2009-06-05 09:44:20 +00:00

125 lines
4.7 KiB

Convert account data in CSV format (eg downloaded from a bank) to ledger
format, and print it on stdout.
ACCOUNTNAME is the base account to use for transactions. RULESFILE
provides some rules to help convert the data. It should contain paragraphs
separated by one blank line. The first paragraph is a single line of five
comma-separated numbers, which are the csv field positions corresponding
to the ledger transaction's date, status, code, description, and amount.
All other paragraphs specify one or more regular expressions, followed by
the ledger account to use when a transaction's description matches any of
them. A regexp may optionally have a replacement pattern specified after =.
Here's an example rules file:
> 0,2,3,4,1
> assets:bank:checking
> assets:bank:savings
> expenses:entertainment
Support for other formats will be added. To update a ledger file, pipe the
output into the import command. The rules will move to a hledger config
file. When no rule matches, accounts will be guessed based on similarity
to descriptions in the current ledger, with interactive prompting and
optional rule saving.
module Commands.Convert where
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Options -- (Opt,Debug)
import Ledger.Types (Ledger,AccountName)
import Ledger.Utils (strip)
import System.IO (stderr, hPutStrLn)
import Text.CSV (parseCSVFromFile)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.RegexPR (matchRegexPR)
import Data.Maybe
import Ledger.Dates (firstJust, showDate)
import Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Time.Format (parseTime)
import Control.Monad (when)
convert :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ()
convert opts args _ = do
when (length args /= 3) (error "please specify a csv file, base account, and import rules file.")
let [csvfile,baseacct,rulesfile] = args
rulesstr <- readFile rulesfile
(fieldpositions,rules) <- parseRules rulesstr
parse <- parseCSVFromFile csvfile
let records = case parse of
Left e -> error $ show e
Right rs -> reverse rs
mapM_ (print_ledger_txn (Debug `elem` opts) (baseacct,fieldpositions,rules)) records
type Rule = (
[(String, Maybe String)] -- list of patterns and optional replacements
,AccountName -- account name to use for a matched transaction
parseRules :: String -> IO ([Int],[Rule])
parseRules s = do
let ls = map strip $ lines s
let paras = splitOn [""] ls
let fieldpositions = map read $ splitOn "," $ head $ head paras
let rules = [(map parsePatRepl $ init ls, last ls) | ls <- tail paras]
return (fieldpositions,rules)
parsePatRepl :: String -> (String, Maybe String)
parsePatRepl l = case splitOn "=" l of
(p:r:_) -> (p, Just r)
_ -> (l, Nothing)
print_ledger_txn :: Bool -> (String,[Int],[Rule]) -> [String] -> IO ()
print_ledger_txn debug (baseacct,fieldpositions,rules) record@(_:_:_:_:_:[]) = do
let [date,_,number,description,amount] = map (record !!) fieldpositions
amount' = strnegate amount where strnegate ('-':s) = s
strnegate s = '-':s
unknownacct | (read amount' :: Double) < 0 = "income:unknown"
| otherwise = "expenses:unknown"
(acct,desc) = choose_acct_desc rules (unknownacct,description)
when (debug) $ hPutStrLn stderr $ printf "using %s for %s" desc description
putStrLn $ printf "%s%s %s" (fixdate date) (if not (null number) then printf " (%s)" number else "") desc
putStrLn $ printf " %-30s %15s" acct (printf "$%s" amount' :: String)
putStrLn $ printf " %s\n" baseacct
print_ledger_txn True _ record = do
hPutStrLn stderr $ printf "ignoring %s" $ show record
print_ledger_txn _ _ _ = return ()
choose_acct_desc :: [Rule] -> (String,String) -> (String,String)
choose_acct_desc rules (acct,desc) | null matchingrules = (acct,desc)
| otherwise = (a,d)
matchingrules = filter ismatch rules :: [Rule]
where ismatch = any (isJust . flip matchregex desc . fst) . fst
(prs,a) = head matchingrules
mrs = filter (isJust . fst) $ map (\(p,r) -> (matchregex p desc, r)) prs
(m,repl) = head mrs
matched = fst $ fst $ fromJust m
d = fromMaybe matched repl
matchregex s = matchRegexPR ("(?i)"++s)
fixdate :: String -> String
fixdate s = maybe "0000/00/00" showDate $
[parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y/%m/%d" s
,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d" s
,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%m/%d/%Y" s
,parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%m-%d-%Y" s