Simon Michael 2b2a0b3cf8 ;tests: use "test" alias for testCase everywhere
Easier to type and read, and a little clearer to my eyes;
"testCase" implies a single case, but it can contain many assertions.
2019-11-28 15:33:33 -08:00

366 lines
16 KiB

Convert amounts to some related value in various ways. This involves
looking up historical market prices (exchange rates) between commodities.
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric #-}
module Hledger.Data.Valuation (
-- ,amountApplyValuation
-- ,amountValueAtDate
-- ,priceLookup
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Data
import Data.Decimal (roundTo)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Graph.Inductive (Gr, Node, NodeMap, mkMapGraph, mkNode, lab, out, sp)
import Data.List
import Data.List.Extra (nubSortBy)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Data.MemoUgly (memo)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Safe (headMay)
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Dates (parsedate)
-- Types
-- | A snapshot of the known exchange rates between commodity pairs at a given date,
-- as a graph allowing fast lookup and path finding, along with some helper data.
data PriceGraph = PriceGraph {
prGraph :: Gr CommoditySymbol Quantity
-- ^ A directed graph of exchange rates between commodity pairs.
-- Node labels are commodities and edge labels are exchange rates,
-- either explicitly declared (preferred) or inferred by reversing a declared rate.
-- There will be at most one edge between each directed pair of commodities,
-- eg there can be one USD->EUR and one EUR->USD.
,prNodemap :: NodeMap CommoditySymbol
-- ^ Mapping of graph node ids to commodity symbols.
,prDeclaredPairs :: [(Node,Node)]
-- ^ Which of the edges in this graph are declared rates,
-- rather than inferred reverse rates.
-- A bit ugly. We could encode this in the edges,
-- but those have to be Real for shortest path finding,
-- so we'd have to transform them all first.
deriving (Show,Generic)
instance NFData PriceGraph
-- | A price oracle is a magic function that looks up market prices
-- (exchange rates) from one commodity to another (or if unspecified,
-- to a default valuation commodity) on a given date, somewhat efficiently.
type PriceOracle = (Day, CommoditySymbol, Maybe CommoditySymbol) -> Maybe (CommoditySymbol, Quantity)
-- | What kind of value conversion should be done on amounts ?
-- UI: --value=cost|end|now|DATE[,COMM]
data ValuationType =
AtCost (Maybe CommoditySymbol) -- ^ convert to cost commodity using transaction prices, then optionally to given commodity using market prices at posting date
| AtEnd (Maybe CommoditySymbol) -- ^ convert to default valuation commodity or given commodity, using market prices at period end(s)
| AtNow (Maybe CommoditySymbol) -- ^ convert to default valuation commodity or given commodity, using current market prices
| AtDate Day (Maybe CommoditySymbol) -- ^ convert to default valuation commodity or given commodity, using market prices on some date
| AtDefault (Maybe CommoditySymbol) -- ^ works like AtNow in single period reports, like AtEnd in multiperiod reports
deriving (Show,Data,Eq) -- Typeable
-- Valuation
-- | Apply a specified valuation to this mixed amount, using the
-- provided price oracle, commodity styles, reference dates, and
-- whether this is for a multiperiod report or not.
-- See amountApplyValuation.
mixedAmountApplyValuation :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Day -> Maybe Day -> Day -> Bool -> ValuationType -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast mreportlast today ismultiperiod v (Mixed as) =
Mixed $ map (amountApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast mreportlast today ismultiperiod v) as
-- | Apply a specified valuation to this amount, using the provided
-- price oracle, reference dates, and whether this is for a
-- multiperiod report or not. Also fix up its display style using the
-- provided commodity styles.
-- When the valuation requires converting to another commodity, a
-- valuation (conversion) date is chosen based on the valuation type,
-- the provided reference dates, and whether this is for a
-- single-period or multi-period report. It will be one of:
-- - a fixed date specified by the ValuationType itself
-- (--value=DATE).
-- - the provided "period end" date - this is typically the last day
-- of a subperiod (--value=end with a multi-period report), or of
-- the specified report period or the journal (--value=end with a
-- single-period report).
-- - the provided "report end" date - the last day of the specified
-- report period, if any (-V/-X with a report end date).
-- - the provided "today" date - (--value=now, or -V/X with no report
-- end date).
-- This is all a bit complicated. See the reference doc at
-- https://hledger.org/hledger.html#effect-of-value-on-reports
-- (hledger_options.m4.md "Effect of --value on reports"), and #1083.
amountApplyValuation :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Day -> Maybe Day -> Day -> Bool -> ValuationType -> Amount -> Amount
amountApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast mreportlast today ismultiperiod v a =
case v of
AtCost Nothing -> amountToCost styles a
AtCost mc -> amountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mc periodlast $ amountToCost styles a
AtEnd mc -> amountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mc periodlast a
AtNow mc -> amountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mc today a
AtDefault mc | ismultiperiod -> amountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mc periodlast a
AtDefault mc -> amountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mc (fromMaybe today mreportlast) a
AtDate d mc -> amountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mc d a
-- | Find the market value of each component amount in the given
-- commodity, or its default valuation commodity, at the given
-- valuation date, using the given market price oracle.
