mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 11:19:32 +03:00
Older megaparsec is still supported. Also cleans up our custom parser types, and some text (un)packing is done in different places (possible performance impact).
382 lines
14 KiB
382 lines
14 KiB
-- | String formatting helpers, starting to get a bit out of control.
module Hledger.Utils.String (
-- * misc
-- quoting
-- quotechars,
-- whitespacechars,
-- * single-line layout
-- * multi-line layout
-- * wide-character-aware layout
) where
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Text.Megaparsec.Compat
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Hledger.Utils.Parse
import Hledger.Utils.Regex
lowercase, uppercase :: String -> String
lowercase = map toLower
uppercase = map toUpper
-- | Remove leading and trailing whitespace.
strip :: String -> String
strip = lstrip . rstrip
-- | Remove leading whitespace.
lstrip :: String -> String
lstrip = dropWhile isSpace
-- | Remove trailing whitespace.
rstrip :: String -> String
rstrip = reverse . lstrip . reverse
-- | Remove trailing newlines/carriage returns.
chomp :: String -> String
chomp = reverse . dropWhile (`elem` "\r\n") . reverse
stripbrackets :: String -> String
stripbrackets = dropWhile (`elem` "([") . reverse . dropWhile (`elem` "])") . reverse :: String -> String
elideLeft :: Int -> String -> String
elideLeft width s =
if length s > width then ".." ++ reverse (take (width - 2) $ reverse s) else s
elideRight :: Int -> String -> String
elideRight width s =
if length s > width then take (width - 2) s ++ ".." else s
-- | Clip and pad a string to a minimum & maximum width, and/or left/right justify it.
-- Works on multi-line strings too (but will rewrite non-unix line endings).
formatString :: Bool -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> String -> String
formatString leftJustified minwidth maxwidth s = intercalate "\n" $ map (printf fmt) $ lines s
justify = if leftJustified then "-" else ""
minwidth' = maybe "" show minwidth
maxwidth' = maybe "" (("."++).show) maxwidth
fmt = "%" ++ justify ++ minwidth' ++ maxwidth' ++ "s"
underline :: String -> String
underline s = s' ++ replicate (length s) '-' ++ "\n"
where s'
| last s == '\n' = s
| otherwise = s ++ "\n"
-- | Double-quote this string if it contains whitespace, single quotes
-- or double-quotes, escaping the quotes as needed.
quoteIfNeeded :: String -> String
quoteIfNeeded s | any (`elem` s) (quotechars++whitespacechars) = "\"" ++ escapeDoubleQuotes s ++ "\""
| otherwise = s
-- | Single-quote this string if it contains whitespace or double-quotes.
-- No good for strings containing single quotes.
singleQuoteIfNeeded :: String -> String
singleQuoteIfNeeded s | any (`elem` s) whitespacechars = "'"++s++"'"
| otherwise = s
quotechars, whitespacechars :: [Char]
quotechars = "'\""
whitespacechars = " \t\n\r"
escapeDoubleQuotes :: String -> String
escapeDoubleQuotes = regexReplace "\"" "\""
escapeQuotes :: String -> String
escapeQuotes = regexReplace "([\"'])" "\\1"
-- | Quote-aware version of words - don't split on spaces which are inside quotes.
-- NB correctly handles "a'b" but not "''a''". Can raise an error if parsing fails.
words' :: String -> [String]
words' "" = []
words' s = map stripquotes $ fromparse $ parsewithString p s
p = do ss <- (singleQuotedPattern <|> doubleQuotedPattern <|> pattern) `sepBy` some spacenonewline
-- eof
return ss
pattern = many (noneOf whitespacechars)
singleQuotedPattern = between (char '\'') (char '\'') (many $ noneOf "'")
doubleQuotedPattern = between (char '"') (char '"') (many $ noneOf "\"")
-- | Quote-aware version of unwords - single-quote strings which contain whitespace
unwords' :: [String] -> String
unwords' = unwords . map quoteIfNeeded
-- | Strip one matching pair of single or double quotes on the ends of a string.
