mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 11:19:32 +03:00
The new entry effectively adds a loan which is placed in the checking account. This loan is then closed by the "pay off" transaction (which was already present). This is mainly to be used as a test point for the -H option; to make sure -H does not show empty accounts. All previous tests were changed to reflect the new change. The documentation of the journal module was updated too.
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431 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, TupleSections, OverloadedStrings #-}
Postings report, used by the register command.
module Hledger.Reports.PostingsReport (
-- * Tests
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord (comparing)
-- import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Safe (headMay, lastMay)
import Test.HUnit
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Query
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Reports.ReportOptions
-- | A postings report is a list of postings with a running total, a label
-- for the total field, and a little extra transaction info to help with rendering.
-- This is used eg for the register command.
type PostingsReport = (String -- label for the running balance column XXX remove
,[PostingsReportItem] -- line items, one per posting
type PostingsReportItem = (Maybe Day -- The posting date, if this is the first posting in a
-- transaction or if it's different from the previous
-- posting's date. Or if this a summary posting, the
-- report interval's start date if this is the first
-- summary posting in the interval.
,Maybe Day -- If this is a summary posting, the report interval's
-- end date if this is the first summary posting in
-- the interval.
,Maybe String -- The posting's transaction's description, if this is the first posting in the transaction.
,Posting -- The posting, possibly with the account name depth-clipped.
,MixedAmount -- The running total after this posting, or with --average,
-- the running average posting amount. With --historical,
-- postings before the report start date are included in
-- the running total/average.
-- | Select postings from the journal and add running balance and other
-- information to make a postings report. Used by eg hledger's register command.
postingsReport :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal -> PostingsReport
postingsReport opts q j = (totallabel, items)
reportspan = adjustReportDates opts q j
whichdate = whichDateFromOpts opts
depth = queryDepth q
-- postings to be included in the report, and similarly-matched postings before the report start date
(precedingps, reportps) = matchedPostingsBeforeAndDuring opts q j reportspan
-- postings or pseudo postings to be displayed
displayps | interval == NoInterval = map (,Nothing) reportps
| otherwise = summarisePostingsByInterval interval whichdate depth showempty reportspan reportps
interval = interval_ opts -- XXX
showempty = empty_ opts || average_ opts
-- posting report items ready for display
items = dbg1 "postingsReport items" $ postingsReportItems displayps (nullposting,Nothing) whichdate depth startbal runningcalc startnum
historical = balancetype_ opts == HistoricalBalance
precedingsum = sumPostings precedingps
precedingavg | null precedingps = 0
| otherwise = precedingsum `divideMixedAmount` (fromIntegral $ length precedingps)
startbal | average_ opts = if historical then precedingavg else 0
| otherwise = if historical then precedingsum else 0
startnum = if historical then length precedingps + 1 else 1
runningcalc | average_ opts = \i avg amt -> avg + (amt - avg) `divideMixedAmount` (fromIntegral i) -- running average
| otherwise = \_ bal amt -> bal + amt -- running total
totallabel = "Total"
-- | Adjust report start/end dates to more useful ones based on
-- journal data and report intervals. Ie:
-- 1. If the start date is unspecified, use the earliest date in the journal (if any)
-- 2. If the end date is unspecified, use the latest date in the journal (if any)
-- 3. If a report interval is specified, enlarge the dates to enclose whole intervals
adjustReportDates :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal -> DateSpan
adjustReportDates opts q j = reportspan
-- see also multiBalanceReport
requestedspan = dbg1 "requestedspan" $ queryDateSpan' q -- span specified by -b/-e/-p options and query args
journalspan = dbg1 "journalspan" $ dates `spanUnion` date2s -- earliest and latest dates (or date2s) in the journal
dates = journalDateSpan False j
date2s = journalDateSpan True j
requestedspanclosed = dbg1 "requestedspanclosed" $ requestedspan `spanDefaultsFrom` journalspan -- if open-ended, close it using the journal's dates (if any)
intervalspans = dbg1 "intervalspans" $ splitSpan (interval_ opts) requestedspanclosed -- get the whole intervals enclosing that
mreportstart = dbg1 "reportstart" $ maybe Nothing spanStart $ headMay intervalspans -- start of the first interval, or open ended
mreportend = dbg1 "reportend" $ maybe Nothing spanEnd $ lastMay intervalspans -- end of the last interval, or open ended
reportspan = dbg1 "reportspan" $ DateSpan mreportstart mreportend -- the requested span enlarged to whole intervals if possible
-- | Find postings matching a given query, within a given date span,
-- and also any similarly-matched postings before that date span.
-- Date restrictions and depth restrictions in the query are ignored.
