2008-10-02 23:00:11 +00:00

257 lines
7.8 KiB

module Ledger
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map ((!))
import Utils
import Types
import Amount
import Account
import AccountName
import Transaction
import RawLedger
import LedgerEntry
rawLedgerTransactions :: RawLedger -> [Transaction]
rawLedgerTransactions = txns . entries
txns :: [LedgerEntry] -> [Transaction]
txns es = concat $ map flattenEntry $ zip es (iterate (+1) 1)
rawLedgerAccountNamesUsed :: RawLedger -> [AccountName]
rawLedgerAccountNamesUsed = accountNamesFromTransactions . rawLedgerTransactions
rawLedgerAccountNames :: RawLedger -> [AccountName]
rawLedgerAccountNames = sort . expandAccountNames . rawLedgerAccountNamesUsed
rawLedgerAccountNameTree :: RawLedger -> Tree AccountName
rawLedgerAccountNameTree l = accountNameTreeFrom $ rawLedgerAccountNames l
instance Show Ledger where
show l = printf "Ledger with %d entries, %d accounts"
((length $ entries $ rawledger l) +
(length $ modifier_entries $ rawledger l) +
(length $ periodic_entries $ rawledger l))
(length $ accountnames l)
-- | at startup, to improve performance, we refine the parsed ledger entries:
-- 1. filter based on account/description patterns, if any
-- 2. cache per-account info
-- 3. figure out the precision(s) to use
cacheLedger :: RawLedger -> (Regex,Regex) -> Ledger
cacheLedger l pats =
lprecision = maximum $ map (precision . amount) $ rawLedgerTransactions l
l' = filterLedgerEntries pats l
l'' = filterLedgerTransactions pats l'
ant = rawLedgerAccountNameTree l''
ans = flatten ant
ts = rawLedgerTransactions l''
sortedts = sortBy (comparing account) ts
groupedts = groupBy (\t1 t2 -> account t1 == account t2) sortedts
tmap = Map.union
(Map.fromList [(account $ head g, g) | g <- groupedts])
(Map.fromList [(a,[]) | a <- ans])
txns = (tmap !)
subaccts a = filter (isAccountNamePrefixOf a) ans
subtxns a = concat [txns a | a <- [a] ++ subaccts a]
bmap = Map.union
(Map.fromList [(a, (sumTransactions $ subtxns a){precision=lprecision}) | a <- ans])
(Map.fromList [(a,nullamt) | a <- ans])
amap = Map.fromList [(a, Account a (tmap ! a) (bmap ! a)) | a <- ans]
Ledger l' ant amap lprecision
-- | keep only entries whose description matches one of the
-- description patterns, if any, and which have at least one
-- transaction matching one of the account patterns, if any.
-- No description or account patterns implies match all.
filterLedgerEntries :: (Regex,Regex) -> RawLedger -> RawLedger
filterLedgerEntries (acctpat,descpat) (RawLedger ms ps es f) =
RawLedger ms ps filteredentries f
filteredentries :: [LedgerEntry]
filteredentries = (filter matchdesc $ filter (any matchtxn . etransactions) es)
matchtxn :: LedgerTransaction -> Bool
matchtxn t = case matchRegex acctpat (taccount t) of
Nothing -> False
otherwise -> True
matchdesc :: LedgerEntry -> Bool
matchdesc e = case matchRegex descpat (edescription e) of
Nothing -> False
otherwise -> True
-- | in each ledger entry, filter out transactions which do not match
-- the account patterns, if any. (Entries are no longer balanced
-- after this.)