stripquotes :: String -> String
stripquotes s = if isSingleQuoted s || isDoubleQuoted s then init $ tail s else s
isSingleQuoted s@(_:_:_) = head s == '\'' && last s == '\''
isSingleQuoted _ = False
isDoubleQuoted s@(_:_:_) = head s == '"' && last s == '"'
isDoubleQuoted _ = False
unbracket :: String -> String
unbracket s
| (head s == '[' && last s == ']') || (head s == '(' && last s == ')') = init $ tail s
| otherwise = s
-- | Join several multi-line strings as side-by-side rectangular strings of the same height, top-padded.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
concatTopPadded :: [String] -> String
concatTopPadded strs = intercalate "\n" $ map concat $ transpose padded
lss = map lines strs
h = maximum $ map length lss
ypad ls = replicate (difforzero h (length ls)) "" ++ ls
xpad ls = map (padLeftWide w) ls where w | null ls = 0
| otherwise = maximum $ map strWidth ls
padded = map (xpad . ypad) lss
-- | Join several multi-line strings as side-by-side rectangular strings of the same height, bottom-padded.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
concatBottomPadded :: [String] -> String
concatBottomPadded strs = intercalate "\n" $ map concat $ transpose padded
lss = map lines strs
h = maximum $ map length lss
ypad ls = ls ++ replicate (difforzero h (length ls)) ""
xpad ls = map (padRightWide w) ls where w | null ls = 0
| otherwise = maximum $ map strWidth ls
padded = map (xpad . ypad) lss
-- | Join multi-line strings horizontally, after compressing each of
-- them to a single line with a comma and space between each original line.
concatOneLine :: [String] -> String
concatOneLine strs = concat $ map ((intercalate ", ").lines) strs
-- | Join strings vertically, left-aligned and right-padded.
vConcatLeftAligned :: [String] -> String
vConcatLeftAligned ss = intercalate "\n" $ map showfixedwidth ss
showfixedwidth = printf (printf "%%-%ds" width)
width = maximum $ map length ss
-- | Join strings vertically, right-aligned and left-padded.
vConcatRightAligned :: [String] -> String
vConcatRightAligned ss = intercalate "\n" $ map showfixedwidth ss
showfixedwidth = printf (printf "%%%ds" width)
width = maximum $ map length ss
-- | Convert a multi-line string to a rectangular string top-padded to the specified height.
padtop :: Int -> String -> String
padtop h s = intercalate "\n" xpadded
ls = lines s
sh = length ls
sw | null ls = 0
| otherwise = maximum $ map length ls
ypadded = replicate (difforzero h sh) "" ++ ls
xpadded = map (padleft sw) ypadded
-- | Convert a multi-line string to a rectangular string bottom-padded to the specified height.
padbottom :: Int -> String -> String
padbottom h s = intercalate "\n" xpadded
ls = lines s
sh = length ls
sw | null ls = 0
| otherwise = maximum $ map length ls
ypadded = ls ++ replicate (difforzero h sh) ""
xpadded = map (padleft sw) ypadded
difforzero :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a -> a
difforzero a b = maximum [(a - b), 0]
-- | Convert a multi-line string to a rectangular string left-padded to the specified width.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
padleft :: Int -> String -> String
padleft w "" = concat $ replicate w " "
padleft w s = intercalate "\n" $ map (printf (printf "%%%ds" w)) $ lines s
-- | Convert a multi-line string to a rectangular string right-padded to the specified width.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
padright :: Int -> String -> String
padright w "" = concat $ replicate w " "
padright w s = intercalate "\n" $ map (printf (printf "%%-%ds" w)) $ lines s
-- | Clip a multi-line string to the specified width and height from the top left.
cliptopleft :: Int -> Int -> String -> String
cliptopleft w h = intercalate "\n" . take h . map (take w) . lines
-- | Clip and pad a multi-line string to fill the specified width and height.
fitto :: Int -> Int -> String -> String
fitto w h s = intercalate "\n" $ take h $ rows ++ repeat blankline
rows = map (fit w) $ lines s
fit w = take w . (++ repeat ' ')
blankline = replicate w ' '
-- Functions below treat wide (eg CJK) characters as double-width.
-- | General-purpose wide-char-aware single-line string layout function.
-- It can left- or right-pad a short string to a minimum width.
-- It can left- or right-clip a long string to a maximum width, optionally inserting an ellipsis (the third argument).
-- It clips and pads on the right when the fourth argument is true, otherwise on the left.
-- It treats wide characters as double width.
fitString :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> String
fitString mminwidth mmaxwidth ellipsify rightside s = (clip . pad) s
clip :: String -> String
clip s =
case mmaxwidth of
Just w
| strWidth s > w ->
case rightside of
True -> takeWidth (w - length ellipsis) s ++ ellipsis
False -> ellipsis ++ reverse (takeWidth (w - length ellipsis) $ reverse s)
| otherwise -> s
ellipsis = if ellipsify then ".." else ""
Nothing -> s
pad :: String -> String
pad s =
case mminwidth of
Just w
| sw < w ->
case rightside of
True -> s ++ replicate (w - sw) ' '
False -> replicate (w - sw) ' ' ++ s
| otherwise -> s
Nothing -> s
where sw = strWidth s
-- | A version of fitString that works on multi-line strings,
-- separate for now to avoid breakage.
