mirror of
synced 2024-11-15 00:27:46 +03:00
- the web UI has been streamlined; edit form, raw & entries views dropped - we now remember whether sidebar is open or closed - better help dialog - keyboard shortcuts are now available - better add form - more bootstrap styling - static file cleanups - report filtering fixes - upgrade jquery to 2.1.1, bootstrap to 3.1.1, drop select2, add typeahead, cookie, hotkeys - clarify debug helpers a little - refactoring
137 lines
4.9 KiB
137 lines
4.9 KiB
-- | /register handlers.
module Handler.RegisterR where
import Import
import Data.Maybe
import Handler.Common
import Handler.Post
import Handler.Utils
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Query
import Hledger.Reports
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Cli.Options
import Hledger.Web.Options
-- | The main journal/account register view, with accounts sidebar.
getRegisterR :: Handler Html
getRegisterR = do
vd@VD{..} <- getViewData
-- staticRootUrl <- (staticRoot . settings) <$> getYesod
let -- injournal = isNothing inacct
filtering = m /= Any
-- title = "Transactions in "++a++s1++s2
title = a++s1++s2
(a,inclsubs) = fromMaybe ("all accounts",True) $ inAccount qopts
s1 = if inclsubs then "" else " (excluding subaccounts)"
s2 = if filtering then ", filtered" else ""
maincontent = registerReportHtml opts vd $ accountTransactionsReport (reportopts_ $ cliopts_ opts) j m $ fromMaybe Any $ inAccountQuery qopts
hledgerLayout vd "register" [hamlet|
<!-- p>Transactions affecting this account, with running balance. -->
postRegisterR :: Handler Html
postRegisterR = handlePost
-- Generate html for an account register, including a balance chart and transaction list.
registerReportHtml :: WebOpts -> ViewData -> TransactionsReport -> HtmlUrl AppRoute
registerReportHtml opts vd r = [hamlet|
^{registerChartHtml $ map snd $ transactionsReportByCommodity r}
^{registerItemsHtml opts vd r}
-- Generate html for a transaction list from an "TransactionsReport".
registerItemsHtml :: WebOpts -> ViewData -> TransactionsReport -> HtmlUrl AppRoute
registerItemsHtml _ vd (balancelabel,items) = [hamlet|
<th.date style="text-align:left;">
<span .glyphicon .glyphicon-chevron-up>
<th.description style="text-align:left;">Description
<th.account style="text-align:left;">To/From Account
<th.amount style="text-align:right;">Amount Out/In
<th.balance style="text-align:right;">#{balancelabel'}
$forall i <- numberTransactionsReportItems items
^{itemAsHtml vd i}
insomeacct = isJust $ inAccount $ qopts vd
balancelabel' = if insomeacct then balancelabel else "Total"
-- filtering = m /= Any
itemAsHtml :: ViewData -> (Int, Bool, Bool, Bool, TransactionsReportItem) -> HtmlUrl AppRoute
itemAsHtml VD{..} (n, newd, newm, _, (t, _, split, acct, amt, bal)) = [hamlet|
<tr ##{date} .item.#{evenodd}.#{firstposting}.#{datetransition} title="#{show t}" style="vertical-align:top;">
<td.date><a href="/journal##{date}">#{date}
<td.description title="#{show t}">#{elideRight 30 desc}
<td.account>#{elideRight 40 acct}
<td.amount style="text-align:right; white-space:nowrap;">
$if showamt
\#{mixedAmountAsHtml amt}
<td.balance style="text-align:right;">#{mixedAmountAsHtml bal}
-- $else
-- $forall p' <- tpostings t
-- <tr.item.#{evenodd}.posting>
-- <td.date>
-- <td.description>
-- <td.account> <a href="@?{accountUrl here $ paccount p'}" title="Show transactions in #{paccount p'}">#{elideRight 40 $ paccount p'}
-- <td.amount style="text-align:right;">#{mixedAmountAsHtml $ pamount p'}
-- <td.balance style="text-align:right;">
evenodd = if even n then "even" else "odd" :: String
datetransition | newm = "newmonth"
| newd = "newday"
| otherwise = "" :: String
(firstposting, date, desc) = (False, show $ tdate t, tdescription t)
-- acctquery = (here, [("q", pack $ accountQuery acct)])
showamt = not split || not (isZeroMixedAmount amt)
-- | Generate javascript/html for a register balance line chart based on
-- the provided "TransactionsReportItem"s.
-- registerChartHtml :: forall t (t1 :: * -> *) t2 t3 t4 t5.
-- Data.Foldable.Foldable t1 =>
-- t1 (Transaction, t2, t3, t4, t5, MixedAmount)
-- -> t -> Text.Blaze.Internal.HtmlM ()
registerChartHtml :: [[TransactionsReportItem]] -> HtmlUrl AppRoute
registerChartHtml itemss =
-- have to make sure plot is not called when our container (maincontent)
-- is hidden, eg with add form toggled
<div#register-chart style="width:600px;height:100px; margin-bottom:1em;">
<script type=text/javascript>
\$(document).ready(function() {
/* render chart with flot, if visible */
var chartdiv = $('#register-chart');
if (chartdiv.is(':visible'))
$forall items <- itemss
$forall i <- reverse items
[#{dayToJsTimestamp $ triDate i}, #{triSimpleBalance i}],
xaxis: {
mode: "time",
timeformat: "%y/%m/%d"