2009-06-13 19:35:40 +00:00

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hledger news
2009/06/13 hledger 0.6
* now cabal-installable on unix, mac, and windows, with Haskell Platform
* provide experimental platform binaries
* parsing: fix a silly failure to open ledger file paths containing ~
* parsing: show better errors for unbalanced transaction and missing default year
* parsing: allow parentheses and brackets inside account names, as ledger does
* parsing: fail on empty account name components, don't just ignore
* add: description passed as arguments now affects first transaction only
* add: better handling of virtual postings and default amounts
* print, register: show virtual accounts bracketed/parenthesised
* web: improved web ui supporting full patterns & period expressions
* new "stats" command reports some ledger statistics
* many dev/doc/deployment infrastructure improvements
* move website into darcs repo, update home page
* move issue tracker to google code
Release stats:
* Contributors: Simon Michael
* Days since last release: 21
* Commits: 94
* Lines of non-test code: 2865
* Tests: 82
* Test coverage: 53% expressions
* Known errors: 3 (inconsistent eliding, vty-related failures)
* Performance: similar (http://hledger.org/profs/200906131120.bench)
2009/05/23 hledger 0.5.1
* two fixes: really disable vty flag by default, and include ConvertCommand in cabal file
2009/05/23 hledger 0.5
* the vty flag is disabled by default again, to ease installation on windows
* use ledger 3 terminology: a ledger contains transactions which contain postings
* new "add" command prompts for transactions interactively and adds them to the ledger
* new "convert" command transforms bank CSV exports to ledger format, with rule-based cleanup
* new "histogram" command shows transaction counts per day or other reporting interval
* most commands now work properly with UTF8-encoded text (Sergey Astanin)
* invoking as "hours" is now less different: it just uses your timelog, not your ledger
* ..quarterly/-Q option summarises by quarter
* ..uncleared/-U option looks only at uncleared transactions
* be more accurate about checking balanced amounts, don't rely on display precision
* enforce balancing for bracketed virtual postings
* fix bug in eliding of posting amounts
* don't show trailing spaces on amountless postings
* parse null input as an empty ledger
* don't treat comments as part of transaction descriptions
* require some postings in ledger transactions
* require a non-empty description in ledger transactions
* don't fail when matching an empty pattern, as in "not:"
* make the web server handle the null path
* code, api and documentation updates
* add a contributor agreement/list
Release stats:
* Contributors: Simon Michael, Sergey Astanin
* Days since last release: 51
* Commits: 101
* Lines of non-test code: 2795
* Tests: 76
* Known errors: 0
* Performance:
|| hledger-0.4 | hledger-0.5 | ledger
-f sample.ledger balance || 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.06
-f 1000.ledger balance || 1.33 | 1.46 | 0.53
-f 10000.ledger balance || 15.28 | 16.35 | 4.67
2009/04/03 hledger 0.4
* new "web" command serves reports in a web browser (install with -f happs to build this)
* make the vty-based curses ui a cabal build option, which will be ignored on MS windows
* drop the ..options-anywhere flag, that is now the default
* patterns now use not: and desc: prefixes instead of ^ and ^^
* patterns are now case-insensitive, like ledger
* !include directives are now relative to the including file (Tim Docker)
* "Y2009" default year directives are now supported, allowing m/d dates in ledger
* individual transactions now have a cleared status
* unbalanced entries now cause a proper warning
* balance report now passes all ledger compatibility tests
* balance report now shows subtotals by default, like ledger 3
* balance report shows the final zero total when -E is used
* balance report hides the final total when ..no-total is used
* ..depth affects print and register reports (aggregating with a reporting interval, filtering otherwise)
* register report sorts transactions by date
* register report shows zero-amount transactions when -E is used
* provide more convenient timelog querying when invoked as "hours"
* multi-day timelog sessions are split at midnight
* unterminated timelog sessions are now counted. Accurate time reports at last!
