Simon Michael 844e04812c tools: simplify stack preamble in hakyll-std.hs
This doesn't yet quite install its deps when you run it from the
makefile, you may have to run the script directly to get the deps
(hakyll, pandoc) installed.
2015-10-26 06:54:29 -07:00

147 lines
3.8 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack runghc --package hakyll --package pandoc
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{- |
A simple hakyll website builder suitable for software project sites,
intended to be used as-is without recompilation. Functionality:
- copies these static files to _site/ :
{css,img,js,files}/** (** means everything below)
- renders these markdown files to _site/*.html :
- applies this template file to markdown content:
site.tmpl or site/site.tmpl (the first found)
- a single markdown list item containing the word "toc" is replaced by
a table of contents based on headings
- syntax highlighting of fenced code blocks in markdown is enabled
(if you provide suitable kate styles, eg a syntax.css)
$ hakyll-std [--help|clean|build|preview|...] # standard hakyll options
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
import Hakyll
import System.Directory
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import System.Process (system)
-- import Text.Highlighting.Kate (pygments, kate, espresso, tango, haddock, monochrome, zenburn)
import Text.Pandoc.Options
import TableOfContents (tableOfContents)
import Debug.Trace
strace :: Show a => a -> a
strace a = trace (show a) a
filesToCopy =
filesToRender =
-- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/pandoc-1.13/docs/src/Text-Pandoc-Options.html#ReaderOptions
pandocReaderOptions = def
-- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/pandoc-1.13/docs/src/Text-Pandoc-Options.html#WriterOptions
pandocWriterOptions = def
-- this would change the value of pandoc's $highlight-css$ var
-- for now, let the user provide these styles
-- ,writerHighlightStyle=tango
pandocTransform = tableOfContents "right"
main = do
args <- getArgs
when (any (`elem` args) ["--version"]) $ do
putStrLn "hakyll standard site builder v0.1"
hakyll $ do
match (foldl1 (.||.) filesToCopy) $ route idRoute >> compile copyFileCompiler
-- there might or might not be a site template in ./ or ./site/
mtmpl <- preprocess $ do
t1 <- doesFileExist "site.tmpl"
t2 <- doesFileExist "site/site.tmpl"
return $ case (t1, t2) of (False, True) -> Just "site/site.tmpl"
(True, _) -> Just "site.tmpl"
(False, False) -> Nothing
case mtmpl of
Just tmpl -> match tmpl $ compile templateCompiler
Nothing -> return ()
match (foldl1 (.||.) filesToRender) $ do
route $ setExtension "html"
compile $
pandocCompilerWithTransformM pandocReaderOptions pandocWriterOptions (return . pandocTransform)
>>= (case mtmpl of
Just tmpl -> loadAndApplyTemplate (fromCapture tmpl "") defaultContext
Nothing -> return)
>>= relativizeUrls
-- this fails the first time after a clean because it runs before README.html generation
-- when ("build" `elem` args) $ preprocess linkReadmeToIndex
-- can't do anything here, hakyll exits
linkReadmeToIndex = system "ln -sf README.html _site/index.html" >> return ()