-- When market prices available on that date are not sufficient to
-- calculate the value, amounts are left unchanged.
mixedAmountValueAtDate :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Maybe CommoditySymbol -> Day -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mc d (Mixed as) = Mixed $ map (amountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mc d) as
-- | Find the market value of this amount in the given valuation
-- commodity if any, otherwise the default valuation commodity, at the
-- given valuation date. (The default valuation commodity is the
-- commodity of the latest applicable market price before the
-- valuation date.)
-- The returned amount will have its commodity's canonical style applied,
-- but with the precision adjusted to show all significant decimal digits
-- up to a maximum of 8. (experimental)
-- If the market prices available on that date are not sufficient to
-- calculate this value, the amount is left unchanged.
amountValueAtDate :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Maybe CommoditySymbol -> Day -> Amount -> Amount
amountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mto d a =
case priceoracle (d, acommodity a, mto) of
Nothing -> a
Just (comm, rate) ->
-- setNaturalPrecisionUpTo 8 $ -- XXX force higher precision in case amount appears to be zero ?
-- Make default display style use precision 2 instead of 0 ?
-- Leave as is for now; mentioned in manual.
styleAmount styles
amount{acommodity=comm, aquantity=rate * aquantity a}
-- Market price lookup
-- From a journal's market price directives, generate a memoising function
-- that efficiently looks up exchange rates between commodities on any date.
-- For best results, you should generate this only once per journal, reusing it
-- across reports if there are more than one (as in compoundBalanceCommand).
journalPriceOracle :: Journal -> PriceOracle
journalPriceOracle Journal{jpricedirectives} =
-- traceStack "journalPriceOracle" $
pricesatdate =
memo $
pricesAtDate jpricedirectives
memo $
uncurry3 $
priceLookup pricesatdate
-- | Given a list of price directives in parse order, find the market
-- value at the given date of one unit of a given source commodity, in
-- a different specified valuation commodity, or a default valuation
-- commodity.
-- When the valuation commodity is specified, this looks for, in order:
-- - a price declaration giving the exchange rate from source
-- commodity to valuation commodity ("declared price").
-- - a price declaration from valuation to source commodity, which
-- gets inverted ("reverse price").
-- - the shortest chain of prices (declared or reverse) leading from
-- source commodity to valuation commodity, which gets collapsed
-- into a single synthetic exchange rate ("indirect price").
-- When the valuation commodity is not specified, this looks for the
-- latest applicable declared price, and converts to the commodity
-- mentioned in that price (the default valuation commodity).
-- Note this default valuation commodity can vary across successive
-- calls for different dates, since it depends on the price
-- declarations in each period.
-- This returns the valuation commodity that was specified or
-- inferred, and the quantity of it that one unit of the source
-- commodity is worth. Or if no applicable market price or chain of
-- prices can be found, or the source commodity and the valuation
-- commodity are the same, returns Nothing.
priceLookup :: (Day -> PriceGraph) -> Day -> CommoditySymbol -> Maybe CommoditySymbol -> Maybe (CommoditySymbol, Quantity)
priceLookup pricesatdate d from mto =
-- trace ("priceLookup ("++show d++", "++show from++", "++show mto++")") $
-- build a graph of the commodity exchange rates in effect on this day
-- XXX should hide these fgl details better
PriceGraph{prGraph=g, prNodemap=m, prDeclaredPairs=dps} = pricesatdate d
fromnode = node m from
mto' = mto <|> mdefaultto
-- If to is unspecified, try to pick a default valuation commodity from declared prices (only).
-- XXX how to choose ? Take lowest sorted ?
-- Take first, hoping current order is useful ? <-
-- Keep parse order in label and take latest parsed ?
mdefaultto =
dbg4 ("default valuation commodity for "++T.unpack from) $
headMay [t | (f,t,_) <- out g fromnode, (f,t) `elem` dps] >>= lab g
case mto' of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just to | to==from -> Nothing
Just to ->
-- We have a commodity to convert to. Find the most direct price available.
case mindirectprice of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just q -> Just (to, q)
tonode = node m to
mindirectprice :: Maybe Quantity =
-- Find the shortest path, if any, between from and to.
