2008-10-10 01:36:21 +00:00

123 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
hledger - a ledger-compatible text-based accounting tool.
Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Simon Michael <simon@joyful.com>
Released under GPL version 3 or later.
This is a minimal haskell clone of John Wiegley's ledger
<http://newartisans.com/software/ledger.html>. hledger generates
simple ledger-compatible register & balance reports from a plain text
ledger file, and demonstrates a (naive) purely functional
implementation of ledger.
This module includes some helpers for working with your ledger in ghci. Examples:
> $ rm -f hledger.o
> $ ghci hledger.hs
> *Main> l <- ledger
> Ledger with 696 entries, 132 accounts
> *Main> putStr $ drawTree $ treemap show $ accountnametree l
> ...
> *Main> putStr $ showLedgerAccountBalances l 1
> ...
> *Main> printregister l
> ...
> *Main> accounts l
> ...
> *Main> accountnamed "expenses:food:groceries"
> Account expenses:food:groceries with 60 transactions
module Main
import System
import qualified Data.Map as Map (lookup)
import Options
import Tests (hunit, quickcheck)
import Ledger.Parse (parseLedgerFile, printParseError)
import Ledger.Utils hiding (test)
import Ledger hiding (rawledger)
main :: IO ()
main = do
(opts, cmd, args) <- parseArguments
run cmd opts args
where run cmd opts args
| Help `elem` opts = putStr usage
| Version `elem` opts = putStr version
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "selftest" = selftest opts args
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "print" = print_ opts args
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "register" = register opts args
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "balance" = balance opts args
| otherwise = putStr usage
type Command = [Opt] -> [String] -> IO ()
selftest :: Command
selftest _ _ = do
return ()
print_ :: Command
print_ opts args = parseLedgerAndDo opts args printentries
register :: Command
register opts args = parseLedgerAndDo opts args printregister
balance :: Command
balance opts args = parseLedgerAndDo opts args printbalance
printbalance :: Ledger -> IO ()
printbalance l = putStr $ showLedgerAccountBalances l depth
showsubs = (ShowSubs `elem` opts)
pats@(acctpats,descpats) = parseAccountDescriptionArgs args
depth = case (pats, showsubs) of
-- when there is no -s or pattern args, show with depth 1
(([],[]), False) -> 1
otherwise -> 9999
-- | parse the user's specified ledger file and do some action with it
-- (or report a parse error). This function makes the whole thing go.
parseLedgerAndDo :: [Opt] -> [String] -> (Ledger -> IO ()) -> IO ()
parseLedgerAndDo opts args cmd =
ledgerFilePathFromOpts opts >>= parseLedgerFile >>= either printParseError runthecommand
runthecommand = cmd . cacheLedger aregex . filterLedgerEntries begin end aregex dregex
begin = beginDateFromOpts opts
end = endDateFromOpts opts
aregex = regexFor acctpats
dregex = regexFor descpats
(acctpats,descpats) = parseAccountDescriptionArgs args
-- ghci helpers
-- | get a RawLedger from the file your LEDGER environment variable points to
-- or (WARNING) an empty one if there was a problem.
rawledger :: IO RawLedger
rawledger = do
parsed <- ledgerFilePathFromOpts [] >>= parseLedgerFile
return $ either (\_ -> RawLedger [] [] [] "") id parsed
-- | as above, and convert it to a cached Ledger
ledger :: IO Ledger
ledger = do
l <- rawledger
return $ cacheLedger wildcard $ filterLedgerEntries "" "" wildcard wildcard l
-- | get a Ledger from the given file path
rawledgerfromfile :: String -> IO RawLedger
rawledgerfromfile f = do
parsed <- ledgerFilePathFromOpts [File f] >>= parseLedgerFile
return $ either (\_ -> RawLedger [] [] [] "") id parsed
-- | get a named account from your ledger file
accountnamed :: AccountName -> IO Account
accountnamed a = ledger >>= (return . fromMaybe nullacct . Map.lookup a . accounts)