
492 lines
19 KiB

Options common to most hledger reports.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Hledger.Reports.ReportOptions (
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Default
import Safe
import System.Console.ANSI (hSupportsANSI)
import System.IO (stdout)
import Text.Megaparsec.Custom
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Query
import Hledger.Utils
type FormatStr = String
-- | Which "balance" is being shown in a balance report.
data BalanceType = PeriodChange -- ^ The change of balance in each period.
| CumulativeChange -- ^ The accumulated change across multiple periods.
| HistoricalBalance -- ^ The historical ending balance, including the effect of
-- all postings before the report period. Unless altered by,
-- a query, this is what you would see on a bank statement.
deriving (Eq,Show,Data,Typeable)
instance Default BalanceType where def = PeriodChange
-- | Should accounts be displayed: in the command's default style, hierarchically, or as a flat list ?
data AccountListMode = ALDefault | ALTree | ALFlat deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)
instance Default AccountListMode where def = ALDefault
-- | On which date(s) should amount values be calculated ?
-- UI: --value-at=transaction|period|now|DATE.
-- ("today" would have been preferable, but clashes with
-- "transaction" for abbreviating.)
data ValueDate =
AtTransaction -- ^ Calculate values as of each posting's date
| AtPeriod -- ^ Calculate values as of each report period's last day
| AtNow -- ^ Calculate values as of today (report generation date)
| AtDate Day -- ^ Calculate values as of some other date
deriving (Show,Data) -- Eq,Typeable
instance Default ValueDate where def = AtNow
-- | Standard options for customising report filtering and output.
-- Most of these correspond to standard hledger command-line options
-- or query arguments, but not all. Some are used only by certain
-- commands, as noted below.
data ReportOpts = ReportOpts {
today_ :: Maybe Day -- ^ The current date. A late addition to ReportOpts.
-- Optional, but when set it may affect some reports:
-- Reports use it when picking a -V valuation date.
,period_ :: Period
,interval_ :: Interval
,statuses_ :: [Status] -- ^ Zero, one, or two statuses to be matched
,cost_ :: Bool
,value_ :: Bool
,value_at_ :: ValueDate
,depth_ :: Maybe Int
,display_ :: Maybe DisplayExp -- XXX unused ?
,date2_ :: Bool
,empty_ :: Bool
,no_elide_ :: Bool
,real_ :: Bool
,format_ :: Maybe FormatStr
,query_ :: String -- all arguments, as a string
-- register command only
,average_ :: Bool
,related_ :: Bool
-- balance-type commands only
,balancetype_ :: BalanceType
,accountlistmode_ :: AccountListMode
,drop_ :: Int
,row_total_ :: Bool
,no_total_ :: Bool
,pretty_tables_ :: Bool
,sort_amount_ :: Bool
,invert_ :: Bool -- ^ if true, flip all amount signs in reports
,normalbalance_ :: Maybe NormalSign
-- ^ This can be set when running balance reports on a set of accounts
-- with the same normal balance type (eg all assets, or all incomes).
-- - It helps --sort-amount know how to sort negative numbers
-- (eg in the income section of an income statement)
-- - It helps compound balance report commands (is, bs etc.) do
-- sign normalisation, converting normally negative subreports to
-- normally positive for a more conventional display.
,color_ :: Bool
,forecast_ :: Bool
,transpose_ :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)
instance Default ReportOpts where def = defreportopts
defreportopts :: ReportOpts
defreportopts = ReportOpts
rawOptsToReportOpts :: RawOpts -> IO ReportOpts
rawOptsToReportOpts rawopts = checkReportOpts <$> do
let rawopts' = checkRawOpts rawopts
d <- getCurrentDay
color <- hSupportsANSI stdout
return defreportopts{
today_ = Just d
,period_ = periodFromRawOpts d rawopts'
,interval_ = intervalFromRawOpts rawopts'
,statuses_ = statusesFromRawOpts rawopts'
,cost_ = boolopt "cost" rawopts'
,value_ = or $ map (flip boolopt rawopts') ["value", "value-at"]
,value_at_ = valueDateFromRawOpts rawopts'
,depth_ = maybeintopt "depth" rawopts'
,display_ = maybedisplayopt d rawopts'
,date2_ = boolopt "date2" rawopts'
,empty_ = boolopt "empty" rawopts'
,no_elide_ = boolopt "no-elide" rawopts'
,real_ = boolopt "real" rawopts'
,format_ = maybestringopt "format" rawopts' -- XXX move to CliOpts or move validation from Cli.CliOptions to here
,query_ = unwords $ listofstringopt "args" rawopts' -- doesn't handle an arg like "" right
,average_ = boolopt "average" rawopts'
,related_ = boolopt "related" rawopts'
,balancetype_ = balancetypeopt rawopts'
,accountlistmode_ = accountlistmodeopt rawopts'
,drop_ = intopt "drop" rawopts'
,row_total_ = boolopt "row-total" rawopts'
,no_total_ = boolopt "no-total" rawopts'
,sort_amount_ = boolopt "sort-amount" rawopts'
,invert_ = boolopt "invert" rawopts'
,pretty_tables_ = boolopt "pretty-tables" rawopts'
,color_ = color
,forecast_ = boolopt "forecast" rawopts'
,transpose_ = boolopt "transpose" rawopts'
-- | Do extra validation of raw option values, raising an error if there's a problem.
