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160 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hledger.UI.UIUtils (
-- ,margin
) where
import Control.Lens ((^.))
-- import Control.Monad
-- import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- import Data.Default
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Brick
-- import Brick.Widgets.List
import Brick.Widgets.Border
import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style
import Graphics.Vty as Vty
import Hledger.UI.UITypes
import Hledger.Utils (applyN)
pushScreen :: Screen -> AppState -> AppState
pushScreen scr st = st{aPrevScreens=(aScreen st:aPrevScreens st)
popScreen :: AppState -> AppState
popScreen st@AppState{aPrevScreens=s:ss} = st{aScreen=s, aPrevScreens=ss}
popScreen st = st
-- clearScreens :: AppState -> AppState
-- clearScreens st = st{aPrevScreens=[]}
-- | Enter a new screen, saving the old screen & state in the
-- navigation history and initialising the new screen's state.
screenEnter :: Day -> Screen -> AppState -> AppState
screenEnter d scr st = (sInitFn scr) d $
pushScreen scr
-- | In the EventM monad, get the named current viewport's width and height,
-- or (0,0) if the named viewport is not found.
getViewportSize :: Name -> EventM (Int,Int)
getViewportSize name = do
mvp <- lookupViewport name
let (w,h) = case mvp of
Just vp -> vp ^. vpSize
Nothing -> (0,0)
-- liftIO $ putStrLn $ show (w,h)
return (w,h)
defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel =
topBottomBorderWithLabels (str " "<+>toplabel<+>str " ") (str " "<+>bottomlabel<+>str " ") .
margin 1 0 Nothing
-- topBottomBorderWithLabel2 label .
-- padLeftRight 1 -- XXX should reduce inner widget's width by 2, but doesn't
-- "the layout adjusts... if you use the core combinators"
topBottomBorderWithLabel label = \wrapped ->
Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
c <- getContext
let (_w,h) = (c^.availWidthL, c^.availHeightL)
h' = h - 2
wrapped' = vLimit (h') wrapped
debugmsg =
-- " debug: "++show (_w,h')
render $
hBorderWithLabel (label <+> str debugmsg)
topBottomBorderWithLabels toplabel bottomlabel = \wrapped ->
Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
c <- getContext
let (_w,h) = (c^.availWidthL, c^.availHeightL)
h' = h - 2
wrapped' = vLimit (h') wrapped
debugmsg =
-- " debug: "++show (_w,h')
render $
hBorderWithLabel (toplabel <+> str debugmsg)
hBorderWithLabel bottomlabel
-- XXX should be equivalent to the above, but isn't (page down goes offscreen)
_topBottomBorderWithLabel2 label = \wrapped ->
let debugmsg = ""
in hBorderWithLabel (label <+> str debugmsg)
-- XXX superseded by pad, in theory
-- | Wrap a widget in a margin with the given horizontal and vertical
-- thickness, using the current background colour or the specified
-- colour.
-- XXX May disrupt border style of inner widgets.
-- XXX Should reduce the available size visible to inner widget, but doesn't seem to (cf drawRegisterScreen2).
margin :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Color -> Widget -> Widget
margin h v mcolour = \w ->
Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
c <- getContext
let w' = vLimit (c^.availHeightL - v*2) $ hLimit (c^.availWidthL - h*2) w
attr = maybe currentAttr (\c -> c `on` c) mcolour
render $
withBorderAttr attr $
withBorderStyle (borderStyleFromChar ' ') $
applyN v (hBorder <=>) $
applyN h (vBorder <+>) $
applyN v (<=> hBorder) $
applyN h (<+> vBorder) $
-- withBorderAttr attr .
-- withBorderStyle (borderStyleFromChar ' ') .
-- applyN n border
withBorderAttr attr = updateAttrMap (applyAttrMappings [(borderAttr, attr)])
-- _ui = vCenter $ vBox [ hCenter box
-- , str " "
-- , hCenter $ str "Press Esc to exit."
-- ]
borderQueryStr :: String -> Widget
borderQueryStr "" = str ""
borderQueryStr qry = str " matching " <+> withAttr (borderAttr <> "query") (str qry)
borderDepthStr :: Maybe Int -> Widget
borderDepthStr Nothing = str ""
borderDepthStr (Just d) = str " to " <+> withAttr (borderAttr <> "depth") (str $ "depth "++show d)
borderKeysStr :: [(String,String)] -> Widget
borderKeysStr keydescs =
hBox $
intersperse sep $
[withAttr (borderAttr <> "keys") (str keys) <+> str ": " <+> str desc | (keys, desc) <- keydescs]
sep = str " | "
-- sep = " "