Simon Michael d17b32c7eb imp: cli,ui,web: support ghc-debug for analysing memory/profile info
When built with the ghcdebug flag and started with --debug=-1 (or -2
to pause at startup, or -3 to pause before exit), hledger can be
controlled by ghc-debug clients like ghc-debug-brick or a custom
ghc-debug query script.

Also, refactor version string code.
2024-05-01 13:43:04 -10:00

40 lines
879 B

# stack build plan using GHC 9.8.2
resolver: nightly-2024-04-22
- hledger-lib
- hledger
- hledger-ui
- hledger-web
- process- # for HSEC-2024-0003
- haskeline-
- ghc-debug-convention-
- ghc-debug-stub-
pure: false
packages: [perl gmp ncurses zlib]
# ghc-options:
# "$locals": -Wno-x-partial
# "$locals": -fplugin Debug.Breakpoint
# # for precise profiling, per https://www.tweag.io/posts/2020-01-30-haskell-profiling.html:
# # apply-ghc-options: everything
# # rebuild-ghc-options: true
# # stack build --profile --ghc-options="-fno-prof-auto"
# # tell GHC to write hie files, eg for weeder. Rumoured to be slow.
# # ghc-options:
# # "$locals": -fwrite-ide-info
# # ghc-options:
# # "$locals": -ddump-timings
# # "$targets": -Werror
# # "$everything": -O2
# # some-package: -DSOME_CPP_FLAG