Simon Michael 029b59093b feat: csv: rules files can be read directly; data file can be specified
CSV rules files can now be read directly, eg you have the option of
writing `hledger -f foo.csv.rules CMD`. By default this will read data
from foo.csv in the same directory.  But you can also specify a
different data file with a new `source FILE` rule. This has some
convenience features:

- If the data file does not exist, it is treated as empty, not an

- If FILE is a relative path, it is relative to the rules file's
  directory. If it is just a file name with no path, it is relative
  to ~/Downloads/.

- If FILE is a glob pattern, the most recently modified matched file
  is used.

This helps remove some of the busywork of managing CSV downloads.
Most of your financial institutions's default CSV filenames are
different and can be recognised by a glob pattern.  So you can put a
rule like `source Checking1*.csv` in foo-checking.csv.rules,
periodically download CSV from Foo's website accepting your browser's
defaults, and then run `hledger import checking.csv.rules` to import
any new transactions. The next time, if you have done no cleanup, your
browser will probably save it as something like Checking1-2.csv, and
hledger will still see that because of the * wild card. You can choose
whether to delete CSVs after import, or keep them for a while as
temporary backups, or archive them somewhere.
2023-05-19 09:09:21 -10:00

75 lines
2.3 KiB

--- * -*- outline-regexp:"--- \\*"; -*-
--- ** doc
-- In Emacs, use TAB on lines beginning with "-- *" to collapse/expand sections.
A reader for CSV (character-separated) data.
This also reads a rules file to help interpret the CSV data.
--- ** language
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
--- ** exports
module Hledger.Read.CsvReader (
-- * Reader
-- * Tests
--- ** imports
import Prelude hiding (Applicative(..))
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..), liftEither)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Read.Common (aliasesFromOpts, Reader(..), InputOpts(..), journalFinalise)
import Hledger.Read.RulesReader (readJournalFromCsv)
--- ** doctest setup
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
--- ** reader
reader :: MonadIO m => Reader m
reader = Reader
{rFormat = "csv"
,rExtensions = ["csv","tsv","ssv"]
,rReadFn = parse
,rParser = error' "sorry, CSV files can't be included yet" -- PARTIAL:
-- | Parse and post-process a "Journal" from CSV data, or give an error.
-- This currently ignores the provided data, and reads it from the file path instead.
-- This file path is normally the CSV(/SSV/TSV) data file, and a corresponding rules file is inferred.
-- But it can also be the rules file, in which case the corresponding data file is inferred.
-- This does not check balance assertions.
parse :: InputOpts -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT String IO Journal
parse iopts f t = do
let mrulesfile = mrules_file_ iopts
readJournalFromCsv (Right <$> mrulesfile) f t
-- apply any command line account aliases. Can fail with a bad replacement pattern.
>>= liftEither . journalApplyAliases (aliasesFromOpts iopts)
-- journalFinalise assumes the journal's items are
-- reversed, as produced by JournalReader's parser.
-- But here they are already properly ordered. So we'd
-- better preemptively reverse them once more. XXX inefficient
. journalReverse
>>= journalFinalise iopts{balancingopts_=(balancingopts_ iopts){ignore_assertions_=True}} f t
--- ** tests
tests_CsvReader = testGroup "CsvReader" [