Sergey Astanin 86fab58e6a Allow UTF8 in ledgers (account names, descriptions).
This patch fixes broken layout of some commands when there is Unicode
text in the ledger file.

I substituted System.IO functions with System.IO.UTF8. Now all strings
are Unicode internally, and take's and length's work correctly.
In particular, add, balance, hist, print and register commands seem
to work correctly; ui is still broken for me, I didn't try web.

I decode command line arguments from UTF8 forcefully, to permit
searches for accounts and descriptions with Unicode (otherwise, it
does not work).

The patch adds an additional dependency: utf8-string.

This patch does not include new test cases.
2009-05-14 20:44:06 +00:00

49 lines
1.5 KiB

Print a histogram report.
module HistogramCommand
import Prelude hiding (putStr)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map ((!))
import Ledger
import Options
import System.IO.UTF8
barchar = '*'
-- | Print a histogram of some statistic per reporting interval, such as
-- number of transactions per day.
histogram :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ()
histogram opts args l =
mapM_ (printDayWith countBar) daytxns
i = intervalFromOpts opts
interval | i == NoInterval = Daily
| otherwise = i
fullspan = rawLedgerDateSpan $ rawledger l
days = filter (DateSpan Nothing Nothing /=) $ splitSpan interval fullspan
daytxns = [(s, filter (isTransactionInDateSpan s) ts) | s <- days]
-- same as RegisterCommand
ts = sortBy (comparing date) $ filterempties $ filter matchapats $ filterdepth $ ledgerTransactions l
| Empty `elem` opts = id
| otherwise = filter (not . isZeroMixedAmount . amount)
matchapats t = matchpats apats $ account t
(apats,_) = parsePatternArgs args
filterdepth | interval == NoInterval = filter (\t -> (accountNameLevel $ account t) <= depth)
| otherwise = id
depth = depthFromOpts opts
printDayWith f (DateSpan b _, ts) = putStrLn $ printf "%s %s" (show $ fromJust b) (f ts)
countBar ts = replicate (length ts) barchar
total ts = show $ sumTransactions ts
-- totalBar ts = replicate (sumTransactions ts) barchar