Stephen Morgan fc8aa602cf lib!: modifyTransactions now takes a Map of commodity styles, and will
style amounts according to that argument. journalAddForecast and
journalTransform now return an Either String Journal.

This improves efficiency, as we no longer have to restyle all amounts in
the journal after generating auto postings or periodic transactions.
Changing the return type of journalAddForecast and journalTransform
reduces partiality.

To get the previous behaviour for modifyTransaction, use modifyTransaction mempty.
2021-07-30 13:52:35 -10:00

144 lines
6.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
A 'TransactionModifier' is a rule that modifies certain 'Transaction's,
typically adding automated postings to them.
module Hledger.Data.TransactionModifier (
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), liftA2)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Dates
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Transaction (txnTieKnot)
import Hledger.Query (Query, filterQuery, matchesAmount, matchesPosting,
parseQuery, queryIsAmt, queryIsSym, simplifyQuery)
import Hledger.Data.Posting (commentJoin, commentAddTag, postingApplyCommodityStyles)
import Hledger.Utils (dbg6, wrap)
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Hledger.Data.Posting
-- >>> import Hledger.Data.Transaction
-- >>> import Hledger.Data.Journal
-- | Apply all the given transaction modifiers, in turn, to each transaction.
-- Or if any of them fails to be parsed, return the first error. A reference
-- date is provided to help interpret relative dates in transaction modifier
-- queries.
modifyTransactions :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Day -> [TransactionModifier] -> [Transaction] -> Either String [Transaction]
modifyTransactions styles d tmods ts = do
fs <- mapM (transactionModifierToFunction styles d) tmods -- convert modifiers to functions, or return a parse error
modifytxn t = t''
t' = foldr (flip (.)) id fs t -- apply each function in turn
t'' = if t' == t -- and add some tags if it was changed
then t'
else t'{tcomment=tcomment t' `commentAddTag` ("modified",""), ttags=("modified","") : ttags t'}
Right $ map modifytxn ts
-- | Converts a 'TransactionModifier' to a 'Transaction'-transforming function
-- which applies the modification(s) specified by the TransactionModifier.
-- Or, returns the error message there is a problem parsing the TransactionModifier's query.
-- A reference date is provided to help interpret relative dates in the query.
-- The postings of the transformed transaction will reference it in the usual
-- way (ie, 'txnTieKnot' is called).
-- Currently the only kind of modification possible is adding automated
-- postings when certain other postings are present.
-- >>> import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- >>> t = nulltransaction{tpostings=["ping" `post` usd 1]}
-- >>> tmpost acc amt = TMPostingRule (acc `post` amt) False
-- >>> test = either putStr (T.putStr.showTransaction) . fmap ($ t) . transactionModifierToFunction mempty nulldate
-- >>> test $ TransactionModifier "" ["pong" `tmpost` usd 2]
-- 0000-01-01
-- ping $1.00
-- pong $2.00 ; generated-posting: =
-- >>> test $ TransactionModifier "miss" ["pong" `tmpost` usd 2]
-- 0000-01-01
-- ping $1.00
-- >>> test $ TransactionModifier "ping" [("pong" `tmpost` amount{aquantity=3}){tmprIsMultiplier=True}]
-- 0000-01-01
-- ping $1.00
-- pong $3.00 ; generated-posting: = ping
transactionModifierToFunction :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Day -> TransactionModifier -> Either String (Transaction -> Transaction)
transactionModifierToFunction styles refdate TransactionModifier{tmquerytxt, tmpostingrules} = do
q <- simplifyQuery . fst <$> parseQuery refdate tmquerytxt
fs = map (tmPostingRuleToFunction styles q tmquerytxt) tmpostingrules
generatePostings ps = concatMap (\p -> p : map ($p) (if q `matchesPosting` p then fs else [])) ps
Right $ \t@(tpostings -> ps) -> txnTieKnot t{tpostings=generatePostings ps}
-- | Converts a 'TransactionModifier''s posting rule to a 'Posting'-generating function,
-- which will be used to make a new posting based on the old one (an "automated posting").
-- The new posting's amount can optionally be the old posting's amount multiplied by a constant.
-- If the old posting had a total-priced amount, the new posting's multiplied amount will be unit-priced.
-- The new posting will have two tags added: a normal generated-posting: tag which also appears in the comment,
-- and a hidden _generated-posting: tag which does not.
-- The TransactionModifier's query text is also provided, and saved
-- as the tags' value.
tmPostingRuleToFunction :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Query -> T.Text -> TMPostingRule -> (Posting -> Posting)
tmPostingRuleToFunction styles query querytxt tmpr =
\p -> postingApplyCommodityStyles styles . renderPostingCommentDates $ pr
{ pdate = pdate pr <|> pdate p
, pdate2 = pdate2 pr <|> pdate2 p
, pamount = amount' p
, pcomment = pcomment pr `commentAddTag` ("generated-posting",qry)
, ptags = ("generated-posting", qry) :
("_generated-posting",qry) :
ptags pr
pr = tmprPosting tmpr
qry = "= " <> querytxt
symq = filterQuery (liftA2 (||) queryIsSym queryIsAmt) query
amount' = case postingRuleMultiplier tmpr of
Nothing -> const $ pamount pr
Just n -> \p ->
-- Multiply the old posting's amount by the posting rule's multiplier.
pramount = dbg6 "pramount" . head . amountsRaw $ pamount pr
matchedamount = dbg6 "matchedamount" . filterMixedAmount (symq `matchesAmount`) $ pamount p
-- Handle a matched amount with a total price carefully so as to keep the transaction balanced (#928).
-- Approach 1: convert to a unit price and increase the display precision slightly
-- Mixed as = dbg6 "multipliedamount" $ n `multiplyMixedAmount` mixedAmountTotalPriceToUnitPrice matchedamount
-- Approach 2: multiply the total price (keeping it positive) as well as the quantity
as = dbg6 "multipliedamount" $ multiplyMixedAmount n matchedamount
case acommodity pramount of
"" -> as
-- TODO multipliers with commodity symbols are not yet a documented feature.
-- For now: in addition to multiplying the quantity, it also replaces the
-- matched amount's commodity, display style, and price with those of the posting rule.
c -> mapMixedAmount (\a -> a{acommodity = c, astyle = astyle pramount, aprice = aprice pramount}) as
postingRuleMultiplier :: TMPostingRule -> Maybe Quantity
postingRuleMultiplier tmpr = case amountsRaw . pamount $ tmprPosting tmpr of
[a] | tmprIsMultiplier tmpr -> Just $ aquantity a
_ -> Nothing
renderPostingCommentDates :: Posting -> Posting
renderPostingCommentDates p = p { pcomment = comment' }
dates = T.concat $ catMaybes [showDate <$> pdate p, ("=" <>) . showDate <$> pdate2 p]
| T.null dates = pcomment p
| otherwise = (wrap "[" "]" dates) `commentJoin` pcomment p