers XXX
| null reportps = (bal, Nothing) -- no matched postings in this transaction, skip it
| otherwise = (bal', Just (t, tacct{tdate=d}, numotheraccts > 1, otheracctstr, amt, bal'))
tacct@Transaction{tpostings=reportps} = filterTransactionPostingsExtra accttypefn reportq t -- TODO needs to consider --date2, #1731
(thisacctps, otheracctps) = partition (matchesPosting thisacctq) reportps
numotheraccts = length $ nub $ map paccount otheracctps
otheracctstr | thisacctq == None = summarisePostingAccounts reportps -- no current account ? summarise all matched postings
| numotheraccts == 0 = summarisePostingAccounts thisacctps -- only postings to current account ? summarise those
| otherwise = summarisePostingAccounts otheracctps -- summarise matched postings to other account(s)
-- 202302: Impact of t on thisacct - normally the sum of thisacctps,
-- but if they are null it probably means reportq is an account filter
-- and we should sum otheracctps instead.
-- This fixes hledger areg ACCT ACCT2 (#2007), hopefully it's correct in general.
| null thisacctps = signfn $ sumPostings otheracctps
| otherwise = signfn . maNegate $ sumPostings thisacctps
bal' = bal `maPlus` amt
-- TODO needs checking, cf #1731
-- | What date should be shown for a transaction in an account register report ?
-- This will be in context of a particular account (the "this account" query)
-- and any additional report query. It could be:
-- - if postings are matched by both thisacctq and reportq, the earliest of those
-- matched postings' dates (or their secondary dates if --date2 was used)
-- - the transaction date, or its secondary date if --date2 was used.
transactionRegisterDate :: WhichDate -> Query -> Query -> Transaction -> Day
transactionRegisterDate wd reportq thisacctq t
| not $ null thisacctps = minimum $ map (postingDateOrDate2 wd) thisacctps
| otherwise = transactionDateOrDate2 wd t
reportps = tpostings $ filterTransactionPostings reportq t
thisacctps = filter (matchesPosting thisacctq) reportps
-- -- | Generate a short readable summary of some postings, like
-- -- "from (negatives) to (positives)".
-- summarisePostings :: [Posting] -> String
-- summarisePostings ps =
-- case (summarisePostingAccounts froms, summarisePostingAccounts tos) of
-- ("",t) -> "to "++t
-- (f,"") -> "from "++f
-- (f,t) -> "from "++f++" to "++t
-- where
-- (froms,tos) = partition (fromMaybe False . isNegativeMixedAmount . pamount) ps
-- | Generate a simplified summary of some postings' accounts.
-- To reduce noise, if there are both real and virtual postings, show only the real ones.
summarisePostingAccounts :: [Posting] -> Text
summarisePostingAccounts ps =
T.intercalate ", " . map accountSummarisedName . nub $ map paccount displayps
realps = filter isReal ps
displayps | null realps = ps
| otherwise = realps
-- | Split an account transactions report whose items may involve several commodities,
-- into one or more single-commodity account transactions reports.
accountTransactionsReportByCommodity :: AccountTransactionsReport -> [(CommoditySymbol, AccountTransactionsReport)]
accountTransactionsReportByCommodity tr =
[(c, filterAccountTransactionsReportByCommodity c tr) | c <- commodities tr]
commodities = nubSort . map acommodity . concatMap (amounts . triAmount)
-- | Remove account transaction report items and item amount (and running
-- balance amount) components that don't involve the specified
-- commodity. Other item fields such as the transaction are left unchanged.
filterAccountTransactionsReportByCommodity :: CommoditySymbol -> AccountTransactionsReport -> AccountTransactionsReport
filterAccountTransactionsReportByCommodity comm =
fixTransactionsReportItemBalances . concatMap (filterTransactionsReportItemByCommodity comm)
filterTransactionsReportItemByCommodity c (t,t2,s,o,a,bal)
| c `elem` cs = [item']
| otherwise = []
cs = map acommodity $ amounts a
item' = (t,t2,s,o,a',bal)
a' = filterMixedAmountByCommodity c a
fixTransactionsReportItemBalances [] = []
fixTransactionsReportItemBalances [i] = [i]
fixTransactionsReportItemBalances items = reverse $ i:(go startbal is)
i:is = reverse items
startbal = filterMixedAmountByCommodity comm $ triBalance i
go _ [] = []
go bal ((t,t2,s,o,amt,_):is') = (t,t2,s,o,amt,bal'):go bal' is'
where bal' = bal `maPlus` amt
-- tests
tests_AccountTransactionsReport = testGroup "AccountTransactionsReport" [