Simon Michael 1ec1f7c4ea more file reading cleanup, try each known format in turn
Currently this is just the journal and timelog file formats.  This is more
scalable, but when things go wrong there is no longer just a single parse
error. For now we'll just show the first error, the one from the journal
file parser.
2010-05-31 01:15:18 +00:00

117 lines
3.5 KiB

Read hledger data from various data formats, and related utilities.
module Hledger.Read (
import Hledger.Data.Types (Journal(..))
import Hledger.Data.Utils
import Hledger.Read.Common
import qualified Hledger.Read.Journal (parseJournal,ledgerFile,tests_Journal)
import qualified Hledger.Read.Timelog (parseJournal,tests_Timelog)
import Control.Monad.Error
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Exit
import System.IO (stderr)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 610
import Prelude hiding (readFile, putStr, putStrLn, print, getContents)
import System.IO.UTF8
import System.IO (hPutStrLn)
formats = [
-- ,"csv"
unknownformatmsg fp = printf "could not recognise %sdata in %s" (fmt formats) fp
where fmt [] = ""
fmt [f] = f ++ " "
fmt fs = intercalate ", " (init fs) ++ " or " ++ last fs ++ " "
parsers = [Hledger.Read.Journal.parseJournal
ledgerenvvar = "LEDGER"
timelogenvvar = "TIMELOG"
ledgerdefaultfilename = ".ledger"
timelogdefaultfilename = ".timelog"
-- | Get the user's default ledger file path.
myLedgerPath :: IO String
myLedgerPath =
getEnv ledgerenvvar `catch`
(\_ -> do
home <- getHomeDirectory `catch` (\_ -> return "")
return $ home </> ledgerdefaultfilename)
-- | Get the user's default timelog file path.
myTimelogPath :: IO String
myTimelogPath =
getEnv timelogenvvar `catch`
(\_ -> do
home <- getHomeDirectory
return $ home </> timelogdefaultfilename)
-- | Read the user's default journal file, or give an error.
myJournal :: IO Journal
myJournal = myLedgerPath >>= readJournalFile
-- | Read the user's default timelog file, or give an error.
myTimelog :: IO Journal
myTimelog = myTimelogPath >>= readJournalFile
-- | Read a journal from this file, trying all known data formats,
-- or give an error.
readJournalFile :: FilePath -> IO Journal
readJournalFile "-" = getContents >>= journalFromPathAndString "(stdin)"
readJournalFile f = readFile f >>= journalFromPathAndString f
-- | Read a Journal from this string, trying all known data formats, or
-- give an error.
readJournal :: String -> IO Journal
readJournal = journalFromPathAndString "(string)"
-- | Read a Journal from this string, trying each known data format in
-- turn, or give an error. The file path is also required.
journalFromPathAndString :: FilePath -> String -> IO Journal
journalFromPathAndString f s = do
(errors, journals) <- partitionEithers `fmap` mapM try parsers
case journals of j:_ -> return j
_ -> hPutStrLn stderr (errmsg errors) >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
try p = (runErrorT . p f) s
errmsg [] = unknownformatmsg f
errmsg (e:_) = unlines [unknownformatmsg f, e]
tests_Hledger_Read = TestList
"ledgerFile" ~: do
assertBool "ledgerFile should parse an empty file" (isRight $ parseWithCtx emptyCtx Hledger.Read.Journal.ledgerFile "")
r <- readJournal "" -- don't know how to get it from ledgerFile
assertBool "ledgerFile parsing an empty file should give an empty ledger" $ null $ jtxns r