Dmitry Astapov 597e9c47c9 lib: more periodic transaction tests
Some of these demonstrate that runPeriodicTransaction could generate
transactions ouside of requested DateSpan. This happens because
runPeriodicTransaction uses splitSpan internally, and splitSpan always
generates dateSpans that fully cover original DateSpan, extending
beyound left/right boundary if necessary. This is ok if transactions
are generated for budgeting purpose, but during forecasting care should
be taken to check that all generated transactions are happening past
the end of the real journal.
2017-11-26 14:57:41 +00:00

232 lines
7.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ViewPatterns #-}
This module provides utilities for applying automated transactions like
'ModifierTransaction' and 'PeriodicTransaction'.
module Hledger.Data.AutoTransaction
-- * Transaction processors
, runPeriodicTransaction
-- * Accessors
, mtvaluequery
, jdatespan
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Time.Calendar
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Dates
import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Transaction
import Hledger.Utils.Parse
import Hledger.Utils.UTF8IOCompat (error')
import Hledger.Query
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Hledger.Data.Posting
-- >>> import Hledger.Data.Journal
-- | Builds a 'Transaction' transformer based on 'ModifierTransaction'.
-- 'Query' parameter allows injection of additional restriction on posting
-- match. Don't forget to call 'txnTieKnot'.
-- >>> runModifierTransaction Any (ModifierTransaction "" ["pong" `post` usd 2]) nulltransaction{tpostings=["ping" `post` usd 1]}
-- 0000/01/01
-- ping $1.00
-- pong $2.00
-- >>> runModifierTransaction Any (ModifierTransaction "miss" ["pong" `post` usd 2]) nulltransaction{tpostings=["ping" `post` usd 1]}
-- 0000/01/01
-- ping $1.00
-- >>> runModifierTransaction None (ModifierTransaction "" ["pong" `post` usd 2]) nulltransaction{tpostings=["ping" `post` usd 1]}
-- 0000/01/01
-- ping $1.00
-- >>> runModifierTransaction Any (ModifierTransaction "ping" ["pong" `post` amount{amultiplier=True, aquantity=3}]) nulltransaction{tpostings=["ping" `post` usd 2]}
-- 0000/01/01
-- ping $2.00
-- pong $6.00
runModifierTransaction :: Query -> ModifierTransaction -> (Transaction -> Transaction)
runModifierTransaction q mt = modifier where
q' = simplifyQuery $ And [q, mtvaluequery mt (error "query cannot depend on current time")]
mods = map runModifierPosting $ mtpostings mt
generatePostings ps = [m p | p <- ps, q' `matchesPosting` p, m <- mods]
modifier t@(tpostings -> ps) = t { tpostings = ps ++ generatePostings ps }
-- | Extract 'Query' equivalent of 'mtvalueexpr' from 'ModifierTransaction'
-- >>> mtvaluequery (ModifierTransaction "" []) undefined
-- Any
-- >>> mtvaluequery (ModifierTransaction "ping" []) undefined
-- Acct "ping"
-- >>> mtvaluequery (ModifierTransaction "date:2016" []) undefined
-- Date (DateSpan 2016)
-- >>> mtvaluequery (ModifierTransaction "date:today" []) (read "2017-01-01")
-- Date (DateSpan 2017/01/01)
mtvaluequery :: ModifierTransaction -> (Day -> Query)
mtvaluequery mt = fst . flip parseQuery (mtvalueexpr mt)
-- | 'DateSpan' of all dates mentioned in 'Journal'
-- >>> jdatespan nulljournal
-- DateSpan -
-- >>> jdatespan nulljournal{jtxns=[nulltransaction{tdate=read "2016-01-01"}] }
-- DateSpan 2016/01/01
-- >>> jdatespan nulljournal{jtxns=[nulltransaction{tdate=read "2016-01-01", tpostings=[nullposting{pdate=Just $ read "2016-02-01"}]}] }
-- DateSpan 2016/01/01-2016/02/01
jdatespan :: Journal -> DateSpan
jdatespan j
| null dates = nulldatespan
| otherwise = DateSpan (Just $ minimum dates) (Just $ 1 `addDays` maximum dates)
dates = concatMap tdates $ jtxns j