-- A helper for the postings report.
matchedPostingsBeforeAndDuring :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal -> DateSpan -> ([Posting],[Posting])
matchedPostingsBeforeAndDuring opts q j (DateSpan mstart mend) =
dbg1 "beforeps, duringps" $ span (beforestartq `matchesPosting`) beforeandduringps
beforestartq = dbg1 "beforestartq" $ dateqtype $ DateSpan Nothing mstart
beforeandduringps =
dbg1 "ps4" $ sortBy (comparing sortdate) $ -- sort postings by date or date2
dbg1 "ps3" $ map (filterPostingAmount symq) $ -- remove amount parts which the query's cur: terms would exclude
dbg1 "ps2" $ (if related_ opts then concatMap relatedPostings else id) $ -- with -r, replace each with its sibling postings
dbg1 "ps1" $ filter (beforeandduringq `matchesPosting`) $ -- filter postings by the query, with no start date or depth limit
journalPostings $ journalSelectingAmountFromOpts opts j
beforeandduringq = dbg1 "beforeandduringq" $ And [depthless $ dateless q, beforeendq]
depthless = filterQuery (not . queryIsDepth)
dateless = filterQuery (not . queryIsDateOrDate2)
beforeendq = dateqtype $ DateSpan Nothing mend
sortdate = if date2_ opts then postingDate2 else postingDate
symq = dbg1 "symq" $ filterQuery queryIsSym q
| queryIsDate2 dateq || (queryIsDate dateq && date2_ opts) = Date2
| otherwise = Date
dateq = dbg1 "dateq" $ filterQuery queryIsDateOrDate2 $ dbg1 "q" q -- XXX confused by multiple date:/date2: ?
-- | Generate postings report line items from a list of postings or (with
-- non-Nothing dates attached) summary postings.
postingsReportItems :: [(Posting,Maybe Day)] -> (Posting,Maybe Day) -> WhichDate -> Int -> MixedAmount -> (Int -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount) -> Int -> [PostingsReportItem]
postingsReportItems [] _ _ _ _ _ _ = []
postingsReportItems ((p,menddate):ps) (pprev,menddateprev) wd d b runningcalcfn itemnum = i:(postingsReportItems ps (p,menddate) wd d b' runningcalcfn (itemnum+1))
i = mkpostingsReportItem showdate showdesc wd menddate p' b'
(showdate, showdesc) | isJust menddate = (menddate /= menddateprev, False)
| otherwise = (isfirstintxn || isdifferentdate, isfirstintxn)
isfirstintxn = ptransaction p /= ptransaction pprev
isdifferentdate = case wd of PrimaryDate -> postingDate p /= postingDate pprev
SecondaryDate -> postingDate2 p /= postingDate2 pprev
p' = p{paccount= clipOrEllipsifyAccountName d $ paccount p}
b' = runningcalcfn itemnum b (pamount p)
-- | Generate one postings report line item, containing the posting,
-- the current running balance, and optionally the posting date and/or
-- the transaction description.
mkpostingsReportItem :: Bool -> Bool -> WhichDate -> Maybe Day -> Posting -> MixedAmount -> PostingsReportItem
mkpostingsReportItem showdate showdesc wd menddate p b =
(if showdate then Just date else Nothing
,if showdesc then Just desc else Nothing
date = case wd of PrimaryDate -> postingDate p
SecondaryDate -> postingDate2 p
desc = T.unpack $ maybe "" tdescription $ ptransaction p
-- | Convert a list of postings into summary postings, one per interval,
-- aggregated to the specified depth if any.
summarisePostingsByInterval :: Interval -> WhichDate -> Int -> Bool -> DateSpan -> [Posting] -> [SummaryPosting]
summarisePostingsByInterval interval wd depth showempty reportspan ps = concatMap summarisespan $ splitSpan interval reportspan
summarisespan s = summarisePostingsInDateSpan s wd depth showempty (postingsinspan s)
postingsinspan s = filter (isPostingInDateSpan' wd s) ps
tests_summarisePostingsByInterval = [
"summarisePostingsByInterval" ~: do
summarisePostingsByInterval (Quarters 1) PrimaryDate 99999 False (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) [] ~?= []
-- | A summary posting summarises the activity in one account within a report
-- interval. It is currently kludgily represented by a regular Posting with no
-- description, the interval's start date stored as the posting date, and the
-- interval's end date attached with a tuple.
type SummaryPosting = (Posting, Maybe Day)
-- | Given a date span (representing a report interval) and a list of
-- postings within it, aggregate the postings into one summary posting per
-- account.
-- When a depth argument is present, postings to accounts of greater
-- depth are also aggregated where possible. If the depth is 0, all
-- postings in the span are aggregated into a single posting with
-- account name "...".