case sp fromnode tonode g :: Maybe [Node] of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just nodes ->
dbg ("market price "++intercalate "->" (map T.unpack comms)) $
Just $ product $ pathEdgeLabels g nodes -- convert to a single exchange rate
where comms = catMaybes $ map (lab g) nodes
-- log a message and a Maybe Quantity, hiding Just/Nothing and limiting decimal places
dbg msg = dbg4With (((msg++": ")++) . maybe "" (show . roundTo 8))
tests_priceLookup =
d = parsedate
a q c = amount{acommodity=c, aquantity=q}
p date from q to = PriceDirective{pddate=d date, pdcommodity=from, pdamount=a q to}
ps1 = [
p "2000/01/01" "A" 10 "B"
,p "2000/01/01" "B" 10 "C"
,p "2000/01/01" "C" 10 "D"
,p "2000/01/01" "E" 2 "D"
,p "2001/01/01" "A" 11 "B"
pricesatdate = pricesAtDate ps1
in test "priceLookup" $ do
priceLookup pricesatdate (d "1999/01/01") "A" Nothing @?= Nothing
priceLookup pricesatdate (d "2000/01/01") "A" Nothing @?= Just ("B",10)
priceLookup pricesatdate (d "2000/01/01") "B" (Just "A") @?= Just ("A",0.1)
priceLookup pricesatdate (d "2000/01/01") "A" (Just "E") @?= Just ("E",500)
-- Building the price graph (network of commodity conversions) on a given day.
-- | Convert a list of market price directives in parse order to a
-- graph of all prices in effect on a given day, allowing efficient
-- lookup of exchange rates between commodity pairs.
pricesAtDate :: [PriceDirective] -> Day -> PriceGraph
pricesAtDate pricedirectives d =
-- trace ("pricesAtDate ("++show d++")") $
PriceGraph{prGraph=g, prNodemap=m, prDeclaredPairs=dps}
declaredprices = latestPriceForEachPairOn pricedirectives d
-- infer additional reverse prices where not already declared
reverseprices =
dbg5 "reverseprices" $
map marketPriceReverse declaredprices \\ declaredprices
-- build the graph and associated node map
(g, m) =
(dbg5 "g nodelabels" $ sort allcomms) -- this must include all nodes mentioned in edges
(dbg5 "g edges" $ [(mpfrom, mpto, mprate) | MarketPrice{..} <- prices])
:: (Gr CommoditySymbol Quantity, NodeMap CommoditySymbol)
prices = declaredprices ++ reverseprices
allcomms = map mpfrom prices
-- remember which edges correspond to declared prices
dps = [(node m mpfrom, node m mpto) | MarketPrice{..} <- declaredprices ]
-- From a list of price directives in parse order, get the latest
-- price declared on or before date d for each commodity pair.
latestPriceForEachPairOn :: [PriceDirective] -> Day -> [MarketPrice]
latestPriceForEachPairOn pricedirectives d =
dbg5 "latestPriceForEachPairOn" $
nubSortBy (compare `on` (\(MarketPrice{..})->(mpfrom,mpto))) $ -- keep only the first (ie newest and latest parsed) price for each pair
map snd $ -- discard the parse order label
sortBy (flip compare `on` (\(parseorder,mp)->(mpdate mp,parseorder))) $ -- sort with newest dates and latest parse order first
zip [1..] $ -- label with parse order
map priceDirectiveToMarketPrice $
filter ((<=d).pddate) pricedirectives -- consider only price declarations up to the valuation date
priceDirectiveToMarketPrice :: PriceDirective -> MarketPrice
priceDirectiveToMarketPrice PriceDirective{..} =
MarketPrice{ mpdate = pddate
, mpfrom = pdcommodity
, mpto = acommodity pdamount
, mprate = aquantity pdamount
marketPriceReverse :: MarketPrice -> MarketPrice
marketPriceReverse mp@MarketPrice{..} = mp{mpfrom=mpto, mpto=mpfrom, mprate=1/mprate}
-- fgl helpers
-- | Look up an existing graph node by its label.
-- (If the node does not exist, a new one will be generated, but not
-- persisted in the nodemap.)
node :: Ord a => NodeMap a -> a -> Node
node m = fst . fst . mkNode m
-- | Convert a valid path within the given graph to the corresponding
-- edge labels. When there are multiple edges between two nodes, the
-- lowest-sorting label is used.
pathEdgeLabels :: (Show b, Ord b) => Gr a b -> [Node] -> [b]
pathEdgeLabels g = map frommaybe . map (nodesEdgeLabel g) . pathEdges
where frommaybe = fromMaybe (error' "pathEdgeLabels: expected no Nothings here")
-- | Convert a path to node pairs representing the path's edges.
pathEdges :: [Node] -> [(Node,Node)]
pathEdges p = [(f,t) | f:t:_ <- tails p]
-- | Get the label of a graph edge from one node to another.
-- When there are multiple such edges, the lowest-sorting label is used.
nodesEdgeLabel :: Ord b => Gr a b -> (Node, Node) -> Maybe b
nodesEdgeLabel g (from,to) = headMay $ sort [l | (_,t,l) <- out g from, t==to]
tests_Valuation = tests "Valuation" [