-- | 'DateSpan' of all dates mentioned in 'Transaction'
-- >>> tdates nulltransaction
-- [0000-01-01]
tdates :: Transaction -> [Day]
tdates t = tdate t : concatMap pdates (tpostings t) ++ maybeToList (tdate2 t) where
pdates p = catMaybes [pdate p, pdate2 p]
postingScale :: Posting -> Maybe Quantity
postingScale p =
case amounts $ pamount p of
[a] | amultiplier a -> Just $ aquantity a
_ -> Nothing
runModifierPosting :: Posting -> (Posting -> Posting)
runModifierPosting p' = modifier where
modifier p = renderPostingCommentDates $ p'
{ pdate = pdate p
, pdate2 = pdate2 p
, pamount = amount' p
amount' = case postingScale p' of
Nothing -> const $ pamount p'
Just n -> \p -> withAmountType (head $ amounts $ pamount p') $ pamount p `divideMixedAmount` (1/n)
withAmountType amount (Mixed as) = case acommodity amount of
"" -> Mixed as
c -> Mixed [a{acommodity = c, astyle = astyle amount, aprice = aprice amount} | a <- as]
renderPostingCommentDates :: Posting -> Posting
renderPostingCommentDates p = p { pcomment = comment' }
datesComment = T.concat $ catMaybes [T.pack . showDate <$> pdate p, ("=" <>) . T.pack . showDate <$> pdate2 p]
| T.null datesComment = pcomment p
| otherwise = T.intercalate "\n" $ filter (not . T.null) [T.strip $ pcomment p, "[" <> datesComment <> "]"]
-- | Generate transactions from 'PeriodicTransaction' within a 'DateSpan'
-- Note that new transactions require 'txnTieKnot' post-processing.
-- >>> let gen str = mapM_ (putStr . show) $ runPeriodicTransaction (PeriodicTransaction str ["hi" `post` usd 1]) nulldatespan
-- >>> gen "monthly from 2017/1 to 2017/4"
-- 2017/01/01
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/02/01
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/03/01
-- hi $1.00
-- >>> gen "monthly from 2017/1 to 2017/5"
-- 2017/01/01
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/02/01
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/03/01
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/04/01
-- hi $1.00
-- >>> gen "every 2nd day of month from 2017/02 to 2017/04"
-- 2017/01/02
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/02/02
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/03/02
-- hi $1.00
-- >>> gen "monthly from 2017/1 to 2017/4"
-- 2017/01/01
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/02/01
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/03/01
-- hi $1.00
-- >>> gen "every 30th day of month from 2017/1 to 2017/5"
-- 2016/12/30
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/01/30
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/02/28
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/03/30
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/04/30
-- hi $1.00
-- >>> gen "every 2nd Thursday of month from 2017/1 to 2017/4"
-- 2016/12/08
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/01/12
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/02/09
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/03/09
-- hi $1.00
-- >>> gen "every nov 29th from 2017 to 2019"
-- 2016/11/29
-- hi $1.00
-- 2017/11/29
-- hi $1.00
-- 2018/11/29
-- hi $1.00
runPeriodicTransaction :: PeriodicTransaction -> (DateSpan -> [Transaction])
runPeriodicTransaction pt = generate where
base = nulltransaction { tpostings = ptpostings pt }
periodExpr = ptperiodicexpr pt
errCurrent = error' $ "Current date cannot be referenced in " ++ show (T.unpack periodExpr)
(interval, effectspan) =
case parsePeriodExpr errCurrent periodExpr of
Left e -> error' $ "Failed to parse " ++ show (T.unpack periodExpr) ++ ": " ++ showDateParseError e
Right x -> x
generate jspan = [base {tdate=date} | span <- interval `splitSpan` spanIntersect effectspan jspan, let Just date = spanStart span]