checkRawOpts :: RawOpts -> RawOpts
checkRawOpts rawopts
-- our standard behaviour is to accept conflicting options actually,
-- using the last one - more forgiving for overriding command-line aliases
-- | countopts ["change","cumulative","historical"] > 1
-- = usageError "please specify at most one of --change, --cumulative, --historical"
-- | countopts ["flat","tree"] > 1
-- = usageError "please specify at most one of --flat, --tree"
-- | countopts ["daily","weekly","monthly","quarterly","yearly"] > 1
-- = usageError "please specify at most one of --daily, "
| otherwise = rawopts
-- where
-- countopts = length . filter (`boolopt` rawopts)
-- | Do extra validation of report options, raising an error if there's a problem.
checkReportOpts :: ReportOpts -> ReportOpts
checkReportOpts ropts@ReportOpts{..} =
either usageError (const ropts) $ do
case depth_ of
Just d | d < 0 -> Left "--depth should have a positive number"
_ -> Right ()
accountlistmodeopt :: RawOpts -> AccountListMode
accountlistmodeopt rawopts =
case reverse $ filter (`elem` ["tree","flat"]) $ map fst rawopts of
("tree":_) -> ALTree
("flat":_) -> ALFlat
_ -> ALDefault
balancetypeopt :: RawOpts -> BalanceType
balancetypeopt rawopts =
case reverse $ filter (`elem` ["change","cumulative","historical"]) $ map fst rawopts of
("historical":_) -> HistoricalBalance
("cumulative":_) -> CumulativeChange
_ -> PeriodChange
-- Get the period specified by the intersection of -b/--begin, -e/--end and/or
-- -p/--period options, using the given date to interpret relative date expressions.
periodFromRawOpts :: Day -> RawOpts -> Period
periodFromRawOpts d rawopts =
case (mearliestb, mlateste) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> PeriodAll
(Just b, Nothing) -> PeriodFrom b
(Nothing, Just e) -> PeriodTo e
(Just b, Just e) -> simplifyPeriod $
PeriodBetween b e
mearliestb = case beginDatesFromRawOpts d rawopts of
[] -> Nothing
bs -> Just $ minimum bs
mlateste = case endDatesFromRawOpts d rawopts of
[] -> Nothing
es -> Just $ maximum es
-- Get all begin dates specified by -b/--begin or -p/--period options, in order,
-- using the given date to interpret relative date expressions.
beginDatesFromRawOpts :: Day -> RawOpts -> [Day]
beginDatesFromRawOpts d = catMaybes . map (begindatefromrawopt d)
begindatefromrawopt d (n,v)
| n == "begin" =
either (\e -> usageError $ "could not parse "++n++" date: "++customErrorBundlePretty e) Just $
fixSmartDateStrEither' d (T.pack v)
| n == "period" =
either (\e -> usageError $ "could not parse period option: "++customErrorBundlePretty e) id $
parsePeriodExpr d (stripquotes $ T.pack v)
(_, DateSpan (Just b) _) -> Just b
_ -> Nothing
| otherwise = Nothing
-- Get all end dates specified by -e/--end or -p/--period options, in order,
-- using the given date to interpret relative date expressions.
endDatesFromRawOpts :: Day -> RawOpts -> [Day]
endDatesFromRawOpts d = catMaybes . map (enddatefromrawopt d)
enddatefromrawopt d (n,v)
| n == "end" =
either (\e -> usageError $ "could not parse "++n++" date: "++customErrorBundlePretty e) Just $
fixSmartDateStrEither' d (T.pack v)
| n == "period" =
either (\e -> usageError $ "could not parse period option: "++customErrorBundlePretty e) id $
parsePeriodExpr d (stripquotes $ T.pack v)
(_, DateSpan _ (Just e)) -> Just e
_ -> Nothing
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Get the report interval, if any, specified by the last of -p/--period,
-- -D/--daily, -W/--weekly, -M/--monthly etc. options.
-- An interval from --period counts only if it is explicitly defined.
intervalFromRawOpts :: RawOpts -> Interval
intervalFromRawOpts = lastDef NoInterval . catMaybes . map intervalfromrawopt
intervalfromrawopt (n,v)
| n == "period" =
(\e -> usageError $ "could not parse period option: "++customErrorBundlePretty e)
extractIntervalOrNothing $
parsePeriodExpr undefined (stripquotes $ T.pack v) -- reference date does not affect the interval
| n == "daily" = Just $ Days 1
| n == "weekly" = Just $ Weeks 1
| n == "monthly" = Just $ Months 1
| n == "quarterly" = Just $ Quarters 1
| n == "yearly" = Just $ Years 1
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Extract the interval from the parsed -p/--period expression.
-- Return Nothing if an interval is not explicitly defined.
extractIntervalOrNothing :: (Interval, DateSpan) -> Maybe Interval
extractIntervalOrNothing (NoInterval, _) = Nothing
extractIntervalOrNothing (interval, _) = Just interval
-- | Get any statuses to be matched, as specified by -U/--unmarked,
-- -P/--pending, -C/--cleared flags. -UPC is equivalent to no flags,
-- so this returns a list of 0-2 unique statuses.
statusesFromRawOpts :: RawOpts -> [Status]
statusesFromRawOpts = simplifyStatuses . catMaybes . map statusfromrawopt
statusfromrawopt (n,_)
| n == "unmarked" = Just Unmarked
| n == "pending" = Just Pending
| n == "cleared" = Just Cleared
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Reduce a list of statuses to just one of each status,
-- and if all statuses are present return the empty list.
simplifyStatuses l
| length l' >= numstatuses = []
| otherwise = l'
l' = nub $ sort l
numstatuses = length [minBound .. maxBound :: Status]
-- | Add/remove this status from the status list. Used by hledger-ui.
reportOptsToggleStatus s ropts@ReportOpts{statuses_=ss}
| s `elem` ss = ropts{statuses_=filter (/= s) ss}
| otherwise = ropts{statuses_=simplifyStatuses (s:ss)}
valueDateFromRawOpts :: RawOpts -> ValueDate
valueDateFromRawOpts = lastDef AtNow . catMaybes . map valuedatefromrawopt
valuedatefromrawopt (n,v)
| n == "value-at" = valuedate v
| otherwise = Nothing
valuedate v
| v `elem` ["transaction","t"] = Just AtTransaction
| v `elem` ["period","p"] = Just AtPeriod
| v `elem` ["now","n"] = Just AtNow
| otherwise = flip maybe (Just . AtDate)
(usageError $ "could not parse \""++v++"\" as value date, should be: transaction|period|now|t|p|n|YYYY-MM-DD")
(parsedateM v)
type DisplayExp = String
maybedisplayopt :: Day -> RawOpts -> Maybe DisplayExp
maybedisplayopt d rawopts =
maybe Nothing (Just . regexReplaceBy "\\[.+?\\]" fixbracketeddatestr) $ maybestringopt "display" rawopts
fixbracketeddatestr "" = ""
fixbracketeddatestr s = "[" ++ fixSmartDateStr d (T.pack $ init $ tail s) ++ "]"
-- | Select the Transaction date accessor based on --date2.
transactionDateFn :: ReportOpts -> (Transaction -> Day)
transactionDateFn ReportOpts{..} = if date2_ then transactionDate2 else tdate
-- | Select the Posting date accessor based on --date2.
postingDateFn :: ReportOpts -> (Posting -> Day)
postingDateFn ReportOpts{..} = if date2_ then postingDate2 else postingDate
-- | Report which date we will report on based on --date2.
whichDateFromOpts :: ReportOpts -> WhichDate
whichDateFromOpts ReportOpts{..} = if date2_ then SecondaryDate else PrimaryDate
-- | Legacy-compatible convenience aliases for accountlistmode_.
tree_ :: ReportOpts -> Bool
tree_ = (==ALTree) . accountlistmode_
flat_ :: ReportOpts -> Bool
flat_ = (==ALFlat) . accountlistmode_
-- depthFromOpts :: ReportOpts -> Int
-- depthFromOpts opts = min (fromMaybe 99999 $ depth_ opts) (queryDepth $ queryFromOpts nulldate opts)
-- | Convert this journal's postings' amounts to the cost basis amounts if
-- specified by options.
journalSelectingAmountFromOpts :: ReportOpts -> Journal -> Journal
journalSelectingAmountFromOpts opts
| cost_ opts = journalConvertAmountsToCost
| otherwise = id
-- | Convert report options and arguments to a query.
queryFromOpts :: Day -> ReportOpts -> Query
queryFromOpts d ReportOpts{..} = simplifyQuery $ And $ [flagsq, argsq]
flagsq = And $
[(if date2_ then Date2 else Date) $ periodAsDateSpan period_]
++ (if real_ then [Real True] else [])
++ (if empty_ then [Empty True] else []) -- ?
