Simon Michael 7f6cf1f849 balance, register, register-csv: depth 0 shows summary items (#206)
Previously, a depth:0 query produced an empty report (since there are no
level zero accounts). Now, it aggregates all data into one summary item
with account name "...".

This makes it easier to see the kind of data Gwern was looking for from
register-csv (net worth over time). Eg this shows one line per month
summarising the total of assets and liabilities:

hledger register-csv -- -MHE ^assets ^liabilities depth:0

Single and multi-column balance reports behave similarly.
2014-10-19 17:53:20 -07:00

206 lines
6.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, StandaloneDeriving #-}
An 'Account' has a name, a list of subaccounts, an optional parent
account, and subaccounting-excluding and -including balances.
module Hledger.Data.Account
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Safe (headMay, lookupJustDef)
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Printf
import Hledger.Data.AccountName
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Posting()
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Utils
-- deriving instance Show Account
instance Show Account where
show Account{..} = printf "Account %s (boring:%s, postings:%d, ebalance:%s, ibalance:%s)"
(if aboring then "y" else "n" :: String)
(showMixedAmount aebalance)
(showMixedAmount aibalance)
instance Eq Account where
(==) a b = aname a == aname b -- quick equality test for speed
-- and
-- [ aname a == aname b
-- -- , aparent a == aparent b -- avoid infinite recursion
-- , asubs a == asubs b
-- , aebalance a == aebalance b
-- , aibalance a == aibalance b
-- ]
nullacct = Account
{ aname = ""
, aparent = Nothing
, asubs = []
, anumpostings = 0
, aebalance = nullmixedamt
, aibalance = nullmixedamt
, aboring = False
-- | Derive 1. an account tree and 2. their balances from a list of postings.
-- (ledger's core feature). The accounts are returned in a list, but
-- retain their tree structure; the first one is the root of the tree.
accountsFromPostings :: [Posting] -> [Account]
accountsFromPostings ps =
acctamts = [(paccount p,pamount p) | p <- ps]
grouped = groupBy (\a b -> fst a == fst b) $ sort $ acctamts
counted = [(a, length acctamts) | acctamts@((a,_):_) <- grouped]
summed = map (\as@((aname,_):_) -> (aname, sum $ map snd as)) grouped -- always non-empty
nametree = treeFromPaths $ map (expandAccountName . fst) summed
acctswithnames = nameTreeToAccount "root" nametree
acctswithnumps = mapAccounts setnumps acctswithnames where setnumps a = a{anumpostings=fromMaybe 0 $ lookup (aname a) counted}
acctswithebals = mapAccounts setebalance acctswithnumps where setebalance a = a{aebalance=lookupJustDef nullmixedamt (aname a) summed}
acctswithibals = sumAccounts acctswithebals
acctswithparents = tieAccountParents acctswithibals
acctsflattened = flattenAccounts acctswithparents
-- | Convert an AccountName tree to an Account tree
nameTreeToAccount :: AccountName -> FastTree AccountName -> Account
nameTreeToAccount rootname (T m) =
nullacct{ aname=rootname, asubs=map (uncurry nameTreeToAccount) $ M.assocs m }
-- | Tie the knot so all subaccounts' parents are set correctly.
tieAccountParents :: Account -> Account
tieAccountParents = tie Nothing
tie parent a@Account{..} = a'
a' = a{aparent=parent, asubs=map (tie (Just a')) asubs}
-- | Get this account's parent accounts, from the nearest up to the root.
parentAccounts :: Account -> [Account]
parentAccounts Account{aparent=Nothing} = []
parentAccounts Account{aparent=Just a} = a:parentAccounts a
-- | List the accounts at each level of the account tree.
accountsLevels :: Account -> [[Account]]
accountsLevels = takeWhile (not . null) . iterate (concatMap asubs) . (:[])
-- | Map a (non-tree-structure-modifying) function over this and sub accounts.
mapAccounts :: (Account -> Account) -> Account -> Account
mapAccounts f a = f a{asubs = map (mapAccounts f) $ asubs a}
-- | Is the predicate true on any of this account or its subaccounts ?
anyAccounts :: (Account -> Bool) -> Account -> Bool
anyAccounts p a
| p a = True
| otherwise = any (anyAccounts p) $ asubs a
-- | Add subaccount-inclusive balances to an account tree.
sumAccounts :: Account -> Account
sumAccounts a
| null $ asubs a = a{aibalance=aebalance a}
| otherwise = a{aibalance=ibal, asubs=subs}
subs = map sumAccounts $ asubs a
ibal = sum $ aebalance a : map aibalance subs
-- | Remove all subaccounts below a certain depth.
clipAccounts :: Int -> Account -> Account
clipAccounts 0 a = a{asubs=[]}
clipAccounts d a = a{asubs=subs}
subs = map (clipAccounts (d-1)) $ asubs a
-- | Remove subaccounts below the specified depth, aggregating their balance at the depth limit
-- (accounts at the depth limit will have any sub-balances merged into their exclusive balance).
clipAccountsAndAggregate :: Int -> [Account] -> [Account]
clipAccountsAndAggregate d as = combined
clipped = [a{aname=clipOrEllipsifyAccountName d $ aname a} | a <- as]
combined = [a{aebalance=sum (map aebalance same)}
| same@(a:_) <- groupBy (\a1 a2 -> aname a1 == aname a2) clipped]
test cases, assuming d=1:
assets:cash 1 1
assets:checking 1 1
as: [assets:cash 1 1, assets:checking 1 1]
clipped: [assets 1 1, assets 1 1]
combined: [assets 2 2]
assets 0 2
assets:cash 1 1
assets:checking 1 1
as: [assets 0 2, assets:cash 1 1, assets:checking 1 1]
clipped: [assets 0 2, assets 1 1, assets 1 1]
combined: [assets 2 2]
assets 0 2
assets:bank 1 2
assets:bank:checking 1 1
as: [assets 0 2, assets:bank 1 2, assets:bank:checking 1 1]
clipped: [assets 0 2, assets 1 2, assets 1 1]
combined: [assets 2 2]
-- | Remove all leaf accounts and subtrees matching a predicate.
pruneAccounts :: (Account -> Bool) -> Account -> Maybe Account
pruneAccounts p = headMay . prune
prune a
| null prunedsubs = if p a then [] else [a']
| otherwise = [a']
prunedsubs = concatMap prune $ asubs a
a' = a{asubs=prunedsubs}
-- | Flatten an account tree into a list, which is sometimes
-- convenient. Note since accounts link to their parents/subs, the
-- account tree remains intact and can still be used. It's a tree/list!
flattenAccounts :: Account -> [Account]
flattenAccounts a = squish a []
where squish a as = a:Prelude.foldr squish as (asubs a)
-- | Filter an account tree (to a list).
filterAccounts :: (Account -> Bool) -> Account -> [Account]
filterAccounts p a
| p a = a : concatMap (filterAccounts p) (asubs a)
| otherwise = concatMap (filterAccounts p) (asubs a)
-- | Search an account list by name.
lookupAccount :: AccountName -> [Account] -> Maybe Account
lookupAccount a = find ((==a).aname)
-- debug helpers
printAccounts :: Account -> IO ()
printAccounts = putStrLn . showAccounts
showAccounts = unlines . map showAccountDebug . flattenAccounts
showAccountsBoringFlag = unlines . map (show . aboring) . flattenAccounts
showAccountDebug a = printf "%-25s %4s %4s %s"
(aname a)
(showMixedAmount $ aebalance a)
(showMixedAmount $ aibalance a)
(if aboring a then "b" else " " :: String)
tests_Hledger_Data_Account = TestList [