-- This will rewrite any line endings to unix newlines.
fitStringMulti :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> String
fitStringMulti mminwidth mmaxwidth ellipsify rightside s =
(intercalate "\n" . map (fitString mminwidth mmaxwidth ellipsify rightside) . lines) s
-- | Left-pad a string to the specified width.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
-- Works on multi-line strings too (but will rewrite non-unix line endings).
padLeftWide :: Int -> String -> String
padLeftWide w "" = replicate w ' '
padLeftWide w s = intercalate "\n" $ map (fitString (Just w) Nothing False False) $ lines s
-- XXX not yet replaceable by
-- padLeftWide w = fitStringMulti (Just w) Nothing False False
-- | Right-pad a string to the specified width.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
-- Works on multi-line strings too (but will rewrite non-unix line endings).
padRightWide :: Int -> String -> String
padRightWide w "" = replicate w ' '
padRightWide w s = intercalate "\n" $ map (fitString (Just w) Nothing False True) $ lines s
-- XXX not yet replaceable by
-- padRightWide w = fitStringMulti (Just w) Nothing False True
-- | Double-width-character-aware string truncation. Take as many
-- characters as possible from a string without exceeding the
-- specified width. Eg takeWidth 3 "りんご" = "り".
takeWidth :: Int -> String -> String
takeWidth _ "" = ""
takeWidth 0 _ = ""
takeWidth w (c:cs) | cw <= w = c:takeWidth (w-cw) cs
| otherwise = ""
where cw = charWidth c
-- from Pandoc (copyright John MacFarlane, GPL)
-- see also http://unicode.org/reports/tr11/#Description
-- | Calculate the render width of a string, considering
-- wide characters (counted as double width), ANSI escape codes
-- (not counted), and line breaks (in a multi-line string, the longest
-- line determines the width).
strWidth :: String -> Int
strWidth "" = 0
strWidth s = maximum $ map (foldr (\a b -> charWidth a + b) 0) $ lines s'
where s' = stripAnsi s
stripAnsi :: String -> String
stripAnsi = regexReplace "\ESC\\[([0-9]+;)*([0-9]+)?[ABCDHJKfmsu]" ""
-- | Get the designated render width of a character: 0 for a combining
-- character, 1 for a regular character, 2 for a wide character.
-- (Wide characters are rendered as exactly double width in apps and
-- fonts that support it.) (From Pandoc.)
charWidth :: Char -> Int
charWidth c =
case c of
_ | c < '\x0300' -> 1
| c >= '\x0300' && c <= '\x036F' -> 0 -- combining
| c >= '\x0370' && c <= '\x10FC' -> 1
| c >= '\x1100' && c <= '\x115F' -> 2
| c >= '\x1160' && c <= '\x11A2' -> 1
| c >= '\x11A3' && c <= '\x11A7' -> 2
| c >= '\x11A8' && c <= '\x11F9' -> 1
| c >= '\x11FA' && c <= '\x11FF' -> 2
| c >= '\x1200' && c <= '\x2328' -> 1
| c >= '\x2329' && c <= '\x232A' -> 2
| c >= '\x232B' && c <= '\x2E31' -> 1
| c >= '\x2E80' && c <= '\x303E' -> 2
| c == '\x303F' -> 1
| c >= '\x3041' && c <= '\x3247' -> 2
| c >= '\x3248' && c <= '\x324F' -> 1 -- ambiguous
| c >= '\x3250' && c <= '\x4DBF' -> 2
| c >= '\x4DC0' && c <= '\x4DFF' -> 1
| c >= '\x4E00' && c <= '\xA4C6' -> 2
| c >= '\xA4D0' && c <= '\xA95F' -> 1
| c >= '\xA960' && c <= '\xA97C' -> 2
| c >= '\xA980' && c <= '\xABF9' -> 1
| c >= '\xAC00' && c <= '\xD7FB' -> 2
| c >= '\xD800' && c <= '\xDFFF' -> 1
| c >= '\xE000' && c <= '\xF8FF' -> 1 -- ambiguous
| c >= '\xF900' && c <= '\xFAFF' -> 2
| c >= '\xFB00' && c <= '\xFDFD' -> 1
| c >= '\xFE00' && c <= '\xFE0F' -> 1 -- ambiguous
| c >= '\xFE10' && c <= '\xFE19' -> 2
| c >= '\xFE20' && c <= '\xFE26' -> 1
| c >= '\xFE30' && c <= '\xFE6B' -> 2
| c >= '\xFE70' && c <= '\xFEFF' -> 1
| c >= '\xFF01' && c <= '\xFF60' -> 2
| c >= '\xFF61' && c <= '\x16A38' -> 1
| c >= '\x1B000' && c <= '\x1B001' -> 2
| c >= '\x1D000' && c <= '\x1F1FF' -> 1
| c >= '\x1F200' && c <= '\x1F251' -> 2
| c >= '\x1F300' && c <= '\x1F773' -> 1
| c >= '\x20000' && c <= '\x3FFFD' -> 2
| otherwise -> 1