-- The showempty flag includes spans with no postings and also postings
-- with 0 amount.
summarisePostingsInDateSpan :: DateSpan -> WhichDate -> Int -> Bool -> [Posting] -> [SummaryPosting]
summarisePostingsInDateSpan (DateSpan b e) wd depth showempty ps
| null ps && (isNothing b || isNothing e) = []
| null ps && showempty = [(summaryp, Just e')]
| otherwise = summarypes
postingdate = if wd == PrimaryDate then postingDate else postingDate2
b' = fromMaybe (maybe nulldate postingdate $ headMay ps) b
e' = fromMaybe (maybe (addDays 1 nulldate) postingdate $ lastMay ps) e
summaryp = nullposting{pdate=Just b'}
clippedanames | depth > 0 = nub $ map (clipAccountName depth) anames
| otherwise = ["..."]
summaryps | depth > 0 = [summaryp{paccount=a,pamount=balance a} | a <- clippedanames]
| otherwise = [summaryp{paccount="...",pamount=sum $ map pamount ps}]
summarypes = map (, Just e') $ (if showempty then id else filter (not . isZeroMixedAmount . pamount)) summaryps
anames = sort $ nub $ map paccount ps
-- aggregate balances by account, like ledgerFromJournal, then do depth-clipping
accts = accountsFromPostings ps
balance a = maybe nullmixedamt bal $ lookupAccount a accts
bal = if isclipped a then aibalance else aebalance
isclipped a = accountNameLevel a >= depth
-- tests_summarisePostingsInDateSpan = [
-- "summarisePostingsInDateSpan" ~: do
-- let gives (b,e,depth,showempty,ps) =
-- (summarisePostingsInDateSpan (mkdatespan b e) depth showempty ps `is`)
-- let ps =
-- [
-- nullposting{lpdescription="desc",lpaccount="expenses:food:groceries",lpamount=Mixed [usd 1]}
-- ,nullposting{lpdescription="desc",lpaccount="expenses:food:dining", lpamount=Mixed [usd 2]}
-- ,nullposting{lpdescription="desc",lpaccount="expenses:food", lpamount=Mixed [usd 4]}
-- ,nullposting{lpdescription="desc",lpaccount="expenses:food:dining", lpamount=Mixed [usd 8]}
-- ]
-- ("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,9999,False,[]) `gives`
-- []
-- ("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,9999,True,[]) `gives`
-- [
-- nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31"}
-- ]
-- ("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,9999,False,ts) `gives`
-- [
-- nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31",lpaccount="expenses:food", lpamount=Mixed [usd 4]}
-- ,nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31",lpaccount="expenses:food:dining", lpamount=Mixed [usd 10]}
-- ,nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31",lpaccount="expenses:food:groceries",lpamount=Mixed [usd 1]}
-- ]
-- ("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,2,False,ts) `gives`
-- [
-- nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31",lpaccount="expenses:food",lpamount=Mixed [usd 15]}
-- ]
-- ("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,1,False,ts) `gives`
-- [
-- nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31",lpaccount="expenses",lpamount=Mixed [usd 15]}
-- ]
-- ("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,0,False,ts) `gives`
-- [
-- nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31",lpaccount="",lpamount=Mixed [usd 15]}
-- ]
tests_postingsReport = [
"postingsReport" ~: do
-- with the query specified explicitly
let (query, journal) `gives` n = (length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportopts query journal) `is` n
(Any, nulljournal) `gives` 0
(Any, samplejournal) `gives` 13
-- register --depth just clips account names
(Depth 2, samplejournal) `gives` 13
(And [Depth 1, StatusQ Cleared, Acct "expenses"], samplejournal) `gives` 2
(And [And [Depth 1, StatusQ Cleared], Acct "expenses"], samplejournal) `gives` 2
-- with query and/or command-line options
assertEqual "" 13 (length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportopts Any samplejournal)
assertEqual "" 11 (length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportopts{interval_=Months 1} Any samplejournal)
assertEqual "" 20 (length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportopts{interval_=Months 1, empty_=True} Any samplejournal)
assertEqual "" 5 (length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportopts (Acct "assets:bank:checking") samplejournal)
-- (defreportopts, And [Acct "a a", Acct "'b"], samplejournal2) `gives` 0
-- [(Just (parsedate "2008-01-01","income"),assets:bank:checking $1,$1)
-- ,(Nothing,income:salary $-1,0)
-- ,(Just (2008-06-01,"gift"),assets:bank:checking $1,$1)
-- ,(Nothing,income:gifts $-1,0)
-- ,(Just (2008-06-02,"save"),assets:bank:saving $1,$1)
-- ,(Nothing,assets:bank:checking $-1,0)
-- ,(Just (2008-06-03,"eat & shop"),expenses:food $1,$1)
-- ,(Nothing,expenses:supplies $1,$2)