++ [Or $ map StatusQ statuses_]
++ (maybe [] ((:[]) . Depth) depth_)
argsq = fst $ parseQuery d (T.pack query_)
-- | Convert report options to a query, ignoring any non-flag command line arguments.
queryFromOptsOnly :: Day -> ReportOpts -> Query
queryFromOptsOnly _d ReportOpts{..} = simplifyQuery flagsq
flagsq = And $
[(if date2_ then Date2 else Date) $ periodAsDateSpan period_]
++ (if real_ then [Real True] else [])
++ (if empty_ then [Empty True] else []) -- ?
++ [Or $ map StatusQ statuses_]
++ (maybe [] ((:[]) . Depth) depth_)
-- | Convert report options and arguments to query options.
queryOptsFromOpts :: Day -> ReportOpts -> [QueryOpt]
queryOptsFromOpts d ReportOpts{..} = flagsqopts ++ argsqopts
flagsqopts = []
argsqopts = snd $ parseQuery d (T.pack query_)
-- | The effective report span is the start and end dates specified by
-- options or queries, or otherwise the earliest and latest transaction or
-- posting dates in the journal. If no dates are specified by options/queries
-- and the journal is empty, returns the null date span.
-- Needs IO to parse smart dates in options/queries.
reportSpan :: Journal -> ReportOpts -> IO DateSpan
reportSpan j ropts = do
(mspecifiedstartdate, mspecifiedenddate) <-
dbg2 "specifieddates" <$> specifiedStartEndDates ropts
DateSpan mjournalstartdate mjournalenddate =
dbg2 "journalspan" $ journalDateSpan False j -- ignore secondary dates
mstartdate = mspecifiedstartdate <|> mjournalstartdate
menddate = mspecifiedenddate <|> mjournalenddate
return $ dbg1 "reportspan" $ DateSpan mstartdate menddate
reportStartDate :: Journal -> ReportOpts -> IO (Maybe Day)
reportStartDate j ropts = spanStart <$> reportSpan j ropts
reportEndDate :: Journal -> ReportOpts -> IO (Maybe Day)
reportEndDate j ropts = spanEnd <$> reportSpan j ropts
-- | The specified report start/end dates are the dates specified by options or queries, if any.
-- Needs IO to parse smart dates in options/queries.
specifiedStartEndDates :: ReportOpts -> IO (Maybe Day, Maybe Day)
specifiedStartEndDates ropts = do
today <- getCurrentDay
q = queryFromOpts today ropts
mspecifiedstartdate = queryStartDate False q
mspecifiedenddate = queryEndDate False q
return (mspecifiedstartdate, mspecifiedenddate)
specifiedStartDate :: ReportOpts -> IO (Maybe Day)
specifiedStartDate ropts = fst <$> specifiedStartEndDates ropts
specifiedEndDate :: ReportOpts -> IO (Maybe Day)
specifiedEndDate ropts = snd <$> specifiedStartEndDates ropts
-- tests
tests_ReportOptions = tests "ReportOptions" [
tests "queryFromOpts" [
(queryFromOpts nulldate defreportopts) `is` Any
,(queryFromOpts nulldate defreportopts{query_="a"}) `is` (Acct "a")
,(queryFromOpts nulldate defreportopts{query_="desc:'a a'"}) `is` (Desc "a a")
,(queryFromOpts nulldate defreportopts{period_=PeriodFrom (parsedate "2012/01/01"),query_="date:'to 2013'" })
`is` (Date $ mkdatespan "2012/01/01" "2013/01/01")
,(queryFromOpts nulldate defreportopts{query_="date2:'in 2012'"}) `is` (Date2 $ mkdatespan "2012/01/01" "2013/01/01")
,(queryFromOpts nulldate defreportopts{query_="'a a' 'b"}) `is` (Or [Acct "a a", Acct "'b"])
,tests "queryOptsFromOpts" [
(queryOptsFromOpts nulldate defreportopts) `is` []
,(queryOptsFromOpts nulldate defreportopts{query_="a"}) `is` []
,(queryOptsFromOpts nulldate defreportopts{period_=PeriodFrom (parsedate "2012/01/01")
,query_="date:'to 2013'"
`is` []