2008-10-15 06:32:52 +00:00

95 lines
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An 'Entry' represents a regular entry in the ledger file. It contains two
or more 'RawTransaction's whose sum must be zero.
module Ledger.Entry
import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.RawTransaction
import Ledger.Amount
instance Show Entry where show = showEntryDescription
Helpers for the register report. A register entry is displayed as two
or more lines like this:
date description account amount balance
DDDDDDDDDD dddddddddddddddddddd aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA
... ... ...
datewidth = 10
descwidth = 20
acctwidth = 22
amtwidth = 11
balwidth = 12
showEntryDescription e =
(showDate $ edate e) ++ " " ++ (showDescription $ edescription e) ++ " "
showDate d = printf "%-10s" d
showDescription s = printf "%-20s" (elideRight 20 s)
isEntryBalanced :: Entry -> Bool
isEntryBalanced = isZeroAmount . sumLedgerTransactions . etransactions
autofillEntry :: Entry -> Entry
autofillEntry e@(Entry _ _ _ _ _ ts _) =
let e' = e{etransactions=autofillTransactions ts} in
case (isEntryBalanced e') of
True -> e'
False -> (error $ "transactions don't balance in " ++ show e)
Helper for the print command which shows cleaned up ledger file
entries, something like:
yyyy/mm/dd[ *][ CODE] description......... [ ; comment...............]
account name 1..................... ...$amount1[ ; comment...............]
account name 2..................... ..$-amount1[ ; comment...............]
pcodewidth = no limit -- 10
pdescwidth = no limit -- 20
pacctwidth = 35 minimum, no maximum
pamtwidth = 11
pcommentwidth = no limit -- 22
showEntry :: Entry -> String
showEntry e =
unlines $ [precedingcomment ++ description] ++ (showtxns $ etransactions e) ++ [""]
precedingcomment = epreceding_comment_lines e
description = concat [date, status, code, desc] -- , comment]
date = showDate $ edate e
status = if estatus e then " *" else ""
code = if (length $ ecode e) > 0 then (printf " (%s)" $ ecode e) else ""
desc = " " ++ edescription e
comment = if (length $ ecomment e) > 0 then " ; "++(ecomment e) else ""
showtxns (t1:t2:[]) = [showtxn t1, showtxnnoamt t2]
showtxns ts = map showtxn ts
showtxn t = showacct t ++ " " ++ (showamount $ tamount t) ++ (showcomment $ tcomment t)
showtxnnoamt t = showacct t ++ " " ++ (showcomment $ tcomment t)
showacct t = " " ++ (showaccountname $ taccount t)
showamount = printf "%12s" . showAmount
showaccountname s = printf "%-34s" s
showcomment s = if (length s) > 0 then " ; "++s else ""
-- modifier & periodic entries
instance Show ModifierEntry where
show e = "= " ++ (valueexpr e) ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map show (m_transactions e))
instance Show PeriodicEntry where
show e = "~ " ++ (periodexpr e) ++ "\n" ++ unlines (map show (p_transactions e))