-- ,(Nothing,assets:cash $-2,0)
-- ,(Just (2008-12-31,"pay off"),liabilities:debts $1,$1)
-- ,(Nothing,assets:bank:checking $-1,0)
-- ]
let opts = defreportopts
(postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines
["2008/01/01 income assets:bank:checking $1 $1"
," income:salary $-1 0"
,"2008/06/01 gift assets:bank:checking $1 $1"
," income:gifts $-1 0"
,"2008/06/02 save assets:bank:saving $1 $1"
," assets:bank:checking $-1 0"
,"2008/06/03 eat & shop expenses:food $1 $1"
," expenses:supplies $1 $2"
," assets:cash $-2 0"
,"2008/12/31 pay off liabilities:debts $1 $1"
," assets:bank:checking $-1 0"
,"postings report with cleared option" ~:
let opts = defreportopts{cleared_=True}
j <- readJournal' sample_journal_str
(postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines
["2008/06/03 eat & shop expenses:food $1 $1"
," expenses:supplies $1 $2"
," assets:cash $-2 0"
,"2008/12/31 pay off liabilities:debts $1 $1"
," assets:bank:checking $-1 0"
,"postings report with uncleared option" ~:
let opts = defreportopts{uncleared_=True}
j <- readJournal' sample_journal_str
(postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines
["2008/01/01 income assets:bank:checking $1 $1"
," income:salary $-1 0"
,"2008/06/01 gift assets:bank:checking $1 $1"
," income:gifts $-1 0"
,"2008/06/02 save assets:bank:saving $1 $1"
," assets:bank:checking $-1 0"
,"postings report sorts by date" ~:
j <- readJournal' $ unlines
["2008/02/02 a"
," b 1"
," c"
,"2008/01/01 d"
," e 1"
," f"
let opts = defreportopts
registerdates (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` ["2008/01/01","2008/02/02"]
,"postings report with account pattern" ~:
j <- samplejournal
let opts = defreportopts{patterns_=["cash"]}
(postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines
["2008/06/03 eat & shop assets:cash $-2 $-2"
,"postings report with account pattern, case insensitive" ~:
j <- samplejournal
let opts = defreportopts{patterns_=["cAsH"]}
(postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines
["2008/06/03 eat & shop assets:cash $-2 $-2"
,"postings report with display expression" ~:
j <- samplejournal
let gives displayexpr =
(registerdates (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is`)
where opts = defreportopts{display_=Just displayexpr}
"d<[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01"]
"d<=[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/06/02"]
"d=[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/06/02"]
"d>=[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/06/02","2008/06/03","2008/12/31"]
"d>[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/06/03","2008/12/31"]
,"postings report with period expression" ~:
j <- samplejournal
let periodexpr `gives` dates = do
j' <- samplejournal
registerdates (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j') `is` dates
where opts = defreportopts{period_=maybePeriod date1 periodexpr}
"" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/06/02","2008/06/03","2008/12/31"]
"2008" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/06/02","2008/06/03","2008/12/31"]
"2007" `gives` []
"june" `gives` ["2008/06/01","2008/06/02","2008/06/03"]
"monthly" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/12/01"]
"quarterly" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/04/01","2008/10/01"]
let opts = defreportopts{period_=maybePeriod date1 "yearly"}
(postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines
["2008/01/01 - 2008/12/31 assets:bank:saving $1 $1"
," assets:cash $-2 $-1"
," expenses:food $1 0"
," expenses:supplies $1 $1"
," income:gifts $-1 0"
," income:salary $-1 $-1"
," liabilities:debts $1 0"
let opts = defreportopts{period_=maybePeriod date1 "quarterly"}
registerdates (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` ["2008/01/01","2008/04/01","2008/10/01"]
let opts = defreportopts{period_=maybePeriod date1 "quarterly",empty_=True}
registerdates (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` ["2008/01/01","2008/04/01","2008/07/01","2008/10/01"]
, "postings report with depth arg" ~:
j <- samplejournal
let opts = defreportopts{depth_=Just 2}
(postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines
["2008/01/01 income assets:bank $1 $1"
," income:salary $-1 0"
,"2008/06/01 gift assets:bank $1 $1"
," income:gifts $-1 0"
,"2008/06/02 save assets:bank $1 $1"
," assets:bank $-1 0"
,"2008/06/03 eat & shop expenses:food $1 $1"
," expenses:supplies $1 $2"
," assets:cash $-2 0"
,"2008/12/31 pay off liabilities:debts $1 $1"
," assets:bank $-1 0"
tests_Hledger_Reports_PostingsReport :: Test
tests_Hledger_Reports_PostingsReport = TestList $
++ tests_postingsReport