
102 lines
3.4 KiB

module Account
import Utils
import BasicTypes
import AccountName
import Entry
import Transaction
import EntryTransaction
import Ledger
-- an Account caches an account's name, balance and transactions for convenience
type Account = (AccountName,[EntryTransaction],Amount)
aname (a,_,_) = a
atransactions (_,ts,_) = ts
abalance (_,_,b) = b
mkAccount :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Account
mkAccount l a = (a, accountNameTransactionsNoSubs l a, accountNameBalance l a)
accountNameBalance :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Amount
accountNameBalance l a = sumEntryTransactions (accountNameTransactions l a)
accountNameTransactions :: Ledger -> AccountName -> [EntryTransaction]
accountNameTransactions l a = ledgerTransactionsMatching (["^" ++ a ++ "(:.+)?$"], []) l
accountNameBalanceNoSubs :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Amount
accountNameBalanceNoSubs l a = sumEntryTransactions (accountNameTransactionsNoSubs l a)
accountNameTransactionsNoSubs :: Ledger -> AccountName -> [EntryTransaction]
accountNameTransactionsNoSubs l a = ledgerTransactionsMatching (["^" ++ a ++ "$"], []) l
-- showAccountNamesWithBalances :: [(AccountName,String)] -> Ledger -> String
-- showAccountNamesWithBalances as l =
-- unlines $ map (showAccountNameAndBalance l) as
-- showAccountNameAndBalance :: Ledger -> (AccountName, String) -> String
-- showAccountNameAndBalance l (a, adisplay) =
-- printf "%20s %s" (showBalance $ accountBalance l a) adisplay
-- a tree of Accounts
atacct = fst . node
addDataToAccountNameTree :: Ledger -> Tree AccountName -> Tree Account
addDataToAccountNameTree l ant =
Tree (mkAccount l aname, map (addDataToAccountNameTree l) (branches ant))
aname = antacctname ant
showAccountTreeWithBalances :: Ledger -> Int -> Tree Account -> String
showAccountTreeWithBalances l depth at = (showAccountTreesWithBalances l depth) (branches at)
showAccountTreesWithBalances :: Ledger -> Int -> [Tree Account] -> String
showAccountTreesWithBalances _ 0 _ = ""
showAccountTreesWithBalances l depth ats =
concatMap showAccountBranch ats
showAccountBranch :: Tree Account -> String
showAccountBranch at =
topacct ++ "\n" ++ subaccts
-- case boring of
-- True ->
-- False ->
topacct = (showAmount bal) ++ " " ++ (indentAccountName name)
showAmount amt = printf "%20s" (show amt)
name = aname $ atacct at
txns = atransactions $ atacct at
bal = abalance $ atacct at
subaccts = (showAccountTreesWithBalances l (depth - 1)) $ branches at
boring = (length txns == 0) && ((length subaccts) == 1)
-- we want to elide boring accounts in the account tree
-- a (2 txns)
-- b (boring acct - 0 txns, exactly 1 sub)
-- c (5 txns)
-- d
-- to:
-- a (2 txns)
-- b:c (5 txns)
-- d
-- elideAccountTree at = at
elideAccountTree :: Tree Account -> Tree Account
elideAccountTree = id
ledgerAccountTree :: Ledger -> Tree Account
ledgerAccountTree l = elideAccountTree $ addDataToAccountNameTree l (ledgerAccountNameTree l)
ledgerAccountsMatching :: Ledger -> [String] -> [Account]
ledgerAccountsMatching l acctpats = undefined
showLedgerAccounts :: Ledger -> Int -> String
showLedgerAccounts l depth =
showAccountTreeWithBalances l depth (ledgerAccountTree l)