2009-06-02 21:44:34 +00:00

103 lines
4.1 KiB

**Welcome! hledger is...**
- a Free Software project developed since 2007 by `Simon Michael`_ and contributors.
- a command-line (or curses or web-based) double-entry accounting tool.
It reads a plain text `ledger file`_ describing your transactions and
displays precise balance_ and register_ reports.
- a remix, in haskell_, of John Wiegley's excellent c++ ledger_. hledger
reads most standard ledger files and vice-versa.
**hledger aims to be...**
- a practical, accessible tool for end users. I use it every day to track money and time.
- a useful library for finance-minded haskell programmers
- a successful, time-and-money-solvent project within a thriving ecosystem of financial software projects.
**To get help...**
- chat me (sm) on the `#ledger irc channel`_ which we share with ledger
- join the `hledger google group`_
- for something private, `email me`_.
Bug reports and/or patches are appreciated, for website issues,
unclear/stale/missing docs, or any difficulty encountered while
installing, using, or contributing.
hledger works on all major platforms, but does not yet have binaries or
platform packages; you'll need to install GHC_ and cabal_, then install
hledger from hackage_ with: ``cabal install hledger``
`User's Guide`_ | News_ | see also `ledger's home page`_ and manual_
`Developer API docs`_ | `Developer Notes`_ | `Contributor List`_ | latest benchtest_, profile_, heap_ reports
.. raw:: html
<a href="SCREENSHOTS.html#hledger-screen-1"><img src=hledger-screen-1.png border=0 height=100></a>
<a href="SCREENSHOTS.html#sshot"><img src=sshot.png border=0 height=100></a>
<a href="SCREENSHOTS.html#watchhours"><img src=watchhours.png border=0 height=100></a>
Code repository
``darcs get http://joyful.com/repos/hledger``
or `browse with darcsweb`_. New patches are announced on #ledger by hledgerbot.
.. raw:: html
<a href="http://joyful.com/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi?r=hledger;a=shortlog"><img src=http://joyful.com/repos/hledger/commits.png border=0></a>
Related projects
- ledger_ inspired hledger, and the two projects are coevolving. If you like hledger, try ledger too.
- Tim Docker's ledger-reports_ uses hledger as a library to generate `html reports`_.
- I have a few older bits and pieces at http://joyful.com/Ledger .
.. raw:: html
<a href="https://www.google.com/analytics/reporting/?reset=1&id=15489822" accesskey="a"></a>
.. _`ledger file`: http://joyful.com/repos/hledger/sample.ledger
.. _balance: http://hledger.org:5000/balance
.. _register: http://hledger.org:5000/register?a=checking
.. _hledger google group: http://groups.google.com/group/hledger
.. _User's Guide: README.html
.. _News: NEWS.html
.. _Contributor List: CONTRIBUTORS.html
.. _Developer API docs: http://hledger.org/api-doc
.. _Developer Notes: http://joyful.com/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi?r=hledger;a=plainblob;f=/NOTES
.. _benchtest: http://joyful.com/repos/hledger/profs/latest.bench
.. _profile: http://joyful.com/repos/hledger/profs/latest.prof
.. _heap: http://joyful.com/repos/hledger/profs/latest.ps
.. _browse with darcsweb: http://joyful.com/darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi?r=hledger
.. _email me: mailto:simon@joyful.com
.. _Simon Michael: http://joyful.com
.. _haskell: http://haskell.org
.. _GHC: http://haskell.org/ghc
.. _cabal: http://haskell.org/cabal/download.html
.. _hackage: http://hackage.haskell.org/cgi-bin/hackage-scripts/package/hledger
.. _#ledger irc channel: irc://irc.freenode.net/#ledger
.. _ledger: http://wiki.github.com/jwiegley/ledger
.. _ledger's home page: http://wiki.github.com/jwiegley/ledger
.. _manual: http://joyful.com/repos/ledger/doc/ledger.html
.. _ledger-reports: http://dockerz.net/repos/ledger-reports
.. _html reports: http://dockerz.net/software/hledger_report_sample/report.html
.. rst quick reference: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/user/rst/quickref.html
.. Local variables:
.. mode: rst
.. End: