Simon Michael 7f6cf1f849 balance, register, register-csv: depth 0 shows summary items (#206)
Previously, a depth:0 query produced an empty report (since there are no
level zero accounts). Now, it aggregates all data into one summary item
with account name "...".

This makes it easier to see the kind of data Gwern was looking for from
register-csv (net worth over time). Eg this shows one line per month
summarising the total of assets and liabilities:

hledger register-csv -- -MHE ^assets ^liabilities depth:0

Single and multi-column balance reports behave similarly.
2014-10-19 17:53:20 -07:00

166 lines
6.5 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction#-}
'AccountName's are strings like @assets:cash:petty@, with multiple
components separated by ':'. From a set of these we derive the account
module Hledger.Data.AccountName
import Data.List
import Data.Tree
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Printf
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Utils
-- change to use a different separator for nested accounts
acctsepchar = ':'
accountNameComponents :: AccountName -> [String]
accountNameComponents = splitAtElement acctsepchar
accountNameFromComponents :: [String] -> AccountName
accountNameFromComponents = concat . intersperse [acctsepchar]
accountLeafName :: AccountName -> String
accountLeafName = last . accountNameComponents
accountNameLevel :: AccountName -> Int
accountNameLevel "" = 0
accountNameLevel a = length (filter (==acctsepchar) a) + 1
accountNameDrop :: Int -> AccountName -> AccountName
accountNameDrop n = accountNameFromComponents . drop n . accountNameComponents
-- | ["a:b:c","d:e"] -> ["a","a:b","a:b:c","d","d:e"]
expandAccountNames :: [AccountName] -> [AccountName]
expandAccountNames as = nub $ concatMap expandAccountName as
-- | "a:b:c" -> ["a","a:b","a:b:c"]
expandAccountName :: AccountName -> [AccountName]
expandAccountName = map accountNameFromComponents . tail . inits . accountNameComponents
-- | ["a:b:c","d:e"] -> ["a","d"]
topAccountNames :: [AccountName] -> [AccountName]
topAccountNames as = [a | a <- expandAccountNames as, accountNameLevel a == 1]
parentAccountName :: AccountName -> AccountName
parentAccountName = accountNameFromComponents . init . accountNameComponents
parentAccountNames :: AccountName -> [AccountName]
parentAccountNames a = parentAccountNames' $ parentAccountName a
parentAccountNames' "" = []
parentAccountNames' a = a : parentAccountNames' (parentAccountName a)
isAccountNamePrefixOf :: AccountName -> AccountName -> Bool
isAccountNamePrefixOf = isPrefixOf . (++ [acctsepchar])
isSubAccountNameOf :: AccountName -> AccountName -> Bool
s `isSubAccountNameOf` p =
(p `isAccountNamePrefixOf` s) && (accountNameLevel s == (accountNameLevel p + 1))
-- | From a list of account names, select those which are direct
-- subaccounts of the given account name.
subAccountNamesFrom :: [AccountName] -> AccountName -> [AccountName]
subAccountNamesFrom accts a = filter (`isSubAccountNameOf` a) accts
-- | Convert a list of account names to a tree.
accountNameTreeFrom :: [AccountName] -> Tree AccountName
accountNameTreeFrom accts =
Node "root" (accounttreesfrom (topAccountNames accts))
accounttreesfrom :: [AccountName] -> [Tree AccountName]
accounttreesfrom [] = []
accounttreesfrom as = [Node a (accounttreesfrom $ subs a) | a <- as]
subs = subAccountNamesFrom (expandAccountNames accts)
nullaccountnametree = Node "root" []
-- | Elide an account name to fit in the specified width.
-- From the ledger 2.6 news:
-- @
-- What Ledger now does is that if an account name is too long, it will
-- start abbreviating the first parts of the account name down to two
-- letters in length. If this results in a string that is still too
-- long, the front will be elided -- not the end. For example:
-- Expenses:Cash ; OK, not too long
-- Ex:Wednesday:Cash ; "Expenses" was abbreviated to fit
-- Ex:We:Afternoon:Cash ; "Expenses" and "Wednesday" abbreviated
-- ; Expenses:Wednesday:Afternoon:Lunch:Snack:Candy:Chocolate:Cash
-- ..:Af:Lu:Sn:Ca:Ch:Cash ; Abbreviated and elided!
-- @
elideAccountName :: Int -> AccountName -> AccountName
elideAccountName width s =
elideLeft width $ accountNameFromComponents $ elideparts width [] $ accountNameComponents s
elideparts :: Int -> [String] -> [String] -> [String]
elideparts width done ss
| length (accountNameFromComponents $ done++ss) <= width = done++ss
| length ss > 1 = elideparts width (done++[take 2 $ head ss]) (tail ss)
| otherwise = done++ss
-- | Keep only the first n components of an account name, where n
-- is a positive integer. If n is 0, returns the empty string.
clipAccountName :: Int -> AccountName -> AccountName
clipAccountName n = accountNameFromComponents . take n . accountNameComponents
-- | Keep only the first n components of an account name, where n
-- is a positive integer. If n is 0, returns "...".
clipOrEllipsifyAccountName :: Int -> AccountName -> AccountName
clipOrEllipsifyAccountName 0 = const "..."
clipOrEllipsifyAccountName n = accountNameFromComponents . take n . accountNameComponents
-- | Convert an account name to a regular expression matching it and its subaccounts.
accountNameToAccountRegex :: String -> String
accountNameToAccountRegex "" = ""
accountNameToAccountRegex a = printf "^%s(:|$)" a
-- | Convert an account name to a regular expression matching it but not its subaccounts.
accountNameToAccountOnlyRegex :: String -> String
accountNameToAccountOnlyRegex "" = ""
accountNameToAccountOnlyRegex a = printf "^%s$" a
-- | Convert an exact account-matching regular expression to a plain account name.
accountRegexToAccountName :: String -> String
accountRegexToAccountName = regexReplace "^\\^(.*?)\\(:\\|\\$\\)$" "\\1"
-- | Does this string look like an exact account-matching regular expression ?
isAccountRegex :: String -> Bool
isAccountRegex s = take 1 s == "^" && (take 5 $ reverse s) == ")$|:("
tests_Hledger_Data_AccountName = TestList
"accountNameTreeFrom" ~: do
accountNameTreeFrom ["a"] `is` Node "root" [Node "a" []]
accountNameTreeFrom ["a","b"] `is` Node "root" [Node "a" [], Node "b" []]
accountNameTreeFrom ["a","a:b"] `is` Node "root" [Node "a" [Node "a:b" []]]
accountNameTreeFrom ["a:b:c"] `is` Node "root" [Node "a" [Node "a:b" [Node "a:b:c" []]]]
,"expandAccountNames" ~:
expandAccountNames ["assets:cash","assets:checking","expenses:vacation"] `is`
,"isAccountNamePrefixOf" ~: do
"assets" `isAccountNamePrefixOf` "assets" `is` False
"assets" `isAccountNamePrefixOf` "assets:bank" `is` True
"assets" `isAccountNamePrefixOf` "assets:bank:checking" `is` True
"my assets" `isAccountNamePrefixOf` "assets:bank" `is` False
,"isSubAccountNameOf" ~: do
"assets" `isSubAccountNameOf` "assets" `is` False
"assets:bank" `isSubAccountNameOf` "assets" `is` True
"assets:bank:checking" `isSubAccountNameOf` "assets" `is` False
"assets:bank" `isSubAccountNameOf` "my assets" `is` False