* the test command gives better ..verbose output
* ..version gives more detailed version numbers including patchlevel for dev builds
* new make targets include: ghci, haddocktest, doctest, unittest, view-api-docs
* a doctest-style framework for functional/shell tests has been added
Release stats:
* Contributors: Simon Michael, Tim Docker; thanks to the HAppS, happstack and testpack developers
* Days since release: 76
* Commits: 144
* Lines of non-test code: 2367
* Tests: 56
* Known errors: 0
* Performance:
|| hledger-0.3 | hledger-0.4 | ledger-0.3
-f sample.ledger balance || 0.02 | 0.01 | 0.07
-f sample1000.ledger balance || 1.02 | 1.39 | 0.53
-f sample10000.ledger balance || 12.72 | 14.97 | 4.63
2009/01/17 hledger 0.3
* count timelog sessions on the day they end, like ledger, for now
* when options are repeated, use the last instead of the first
* builds with ghc 6.10 as well as 6.8
* a simple ui for interactive report browsing: hledger ui
* accept smart dates everywhere (YYYYMMDD, Y/M/D, Y, M/D, D, jan, today, last week etc.)
* ..period/-p flag accepting period expressions like "in 2008", "weekly from last month"..
* -W/-M/-Y convenience flags to summarise register weekly, monthly, yearly
* ..depth and -E flags also affect summarised register reports (including depth=0)
* ..display/-d flag supporting date predicates (like "d<[DATE]", "d>=[DATE]")
* !include directive to include additional ledger files
* !account directive to set a default parent account
* Added support for reading historical prices from files
* timelog and ledger entries can be intermixed in one file
* modifier and periodic entries can appear anywhere (but are still ignored)
* help and readme improvements
* runs much faster than 0.2
Release stats:
* Contributors: Simon Michael, Nick Ingolia, Tim Docker; thanks to Corey O'Connor & the vty team
* Lines of non-test code: 2123
* Tests: 58
* Known errors: 1
* Performance:
$ bench hledger-0.2 hledger ledger
|| hledger-0.2 | hledger | ledger
-f 2008.ledger -s balance || 2.59 | 0.26 | 0.11
-f 10000entries.ledger -s balance || 566.68 | 2.72 | 0.96
2008/11/23 hledger 0.2
* fix balance report totals when filtering by account
* fix balance report selection of accounts when filtering by account
* fix a bug with account name eliding in balance report
* if we happen to be showing a not-yet-auto-balanced entry, hide the AUTO marker
* fix print command filtering by account
* omit transactions with zero amount from register report
* Fix bug in parsing of timelogs
* rename ..showsubs to ..subtotal, like ledger
* drop ..usage flag
* don't require quickcheck
* priced amounts (eg "10h @ $50") and ..basis/..cost/-B flag to show them with cost basis
* easy ..depth option, equivalent to c++ ledger's -d 'l<=N'
* smarter y/m/d date parsing for -b and -e
(any number of digits, month and day default to 1, separator can be / - or .)
* -n flag for balance command
* ..empty/-E flag
* build a library, as well as the exe
* new home page url (http://joyful.com/hledger)
* publish html and pdf versions of README
* detect display preferences for each commodity like c++ ledger
* support amounts with multiple currencies/commodities
* support ..real/-R flag
* support -C/..cleared flag to filter by entry status (not transaction status)
* support virtual and balanced virtual transactions
* parse comment lines beginning with a space, as from M-; in emacs ledger-mode
* allow any non-whitespace in account names, perhaps avoiding misleading missing amounts errors
* clearer error message when we can't balance an entry
* when we fail because of more than one missing amount in an entry, show the full entry
* document the built-in test runner in ..help
* add a ..verbose/-v flag, use it to show more test-running detail
Release stats:
* Contributors: Simon Michael, Tim Docker
* Lines of non-test code: 1350
* Tests: 43
* Known errors: 0
2008/10/15 hledger 0.1
Release stats:
* Contributors: Simon Michael