filterLedgerTransactions :: (Regex,Regex) -> RawLedger -> RawLedger
filterLedgerTransactions (acctpat,descpat) (RawLedger ms ps es f) =
RawLedger ms ps (map filterentrytxns es) f
filterentrytxns l@(LedgerEntry _ _ _ _ _ ts _) = l{etransactions=filter matchtxn ts}
matchtxn t = case matchRegex acctpat (taccount t) of
Nothing -> False
otherwise -> True
accountnames :: Ledger -> [AccountName]
accountnames l = flatten $ accountnametree l
ledgerAccount :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Account
ledgerAccount l a = (accounts l) ! a
-- | This sets all amount precisions to that of the highest-precision
-- amount, to help with report output. It should perhaps be done in the
-- display functions, but those are far removed from the ledger. Keep in
-- mind if doing more arithmetic with these.
ledgerTransactions :: Ledger -> [Transaction]
ledgerTransactions l =
setprecisions $ rawLedgerTransactions $ rawledger l
setprecisions = map (transactionSetPrecision (lprecision l))
ledgerAccountTree :: Ledger -> Int -> Tree Account
ledgerAccountTree l depth =
addDataToAccountNameTree l $ treeprune depth $ accountnametree l
addDataToAccountNameTree :: Ledger -> Tree AccountName -> Tree Account
addDataToAccountNameTree = treemap . ledgerAccount
-- | for the print command
printentries :: Ledger -> IO ()
printentries l = putStr $ showEntries $ setprecisions $ entries $ rawledger l
where setprecisions = map (entrySetPrecision (lprecision l))
-- | for the register command
printregister :: Ledger -> IO ()
printregister l = putStr $ showTransactionsWithBalances
(sortBy (comparing date) $ ledgerTransactions l)
nullamt{precision=lprecision l}
This and the functions below help generate ledger-compatible balance
reports. Here's how it should work:
a sample account tree:
the standard balance command shows all top-level accounts:
\> ledger balance
$ assets
$ equity
$ expenses
$ income
$ liabilities
with an account pattern, show only the ones with matching names:
\> ledger balance asset
$ assets
with -s, show all subaccounts of matched accounts:
\> ledger -s balance asset
$ assets
$ cash
$ checking
$ saving
we elide boring accounts in two ways:
- leaf accounts and branches with 0 balance or 0 transactions are omitted
- inner accounts with 0 transactions and 1 subaccount are displayed inline
so this:
a (0 txns)
b (0 txns)
e (0 txns)
h (0 txns)
i (0 balance)
is displayed like:
showLedgerAccounts :: Ledger -> Int -> String
showLedgerAccounts l maxdepth =
(showAccountTree l)
(branches $ ledgerAccountTree l maxdepth)
showAccountTree :: Ledger -> Tree Account -> String
showAccountTree l = showAccountTree' l 0 . pruneBoringBranches
showAccountTree' :: Ledger -> Int -> Tree Account -> String
showAccountTree' l indentlevel t
-- skip a boring inner account
| length subs > 0 && isBoringAccount l acct = subsindented 0
-- otherwise show normal indented account name with balance,
-- prefixing the names of any boring parents
| otherwise =
bal ++ " " ++ indent ++ prefix ++ leafname ++ "\n" ++ (subsindented 1)
acct = root t
subs = branches t
subsindented i = concatMap (showAccountTree' l (indentlevel+i)) subs
bal = printf "%20s" $ show $ abalance $ acct
indent = replicate (indentlevel * 2) ' '
prefix = concatMap (++ ":") $ map accountLeafName $ reverse boringparents
boringparents = takeWhile (isBoringAccountName l) $ parentAccountNames $ aname acct
leafname = accountLeafName $ aname acct
isBoringAccount :: Ledger -> Account -> Bool
isBoringAccount l a
| name == "top" = False
| (length txns == 0) && ((length subs) == 1) = True
| otherwise = False
name = aname a
txns = atransactions a
subs = subAccountNamesFrom (accountnames l) name
isBoringAccountName :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Bool
isBoringAccountName l = isBoringAccount l . ledgerAccount l
pruneBoringBranches :: Tree Account -> Tree Account
pruneBoringBranches =
treefilter hastxns . treefilter hasbalance
hasbalance = (/= 0) . abalance
hastxns = (> 0) . length . atransactions